Nightmare in Paradise

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dizzy bone

Dec 20, 2013
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Purple Balloon
Green Balloon
Orange Balloon
Light Blue Balloon
Red Balloon
Glam Feather
Cool Feather
Rad Feather
Fresh Feather

As you are getting ready to start the day on your island you hear the crispy crunching of autumn leaves and a firm knock on the door. You look through the peephole and observe the frantic body language of Isabelle and Luna. They are having a heated discussion on your porch.
"The island rep already does so much... do you really think they will help us prepare for the Haunted Carnival?"​
"Halloween is always a hit with the villagers and for island tourism. Think about the economy, Isabelle."​
"...But...Isn't that what Jack's for?"
"Quiet! All Jack is good for is ruining our skincare routine!"​
Behind the odd duo is a package full of spooky paraphernalia. You begin to realize that this is no ordinary designing challenge.

🔮 How to Participate

For this event you will be readying your island for a spooky dream update! Whether you are going for full on horror or a pumpkin-filled-fiesta, your task is to capture the feeling of the spooky season for trick-or-treaters and travelers alike.


You must design within a minimum of one square (eg. E-6) of your island’s exterior with a minimum of 5 different spooky items. Be as creative as possible, as this will be an interactive experience for those visiting. Once you are ready, update your dream address and fill in the details in the "How to Submit" section below. If you meet the criteria and your entry is accepted, your DA will be added to our master list post so that others can visit! You do not need to have a completed island to submit a dream address. You can decorate any designated areas on your island.

The event hosts will be visiting each DA submitted. An accepted entry will earn you 13 Carnival Coins and 2 Sideshow Tickets. Submitting a DA will also make you eligible to win a staff favorite.

Don’t have NSO?
If you do not have NSO or you are not comfortable submitting a Dream Address, you can still earn 13 Carnival Coins and 2 Sideshow Tickets by submitting a photo of a designed area and a short caption explaining what you made. However, your entry will not be eligible for Staff Favorites.

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, October 31, at 11:59 PM EDT

🔮 Rules & Requirements

In addition to all of the explanatory sections above, here's a bit of extra 'fine print' rules to keep in mind:
  • Your designed area(s) must have a Halloween, Horror, or Spooky theme. "Spooky items" include all the spooky series crafts as well as items included in this list.
  • Your designed area(s) must be PG-13 and abide by our Rules & Guidelines. If you are using custom patterns, please make sure that you are not using extreme gore or subjects that would be offensive to others.
  • The DA submission must be your own island.
  • In order to qualify, you must fill out each section of the form below properly. Please do not add filters or edit your photo submissions.
  • If you are submitting a DA, please make sure you have designed within at least one square of your map with the requirements.
    • Please note that this "one square" is a guideline for us when we visit your island. It doesn't mean that you are locked into that one area to design but that we will be loosely visiting those areas mentioned for the item minimum, theme, etc.
  • Whether you are submitting a DA or just a photo, please snap an extra proof photo of your character in the islander designer mode.
  • We are focusing on EXTERIORS only, not interiors or houses.

🔮 How To Submit

Dream Address Form

[B]Island Photo[/B]: [I]Submit a preview of your designed area[/I]
[B]Island Name[/B]: [I]Your island name [/I]
[B]Island Dream Address[/B]: [I]DA-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.[/I]
[B]Designed Areas[/B]: [I]eg. E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6. [/I]
[B]About Your Dream[/B]: [I]Short explanation for your dream/designed spooky area(s) [/I]
[B]Proof Photo[/B]: [spoiler][I]Island Designer mode in designed area[/I][/spoiler]

Island Photo: Submit a preview of your designed area
Island Name: Your island name
Island Dream Address: DA-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
Designed Areas: eg. E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6.
About Your Dream: Short explanation for your dream/designed spooky area(s)
Proof Photo:
Island Designer mode in designed area

Please use this form if you are only submitting a photo only:

[B]Island Photo[/B]: [I]Photo of your Decorated area with at least 5 spooky items and has a spooky theme[/I]
[B]About Your Design[/B]: [I]Short explanation for your designed area [/I]
[B]Proof Photo[/B]: [spoiler][I]Island Designer mode in designed area[/I][/spoiler]

Island Photo: Photo of your Decorated area with at least 5 spooky items and has a spooky theme
About Your Design: Short explanation for your designed area
Proof Photo:
Island Designer mode in designed area

Please view hosts dizzy bone and Pyoopi's posts below for an example of how your submission should look when submitted.

🔮 Prizes

  • 13 Carnival Coins + 2 Sideshow Tickets
  • lantern-sinister-lantern.png
    Staff Favorite - Sinister Lantern Collectible + 3 extra Carnival Coins

🔮 Questions

Q: I already made a dream update with a Spooky theme before this event... can I submit it?
Yes, as long as you can take the proof photo for the submission!

Q: I want to submit my DA for a staff favorite, but I'm not comfortable with others viewing my island. Can I submit privately?
Sorry, but no! Submitting a DA is to encourage the community to visit and view islands from and by the community. Please use the photo submission form if you do not want to make your DA public.
Please note, you can still use items such as the Mario Pipes to send viewers to certain parts of your island that are blocked off for this event if you are not comfortable showing other parts of your island.​

Q: Can we use other variant colors of the items on the Spooky item list?
Of course!

Q: Can I update or change my DA after I make my submission?
Once your post receives the "accepted" notification from the event hosts, please do not change or edit your DA. Of course, you can do whatever with your island after you update - remove decorations, edit areas, etc. But please keep the Spooky version up until after the event ends: Tuesday, October 31, at 11:59 PM EDT

Q: How do I get a dream address?
Lay on a bed in your house in the game and press, "Yes" to sleep. You'll meet Luna!

This section will be updated with more questions asked!

🔮 Before you Submit...

✅ I have the correct amount and type of items and I am submitting a Halloween/Horror/Spooky themed island
✅ I have updated my DA.
✅ I have filled out the correct form for my entry and have included my proof photo
✅ I am submitting before the due date: Tuesday, October 31, at 11:59 PM EDT


Island Name: Tansan
Island Dream Address: 0488-2098-9558
more info
Island Name: TeeheeTiki
Island Dream Address: 4730-1165-2167
more info
Island Name: Mistfall
Island Dream Address: 5007-4421-4546
more info
Island Name: aldertree
Island Dream Address: 4732-7113-2114
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Island Name: Hailsham
Island Dream Address: 0568-9138-1729
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Island Name: Royale-3
Island Dream Address: 8457-0676-4056
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Island Name: Arlia
Island Dream Address: 4570-3847-3596
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Island Name: Avalar
Island Dream Address: 9982-3992-9074
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Island Name: Aurea
Island Dream Address: 3470-3239-5730
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Island Name: Creyal
Island Dream Address: 1694-9736-8226
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Island Name: Eloasis
Island Dream Address: 1350-9235-2477
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Island Name: moondrop
Island Dream Address: 4682-4066-0673
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Island Name: Lunaria
Island Dream Address: 8485-1346-3867
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Island Name: Serenity
Island Dream Address: 2092-0848-5599
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Island Name: Aria
Island Dream Address: 9416-5385-6079
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Island Name: Woxton
Island Dream Address: 0508-2149-8785
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Island Name: Asteria
Island Dream Address: 9866-0306-5956
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Island Name: Autumnwood
Island Dream Address: 7484-5972-7734
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Island Name: StarGlow
Island Dream Address: 4088-1109-7520
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Island Name: Pokki
Island Dream Address: 4801-8023-8566
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Island Name: Pianta Bay
Island Dream Address: 8160-4416-7489
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Island Name: Melursus
Island Dream Address: 3242-0156-8697
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Island Name: Twinleaf
Island Dream Address: 9909-8873-7404
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Island Name: Leafton
Island Dream Address: 4592-1399-4744
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Island Name: Lawai'i
Island Dream Address: 7832-4875-7458
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Island Name: Pompeii
Island Dream Address: 8574-0678-8227
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Island Name: Sumeru
Island Dream Address: 3830-7125-6917
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Island Name: Aster Cove
Island Dream Address: 0325-0369-8799
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Island Name: Lostglade
Island Dream Address: 5382-9214-0464
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Island Name: Sundrop
Island Dream Address: 3328-2278-7845
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Island Name: Lace
Island Dream Address: 0063-4277-6298
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Island Name: Pure Key
Island Dream Address: 0838-4542-4212
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Island Name: Magpyr
Island Dream Address: 9718-3002-0794
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Island Name: Cekrai
Island Dream Address: 6877-2229-9545
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Island Name: Cheritia
Island Dream Address: 8238-7798-6533
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Island Name: Vanilla
Island Dream Address: 4756-2894-1269
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Island Name: Paradisia
Island Dream Address: 1634-0690-4416
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Island Name: Albion
Island Dream Address: 2548-9912-5197
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Island Name: Reviled
Island Dream Address: DA-7493-1086-3987
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Island Name: Inkwell
Island Dream Address: DA-1814-1593-0024
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Island Name: Qilin Isle
Island Dream Address: DA-1349-0063-5072
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Island Name: Lunarium
Island Dream Address: 1597-4955-8250
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Island Name: Flexmont
Island Dream Address: 8418-2429-4729
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Island Name: Calatia
Island Dream Address: 2950-3520-2885
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Island Name: Moon Prism
Island Dream Address: 1017-6659-5710
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Island Name: Wakanda
Island Dream Address: 0725-4790-9504
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Island Name: Mind Glow
Island Dream Address: 9948-9616-2283
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Island Name: Ellinea
Island Dream Address: 1171-3327-9381
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Island Name: Rainshine
Island Dream Address: 0599-0642-2742
more info
Island Photo:

Island Name: Tansan
Island Dream Address: DA-0488-2098-9558
Designed Areas: F-1, F-2, F-3, E-3, F-4, F-5- F-6
About Your Dream: The first ever "Green Pumpkin Fest" is rolling through Tansan for Halloween! Tansan brings you a pumpkin filled spook fest: carnival games, food stalls, and even a monster-attack themed maze. Sponsored by Erik's Pumpkin Patch, famous for its green pumpkins.
Proof Photo:
Island Photo:

Island Name: TeeheeTiki
Island Dream Address: DA-4730-1165-2167
Designed Areas: A-2, B-1, B-2 E-5, E-6, F-2, F-3
About Your Dream: The tikis on TeeheeTiki are excited to celebrate Halloween this year! Stop by the airport for a Spooky treats basket and start collecting candies while enjoying the ghastly sights scattered around the island. You can even take a selfie at the realistic looking guillotine prop. So cool!
Proof Photo:
For once I’m glad my island is in shambles so I basically have a blank slate to work with 😅
This sounds like so much fun!!! 😁
This is a really dumb question cuz I'm p sure what the answer is but it wouldn't hurt to ask:
Are we allowed instead to open our gates instead of updating our DA? I never intend on updating my DA for my new island as it will overwrite my old island's DA and I don't want that erased. I'm okay with opening my gates to anyone who wants to visit though.
This is a really dumb question cuz I'm p sure what the answer is but it wouldn't hurt to ask:
Are we allowed instead to open our gates instead of updating our DA? I never intend on updating my DA for my new island as it will overwrite my old island's DA and I don't want that erased. I'm okay with opening my gates to anyone who wants to visit though.
Sorry! That won't be accepted in this event because we want everyone to be able to visit dream addresses freely on their own time.
to be sure, spooky means items named as such and not items with a spooky aesthetic, right? (ex: creepy skeleton)
So if you checked out our list of spooky items we got a little curated list of items deemed Halloween themed. You can use all the items in the Spooky set if you'd like pumpkin galore but we'd like you to explore other items as well!
Looks like I'm going to have to build a farm area on my citycore island early to make this work after all.

When that part of my island is done, I'll be casual and just add the spooky items for the sake of this.
I don't have NSO, so here's a photo of the area I decorated.

Island Photo:

About Your Design: There's a spooky Halloween party going on! There are cookies and plenty of candy! Not sure what's going on with that slightly-ominous, feather-covered illuminated spot, though... And that huge flower is kind of creepy... And watch out for that huge spider!
Proof Photo:
Ooooooh. I can’t wait to get this one together!!!!! When I got my 2nd switch lite, I started a HW themed town. It’s def not finished but I’ve made tons of progress over time. I guess I need to dust it off and play for a bit to ready it up!
Island Photo:

Island Name: Mistfall
Island Dream Address: DA-5007-4421-4546
Designed Areas: E3
About Your Dream: Attention Mistral Residents & Visitors! Jack has taken over the area just outside the island's Resident Services! Just in time for Halloween, it is all fun and spooky! Come on over with your costumes and candy and check it out! There will be plenty of opportunity of photos and entertainment! You may even find a certain someone lurking the space! Be forewarned, this takeover only last until Halloween Night! Make sure to get your treat on! No tricks here (I hope...)!
Proof Photo:
Can we use items not on the list . I may have missed them but would like to use the decayed trees and some simple panels to represent the ghosts.
Really dumb question. But how do you get a dream adress? ^^;
You just lay on any bed in your house in the game and it'll ask if you if you want to sleep, which you say yes. Then you'll meet Luna.
Can we use items not on the list . I may have missed them but would like to use the decayed trees and some simple panels to represent the ghosts.
You can! It's just the list counts as the 5 different items we're looking for, so do make sure you have those for your participation points.
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decayed trees

ngl, I'm actually a tad surprised this one didn't make the cut

it's like prime horror aesthetic
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btw, does staff favorite (singular) mean only one winner, or is it one of those 'at staff discretion by the end of the event' things?
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You just lay on any bed in the game

to anyone else, addendum: iirc, the bed has to be inside your own house as well
You just lay on any bed in the game and it'll ask if you if you want to sleep, which you say yes. Then you'll meet Luna.

You can! It's just the list counts as the 5 different items we're looking for, so do make sure you have those for your participation points.
Thanks so much I will have at least 5 from the list .
ngl, I'm actually a tad surprised this one didn't make the cut

it's like prime horror aesthetic
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btw, does staff favorite (singular) mean only one winner, or is it one of those 'at staff discretion by the end of the event' things?
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to anyone else, addendum: iirc, the bed has to be inside your own house as well
You can blame me for that since I made the list. It is now my sin of Halloween.

Also, the amount of staff favorites will be determined during the internal voting stage once the submission period has ended.
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