Nintendo tryna tell us something...

The first thing I saw was that some of the fish are returning back to catch like that Coelacanth, interesting how it says "I want to get to know my friend better" wonder if that means if they will improve on the dialogue but I doubt it, Strange how they mention stalk market wonder if they will try to make any chances where people would not abuse it too much, Lastly when it said something about the custom deigns I saw a Gyroid. Which is really surprising because there are no gyroids in the game so maybe thats them hinting at a possible return? Again not getting my hopes up.
Where can I see that video ? It's not on the AC twitter
It’s on Nintendo’s official YouTube feeds.

I honestly don’t think we’re going to see anything major until March and the first anniversary, because we’re still in the first year’s update cycle (basic stuff like holidays) but I also think they’re teasing new things in their Christmas/New Year trailers, like the gyroid sweater you’ve shown, or the fact that there’s a room with a heavy-curtain wall AND windows in the “what have we done?” trailer released last month. There’s something DEFINITELY happening with NH... we’ve just got to get past the basic stuff first.
It's just an ad. Nintendo has started 2021 the same way they did on 2020, by posting an ad about Animal Crossing, the only thing they are trying to tell is "please keep buying our game".
Weren't gyroids in the datamine? So they'll probably come back eventually and we'll probably build them with clay.
Gyroids are definitely coming back, but I don't know if this is what they were hinting at. The smash community thought a yellow and purple chair during one of Sakurai's directs was a hint at Waluigi. That didn't work out so well.

Let's just hope the majority of people speculating this don't end up trying to death threat Nintendo/AC for their theories like Smash did to Sakurai.
As others have pointed out, that's not just any gyroid- it's Lloid, the construction gyroid who you donate money to for bridges and stuff. I don't think it's a hint at all unfortunately :/
the fact that they're all wearing it does make you wonder! I've never been a massive gyroid fan so I'm not going to be particularly disappointed if this turns out to be us getting our hopes up again, but I suppose it would be nice to see them make a return for those who are fans. and maybe they'll come hand in hand with Brewster's return?
The first thing I saw was that some of the fish are returning back to catch like that Coelacanth, interesting how it says "I want to get to know my friend better" wonder if that means if they will improve on the dialogue but I doubt it, Strange how they mention stalk market wonder if they will try to make any chances where people would not abuse it too much, Lastly when it said something about the custom deigns I saw a Gyroid. Which is really surprising because there are no gyroids in the game so maybe thats them hinting at a possible return? Again not getting my hopes up.

The coelacanth has been in the game and available to catch from the very day the game was released! Like in older games it's available when: it rains, thunders or snows, and that can be all year round.

This trailer is not one of their announcement videos, those follow an entirely different format. This is just one of their ads for the game, and its purpose is not to show us things that will change in the future. Of course there could be hints, but I don't think we should look at it too closely. 😄
The ad was detailed, so I'd be somewhat inclined to believe their appearance here wasn't just a coincidence given they could have used any other character or element for the custom design shown.

Even if it‘s nothing, I imagine we’ll see them in some form this year. The January update seems too soon for that unless they decide to cram in different features (similar to reactions and storage from the previous update) alongside Pave’s official announcement.
I saw something similar as one of the top comments on the YouTube video but someone else did point out that Lloid who takes our donations is in the game, so it could be a reference to him (esp. since he's wearing the hat in the design).

I am expecting them to eventually put in gyroids, though.
I have no idea what gyroids are 😅
This is my first AC game, but I'm up for any new updates!
Gyroids are little clay dolls like Lloid (the dude who collects money for bridges/inclines). They come in all shapes and colors and they move and make noises occasionally. If a K.K. song is played near them, they sync up their movements and sounds to the music. A lot of people enjoyed collecting them and choosing which ones to display to match the songs they use in their houses.

A lot of people are excited to see them return, because there are a lot of ways they can be used when decorating outside. In previous games, you were pretty limited (could only have a handful active at a time and all the others had to sit in storage), but in ACNH all the extra decorating room means extra room to display even more of them.