Nintendo Direct February 13th 2PM PST

Yeah, Tetris 99 looks like fun. At least for a little while. Not going to pay for Online just for that, but it's something to look forward to for when I do pay... if anyone's still playing it by then! Matchmaking could become a problem if its popularity fades.

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I'm fully expecting Animal Crossing to get pushed back until 2020.

It had better not. If it gets released September this year, that's one year since the initial announcement. Granted, we have no confirmation where they are in development, but this year should be a perfectly realistic goal.
I think we will get the game this year i don’t know why you would think 2020.
I'm fully expecting Animal Crossing to get pushed back until 2020. I would LOVE to be wrong, though.

It's not getting pushed back. They wouldn't have told their investors at end of last month that all their 2019 releases were going to make it this year if it had been delayed. You do not lie to your investors, ever.

It'll get its own Direct soon enough, I'm almost certain we won't be waiting until E3 to see the game.
We wouldn’t have to wait until E3 to see the game, but I doubt a one game focused Direct would come first before an E3. Sorry, but I don’t think Nintendo would go the one-game-focused-Direct-first-before-E3 route. It doesn’t seem like a Natural thing Nintendo would do.
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Not really disappointed just not interested in the games they revealed.
We wouldn’t have to wait until E3 to see the game, but I doubt a one game focused Direct would come first before an E3. Sorry, but I don’t think Nintendo would go the one-game-focused-Direct-first-before-E3 route. It doesn’t seem like a Natural thing Nintendo would do.

Will you stop already? Why are you constantly spouting negative nonsense? You act like you know how the company operates, yet you constantly display a total lack of understanding of even the most basic facts and you constantly come off as this pompous know-it-all that actually knows nothing, and it is very aggravating. Even the tiniest bit of research would save you from humiliating yourself every single time you post.

Nintendo holds dedicated Directs for games all the time. Fire Emblem Heroes received 6 alone last year, Smash Bros. got two itself and will probably get more this year. There's a Fire Emblem event in March or April. Pokemon Gen 8 will for sure be getting its own Direct here before too long, especially before E3. Heck, they've held game-specific events LITERALLY days before E3 before, with the most recent being Pokemon(UltraSun/Moon) and ARMS.

Saying that it's not "the natural thing for Nintendo to do" is probably one of the most blatantly ignorant and ill-informed statements that you could have possibly made regarding this subject.
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tbh, I'm surprised this thread's title hasn't been changed to "Nintendo Direct Salt Thread", or something along those lines
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Okay okay. I'll stop acting like Mr. Negative Psychic.

We would have to know AC info before E3, or maybe not. Who knows what Nintendo's up to. Well, except a few people, (King Zell is basically the Nintendo guru at this moment) that isn't me of course. I'm only guessing...
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It's not getting pushed back. They wouldn't have told their investors at end of last month that all their 2019 releases were going to make it this year if it had been delayed. You do not lie to your investors, ever.

They didn't lie. When talking due dates of projects or in this case games it's important to set a planned finish date as to not push projects back too far. But like, if the date proves to be too ambitious or did not turn out as intended (like Metroid Prime 4) and you can (keyword) justify the holdup, it's very possible for them to delay the game. Sure, investors would be disappointed, but at the same time releasing a game that isn't ready would create a lot of controversy especially for a heavy hitter like Animal Crossing. In the end the only thing that matters to investors is money, so they gotta make the game sell y'know.

But since this is Animal Crossing, a game that probably won't run into technical problems like Breath of the Wild for example, I do think that their planning is accurate. We didn't get a trailer during the recent direct so that makes me think it's gonna release this fall or during the holidays. This would also line up with Nintendo's more recent habit of announcing first party games relatively close to their release. E3 2017 has some exceptions with this but Nintendo already elaborated on that telling us that it was to show that yes, they had a lot of games in development for their new console.

In other words, they'll most likely make their planning but saying that they can't delay it because it would be lying is false.

As for the first showing of the game, I'm expecting extensive coverage at E3. Maybe not a complete spotlight but something like what Fire Emblem: Three Houses got last Direct.
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I don't have amiboo but do you think they will have animal crossing amibo for it too?
I fully expect older amiibo to be compatible to a certain extent, with possible new releases, yeah

though I kinda wonder if they'd bother reprinting older cards when switch crossing happens. either as a special set containing (most) everything before or alternative versions