Nintendo Switch General Discussion

All come to the hype train. Choo, choo!!!

Just four minutes!!!
Its getting ready! And my AC friends are too. YAY!

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The comments on the stream, though.

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who knew nintendo could make their online approach even worse.. wow
paid online gaming/communication through smart phone wth

edit: wait there's no online play in general??

edit2: ARMS - use your arms tm (lol -_-)
they are saying different things about online every 5 minutes..

edit3: they stole the playtonic googly eyes for marios cap.. -_-
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I feel second hand embarrassment watching this.
I'm starting to believe the rumors of release dates aren't true.
That Splatoon dab... LOL

So the only game I'm really interested in is the Mario game... which probably isn't out until November-ish (they said "holiday 2017"). Nice to know nothing so far is tempting me to buy it right away.

I do really like the whole region free aspect though. The ironic thing about it is that since the exchange rate is so good right now (currently 114 yen to the US dollar) that it would actually be cheaper to import a Japanese Switch than buy the US one. As in, you'd save nearly $40. LOL
So I am thrilled nothing good is coming out for the Switch cause I definitely dont want this thing. But now I feel bad for their launch titles. 1-2 Switch and Arms... I feel embarrassed.
BOTW looks great. SMO looks great too.

$300 is not bad.

I don't play Splatoon or Xenoblade so no thoughts on those.

Fire Emblem Warriors... I need more info!
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Take a look at this beaut coming back to Mario Kart!

As excited as I am that there is a battle mode, I am a bit disappointed that they didn't add any knew tracks in MK8. And only 5 new characters? 49.99??? I might not even buy it.

They're putting a battle mode in a game that should have had it when it first launched. They should have just made an entire new Mario Kart game. There was a pattern were each MK game was released 3 years after another. Now, they are releasing the same game with features that should have been in the first game. They only reason I would buy this is if you can somehow import the original Mario Kart 8 onto the switch and pay like 5-10 dollars extra for the new features.
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I thought we're gonna get Super Mario Odyssey at launch (that's one wishful thinking lol). That and Splatoon 2 are the ones that got me really hyped and couldn't wait to play! I'm okay getting Zelda BOTW at launch even if it's just one launch game :) I like that you can buy 'joycon' controllers separately so I wouldn't be too much careful using them (like the Wii U gamepad). It always stresses me out trying to maintain their condition haha
Definitely excited for Super Mario Odyssey! Other than that, though, there's not a whole lot I'm interested in. :| I'll buy BotW for Wii U, and I doubt I'd buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Splatoon 2 since I have the originals already.
There needs to be more than what we just saw for Mario Kart Deluxe. New Characters, Tracks, Karts, Bikes, Retro tracks even. Maybe we'll see it in the meantime. I'm still gonna be hyped!
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The Switch is still an unimpressive system. However, Super Mario Odyssey. OMG. I have been going on and on about how stagnant the 3D Mario series has become, and how linear the levels have become post-Sunshine. They addressed both of these issues. I had absolutely no faith that they would. They didn't even have to, they could keep on going on releasing "3D" series titles and Galaxy series titles, but they decided to move Mario forward, give it a new theme, and revive the long-lost aspect of the more open style levels that made Super Mario 64 and Sunshine so distinctive from the 2D Mario series.

Zelda also looks incredible. I'm going to save up my spending money for it, as I know it will be a blast. For a long while there, I thought Zelda was the only console franchise I cared about that Nintendo cared to move forward anymore, and they've really hit it out of the park with Breath of Wild, but then they also revealed Super Mario Odyssey - revealing that the 3D Mario series is still alive, too. I'm very excited right now.
Welp. Time to relive Spring, 2015, all over again. :D
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It started off well and than went downhill. The released dates and not enough new games for the release of the switch has me on the fence. I was going to preorder but I'm only interested in the Mario game and it's along wait. Mario game is beautiful and I want it now.

Get that Splatoon is for summer and Mario is for the Christmas release. They need to show me more before I'll preorder.
Yeah, the switch is very unimpressive in general and pretty much all the games for it are so far. That said, that Mario game looks super fun and I love the sandbox paint they are giving to the Mario franchise once again.
The Zelda game looks cool too. The cinematics made me want a movie or something based off it. The plot looks legit cool!

Still not enough to make me wanna buy the switch. That thing has too many strong negatives.