Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack Discussion Thread


Jul 17, 2015
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The NSO + Expansion Pack was unveiled during the September 23 Nintendo Direct, but more news about the expansion (the addition of the AC:NH HHP DLC, the pricing information and release date (October 25)) was announced today. What are your thoughts on the expansion pack as a whole? What are your thoughts on the pricing? Are you going to get it right away, wait to get it later on, or not even bother?

I do think the one thing I'm highly interested to see is if we're going to see more DLCs get tied into the expansion pack. I actually kind of like the HHP DLC being tied into the expansion pack in addition to being a standalone purchase, since that basically means you can "rent" it instead of outright buying it, which I feel would actually lead me to play some DLCs for other games that I wouldn't bother with otherwise. That said, the price is a bit of a "yikes" from me. I was hoping for individual memberships it'd just be a $10 USD increase, thought doubling it ($20 USD increase) would be the worst case scenario, but $30 USD or a 150% increase is definitely unexpected. Definitely hurts more in CAD, where it's almost a $40 increase for it. I'm still planning on getting it eventually as more games that interest me come to the N64 service (Majora's Mask and Banjo-Kazooie being the top N64 games for me that we know are coming soon), but it doesn't feel worth it to get it right now. I do think that with more games (both for N64/Genesis and other possible systems/handhelds that could be added to it) and more DLC, it could definitely make it feel worth the current price tag.
I'll be getting it, the price is too high though I agree, especially if you factor in Pokemon Home as well.
I'm very excited to play Paper Mario and BanjoKazooie, I was thinking about picking them up for the N64 so it kind of evens out for me, at least for the first year
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Yeah... it's a no from me. That's way too much money imo.
Same here, it’s a no for me. I rather own it than rent it. I have a feeling they are going to come out with more paid DLC and include with expansion. The new price is just too much. I just hope they don’t keep raising the price every time they come out with expansions. They testing us consumers for sure. Lol.
Same here, it’s a no for me. I rather own it than rent it. I have a feeling they are going to come out with more paid DLC and include with expansion. The new price is just too much. I just hope they don’t keep raising the price every time they come out with expansions. They testing us consumers for sure. Lol.
For sure, and the only way to vote is with your wallet! Let them know you're unhappy by not buying!
definitely a no from me as well; I'd much rather own the DLC than rent it. (not to mention that I'm on a friend's family plan, so even if I was interested, I wouldn't be getting it because I don't pay for my own NSO....)

the idea of renting it is a nice concept for if you're wishy-washy ig, since you can still use the decoration features it enables on your island even if you don't have the archipelago actively accessible, but it just seems too expensive for me as a whole NSO package :/ I'll just emulate if I want to play N64 games at this point.

(it's worth noting though because of the conversation carrying on above me that re: ACNH they're not coming out with more paid DLC. they already confirmed that this is the only expansion pack.)
definitely a no from me as well; I'd much rather own the DLC than rent it. (not to mention that I'm on a friend's family plan, so even if I was interested, I wouldn't be getting it because I don't pay for my own NSO....)

the idea of renting it is a nice concept for if you're wishy-washy ig, since you can still use the decoration features it enables on your island even if you don't have the archipelago actively accessible, but it just seems too expensive for me as a whole NSO package :/ I'll just emulate if I want to play N64 games at this point.

(it's worth noting though because of the conversation carrying on above me that re: ACNH they're not coming out with more paid DLC. they already confirmed that this is the only expansion pack.)
Exactly. Well I pay for the family plan which I share with my sisters and in-laws. But $80 is way too much versus $35 I am paying now. Like you said I can emulate N64 games if I have the urge to play them lol. But I don’t even play any of the NES or SNES with the NSO now so it ain’t worth it for me.
I don't think it's really worth it for me personally. I'd rather have the standalone Happy Home Paradise DLC so I don't have to worry about losing access to anything. I have Super Mario 64 on the Switch already with 3D All-stars and I have Ocarina of Time of my 3DS. I have all of the Sega Genesis games between my Sega Genesis Mini and various Genesis collections on other consoles. So all this would give me is the other N64 games, but that's not enough to justify an extra $30 per year on top of the standard NSO membership.

It might be worth the expanded NSO membership later, when they add more games to it or more features that are exclusive to it. But not right now.
The price was definitely a shocker, more than I expected. As more games get added, I may get attempted, but for right now, even with HHP, it is a solid no from me. I'll buy HHP directly from the eShop. There's no games (including soon) that I am interested in (except for me 1..). For that price tag, Nintendo definitely need add way more games.
Whoa wait, they're expecting us to pay that and NOT own the expansion? Crap, I thought it was owning and having the regular NSO with the NES or whatever games. Yikes! Even more of a nope.
Xbox live increased their online prices and then they reverted it back because of the back lashes from consumers lol. I don’t think Nintendo will revert back but we shall see lol.
If they add an option to where the Animal Crossing DLC doesn’t inflate the price then sure I’ll upgrade. Id rather pay to actually own the DLC than rent it every single year.

I wouldn’t care if it was $30 for the expansion but $50 just to rent the DLC is a cash grab, no thanks. I’ll stick with the DS/3DS remakes of Mario and Zelda.
I feel the price is a bit of a jump, but I'll be buying the family plan for it-- I'd hesitate on the individual plan more. I have a full set of friends on my family plan, so saving all of them from buying the DLC is more than worth it already, even if it's not permanent ownership.

CAD is suffering, but paying what averages to ~$8 per month is fine for me.

also I really want to play paper mario on the switch
When it comes to the animal crossing DLC specifically, I think I would want to own it forever so that has me leaning towards just buying it. I could theoretically see myself playing it in the future at a time where I don't have NSO so I would like to just have it there permanently.

I actually do like the idea of paying one price to access a bunch of different DLC in the future but based on what's been announced so far I think it's not worth it yet. I am hopeful that the high price does mean a lot more will be added to the expansion but for now I'm going to wait and see.
no idea how much it costs in £s, but you wouldn't catch me buying it anyway. i don't usually go back and play older games because i'm a bit of a graphics snob (older graphics hurt my eyes pretty quickly), and the few i did play on the basic service have't been touched in a year, probably more. none of the titles in this expansion interest me either other than paper mario, but since i hear it's turn-based like sticker star, i'm not really interested, and it doesn't justify the price for me either. i'd rather own HHP permanently/outright too. i'm a bit meh about the price of the current service as it is purely because i use it for, like, nothing. MK8 online occasionally, but that's mostly it. i don't have friends lmao.
lol no thanks. as nice as it would be to play old n64 games on the switch, i’m not paying $50 a month for it. just buying the dlc and the normal nintendo switch online membership is cheaper and seems like the better option.
The price is too high for me. I don’t play the old games enough for the money to be worth it for me.
I haven’t decided yet but I think I am leaning toward the family membership with my brother (we would split it). If the original Paper Mario was included as part of the N64 games I’d be like “Nintendo take my money now 😍”.

I’m not 100% crazy about any of those N64 games. Of course I love Super Mario 64, but I already have it as part of Super Mario 3D All Stars. I read that you can play online with the N64 Mario Kart, which is super cool but not enough to make me want to get the membership at this time.