Ω Axel's GFX & Pixel Shoppe Ω || NEW GFX STYLES || All Slots Open Ω

Hi, I made an order on your last thread and I paid, will you be posting my finished order on this thread? :)

A nightly bump before going to bed.
Got quite a few requests today! Thanks to those!
Please look around and request anything if you are interested!
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Pokemon: Empoleon, Lapras, Vaporeon, Starmie, Crawdaunt, Walrein
- Shiny?: Starmie
Trainer: Siebold. if you cant get him, then crasher wake.
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?:
Direction: Left

@J o s h:


I went with Shiny Weavile colors since I feel that its your mascot. Let me know what you think.


Ya'll enjoy! Everyone else is a WIP!

I went with Shiny Weavile colors since I feel that its your mascot. Let me know what you think.

Oh gosh you are fantastic!! Is it possible to link my shop if you click the userbar? ^^

EDIT: I figured it out! Thank you so much again!! It looks wonderful x3
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Could you maybe make them space out like this? Sorry to be picky. ---------->______<------------
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