Nintendo Switch General Discussion

Yeah, for a moment there I thought this would be the successor to both the WiiU and 3DS. It looks to big for a handheld.

the only thing i wanna know is if i can transfer all digital wiiu etc games over to it. if not, i don't think i'll get it..
I like the overall system, but I honestly can't get over the name. When I saw the video in my YouTube feed I thought it was some kind of new service like My Nintendo or some kind of random game thing.

Also if we have to re-buy the games that were ported I doubt anyone would do that, especially with something like Splatoon which people have invested a lot of time into. A few small additions at the cost of more money and losing all your data just isn't worth it.
Seriously, I daresay this thing is more innovative than the Sega Genesis.
OMG I cannot deal with this right now I love it SO much. It seems they've fully gone back to the red colors. THANK GOD I was so tired of blue.

The logo is inspired by a Yin Yang which I thought was wonderful!

I'm pretty hype about cartridges @_@ discs are annoying. 3ds backwards compatibility maybe?? I'm hoping you will be able to buy a disc drive to hook up to it to backwards compat the Wii U games. They can move forward to carts but not alienate those who actually bought a Wii U lol.

I think the theory (not sure if confirmed) is that the tablet plays the games at 720p and the console gives it a boost for the tv play to put it into 1080p/60fps which doesn't this mean they can release upgraded consoles for those who get hype over teraflops??

God I hope this thing has a really good OS and app devs are open to make games for the tablet. I wanna play neko atsume and candy crush on my NS. Of my complaints for the Wii U not being able to download just whatever sh***y a** apps was one of the biggest.

I was nervous about the detachable controllers as I'm so lazy but thankfully you can just leave them attached and then use a pro controller.

Also looks like capacitive glass and not that ugly a** resistive crap the 3ds & Wii U has.

I feel like I'm the only person who glad the 3DS is done. It's lived it's life and needs to be replaced. It's going on 6 years old which is a fantastic full life cycle for a handheld console.

I think this whole console is really genius and perfect for them. They sell game titles more than anything and people have typically bought handhelds to play them. Now they can push this to every market. If it's a full tablet it will be so perfect for parents with young kids. I have family that the parents use the tablet during the day to do things like email and watch netflix and then when the kids get home they go on and play games and watch youtube. Now when their child begs for a console they can have both smashed into one.

The other major genius part to this for me is being able to play two player on one mobile device. Breaking off the controllers and playing mario kart in the car is going to be a dream for parents with kids that don't shut up in the back seat. I can't wait for this so when I'm travelling me and whoever I'm travelling with will be able to play Mario Kart or whatever.

The only drawbacks for me on this console is the size of the tablet and the fact that I lose stuff all the time. I never did lose any of my Wii Motes but I wasn't taking those places with me either. (lost my gameboy micro back in the day. rip.)

I'd love to see them make alternate tablet sizes for those of us who like smaller electronics. Nothing major and not even really a complaint but just something that I'd love to see!

I think they only think left to do is wait for battery life update. I think 10 hour battery life is reasonable and hopefully what is coming.

My god I love Nintendo. This console is everything I wanted and more. Do you think it can also be my girlfriend????
Not bad, for right now. Don't get me wrong, I am impressed but would like to see more features added in the meantime.
Not bad, for right now. Don't get me wrong, I am impressed but would like to see more features added in the meantime.

Yeah I'm hoping this is just a small taste of what they have to offer for this! I do feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I can't think of a better direction for this to have gone... thinking back to childhood, the console games and multiplayer were always so much better than anything handheld and trying to set up connection with handheld was too hard. But here you just take it with you and boom, play with strangers on a train, your friend's house, or between classes. Clearly demographic is pointed at older people based on the preview.

Animal Crossing begs for this, games for this. Like literal perfect platform for it and most nintendo games in general. High hopes for this at present.

cartridges = backwards compatible to 3ds?

- - - Post Merge - - -

also holy hell, skyrim on the go? thats impressive... I can think of so many other games that would be perfect for something like this.

back into Civilization currently, and that would be a great title to put on it and for this concept
Clearly demographic is pointed at older people based on the preview.

Yeah! Finally! It's perfect. Adults typically don't like things marketed for children but children love stuff marketed for adults. Market to adults and you market to everyone.
Looking forward to it! My birthday is a month before it comes out so I hope my parents can preorder it then.
I'm still salty that didn't call it the Nintendo Xtra

But it looks great! Apparently amiibo compatibility has been confirmed. And nEW SPATOON HAIR??
It seems pretty decent, with the cartridges and new Mario game. I might buy it during it's first year, but who knows?

Does anybody know the price? I've heard rumors about the price, but not an actual source.