Nookazon has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Ugh, I'm so sorry that happened to you. But props to you for ending the session real quick before any real damage could be done.

Nookazon is such a hit or miss for me. I've met so many amazing and wonderful users on there who price their items fairly, etc. But then I've met other ones who straight up told me that the DIYs I was offering were "basic" and that I would have to fork over 4 of my "basic" recipes PLUS a bunch of NMT, just for one of her recipes. Given, it was a Celeste DIY, but I've traded for zodiac ones with other users, and have always done a 2:1 trade, not my entire stock of recipes for a single DIY. I will say, that Nookazon has allowed me to get DIYs that you often don't see here in Nook's Cranny, but at the same time, I've had a couple unpleasant run-ins with users being unrealistic and rude.

I haven't attempted a villager traded on the site, as I have all of my dream villagers. But I would be so anxious and wary to engage, especially after hearing your story. I agree, it definitely isn't the site itself, but rather the few bad apples on the site that have tarnished its reputation for me, in that aspect of trading villagers at least
yeah, ive learned that getting villagers on there, especially raymond, is a very bad idea. people seem to be getting very greedy and unfair over a video ?? anyhow, ill find him eventually. im not giving up just yet!
he had 0 reviews, so i had nothing to go off of. also, yes, he had his name in the pic
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i turned airplane mode on and closed the game. it doesnt corrupt your save, thank goodness!
I honestly always stay away from people with 0 reviews, it's not really a good sign, especially if they're selling something expensive.
Nookazon is just like an e-commerce platform, you've got to pay attention. Build up yourself as a trusted seller/buyer, it will be easier to trade after, since you'll be considered as someone who is already trusted by others c:
Try giving it another chance!
Yep. Posted in the discord last night looking for a basic clothing item (privacy mask), someone said they'd let me have it for 3 NMT. I closed the chat while someone else had offered to let me catalogue that one and others for free! The other person messaged me saying it was a good price. Yeah, no.
Omg, literally don't even get me started on the clothing. Like, I get that some of the ones (e.g. Reindeer sweater), may not be in season atm, but come on, be realistic. You know just as much as I do, that a reindeer sweater does not cost 1 million bells/10 NMTs, when I could literally just TT forward to winter and buy it for 1k from Able's. Like I don't get it, where in the process did you think that that was a fair price??

*cue confused math lady meme*
I know how you feel - it really sucks. It happened on here to me (so it's not just Nookazon), I was selling Marshal and someone came over and said they would drop the nmts after they talked to Marshal - I didn't even think anything of it, because they already had a few good ratings and no negative ones so I agreed. After they talked to Marshal, they tried to end the session, luckily I figured out what they were up to and powered off my Switch - they never responded to me again after and even had to nerve to try to leave me negative feedback after I left one for them.
I honestly always stay away from people with 0 reviews, it's not really a good sign, especially if they're selling something expensive.
Nookazon is just like an e-commerce platform, you've got to pay attention. Build up yourself as a trusted seller/buyer, it will be easier to trade after, since you'll be considered as someone who is already trusted by others c:
Try giving it another chance!
thats very true! ill be still looking for raymond, but im going to be more careful
yeah, ive learned that getting villagers on there, especially raymond, is a very bad idea. people seem to be getting very greedy and unfair over a video ?? anyhow, ill find him eventually. im not giving up just yet!
I agree, I feel like villager trading in general is so wishy-washy. Though, I definitely have had better experiences on TBT than anywhere else (Discord isn't any better; the amount of ghosting and greed that goes around, yeah that ain't it chief).

If I didn't already have him on my island, I would have helped you look for him 😭 If there's anything I could do to help, please don't be afraid to reach out!
bad egg :c so sorry op! imo nookazon overwhelmed me when i first tried it out--trading sites attract some vv sus sketchy shady people
Sorry to have that happen to you. I have traded regular items on Nookazon, but I agree with villagers there is no decent vetting system, and I would use this forum solely for that.
I agree, I feel like villager trading in general is so wishy-washy. Though, I definitely have had better experiences on TBT than anywhere else (Discord isn't any better; the amount of ghosting and greed that goes around, yeah that ain't it chief).

If I didn't already have him on my island, I would have helped you look for him 😭 If there's anything I could do to help, please don't be afraid to reach out!
thats so kind of you! Same here, if you need anything, I'm here for ya! I'm honestly so glad that I'm apart of this community, everyone's so nice xD
EDIT: and yeah, discord sucks when it comes to trading, theres no feedback system, so you have nothing to go off of
i've been wanting to share my raymond scam story since yesterday but honestly i was so shaken after months of active trading on discord/nookazon/etc. that i finally got scammed that i couldn't calm down and had to step away from everything.

i thought i did everything right. the scammer had a photo of them and raymond in boxes, with their rep saying their discord id. i agreed to drop off half the payment upfront and then half on a second trip, and then get raymond. i dropped off the payment. they even complimented my outfit (i had dressed up like our favorite bespectacled cat for the occasion). i went back to get the other half of the payment only to find they had shut the gates and blocked me on discord. my heart dropped and i think i lost years off of my life, no lie lol. literally weeks and weeks of grinding, trading, cycling villagers and saving up nmts only to have them disappear in an instant.

after hours of trying to contact other traders to find raymond, i finally got him on my island. and honestly people like that just encourage me to give back to the community more. karma is truly a ***** and scammers will get what they deserve in the end, i really believe that.
Omg, literally don't even get me started on the clothing. Like, I get that some of the ones (e.g. Reindeer sweater), may not be in season atm, but come on, be realistic. You know just as much as I do, that a reindeer sweater does not cost 1 million bells/10 NMTs, when I could literally just TT forward to winter and buy it for 1k from Able's. Like I don't get it, where in the process did you think that that was a fair price??

*cue confused math lady meme*

Hey, greedy people still exist! on this forum in the beginning of the game someone sold me an orderable nook item that was 400 bells for 1 nmt. lol if only I knew the prices back then
Is Nookazon moderated or simply self run? Meaning reports and feedback is for buyer to use more caution but there's really no way to enforce it?
Maybe you can try the campsite trick maybe you'll have better luck.
My friend did that and got Raymond that way I forgot to say it earlier but I'm sorry about what happened.
i’m sorry you had a bad experience - it’s crazy that the seller seemed so legit up until the last second. but i’m glad that you were able to disconnect in time and didn’t get scammed out of your nmts
Honestly? Part of the problem with Nookazon is that people rarely leave feedback compared to TBT (I just had people over to my town today from TBT and instantly received feedback once we were done). I’ve done multiple transactions with people on there and left them feedback but never receive any myself.
(Not complaining about not getting any feedback on Nookazon for myself, but just pointing out an issue. Most people sit around with 0-1 ratings so it’s hard to gauge trustworthiness.)

It also doesn’t help that it’s very impersonal and can be hard to reach people compared to a forum site like TBT. Nookazon gives you no built in way to properly communicate with the seller.

That being said, sorry that happened! Glad you were able to end the session before anything really bad could happen!

Edit: Literally right after I made this post I found a post from Nookazon on Instagram that says they’ve implemented some sort of messaging feature. What are the odds? Haha!
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I’m so sorry! I haven’t used the site myself. This forum has never let me down with people being genuine and sincere. I look at reviews of other users pretty extensively too. I did recently sell two villagers on reddit as well and I suppose I’m lucky it all went as planned both times. I hope karma bites them!
Do not ever buy villagers from somebody with 0 reviews and a practically blank page, 9/10 they’re trying to steal from people. Thankfully you didn’t lose anything, a lot of scummy people have started to play this game.
I know this thread is old, but I wanted to give how I feel about Nookazon. FIrst of all I'm sorry that happened to you and I understand what it feels like to be scammed. I remember when I got scammed it was a very painful experience for me to go through. Someone wanted Raymond's Photo for 100 nmts and then they kicked me off their island after I dropped the photo and I lost the photo in the process and never got the 100 nmts I was promised.

The thing is trading with people on Nookazon has left a bad taste in my mouth as well so thats why I have trust issues whenever trading with someone. I have to my guard in case I have reason to believe I'm going to scammed. I know some people may think that is rude, but they have to understand its hard to trade with people who become unreliable and they just love to cause trouble. The thing with Nookazon is that they tend to have a pricing issue and a lot of the times people have to set their own rules for how they have to trade, which can create a huge divide when some people are used to trading from one person but the other person may have different rules of how they want to do the trade.

I spoke to moderators about this issue and they told me that while they see there is a balance issue there is not much they can do about it. They have to give the freedom to let sellers how they want to list their item for trade and they have the right to list what they want in return. Personally I think the whole "accpeting bells, nmts, and wishlist items" is a bad way of trading because its like you have to make high offers because the seller seems to think that what the buyer is offering is too low and they won't accept. It makes trading in general harder than it usually is.

I only seen a few people list a selling price for the item they want to trade away and want in return and I think that is a great way about going about it. Problem is people on Nookazon tend to be too greedy and it creates this unbalance issue that causes you to become skeptical if the person you are trading with is legit or not. I turned myself off my trading at the end of 2020 I just couldn't handle all these scammers and these people who keep causing trouble and making trading a lot more harder than it needs to be. Thats my experience and I am glad that I wasn't the only one having this issue.