Maybe. MAYBE.
Why I laughed with this? Oh gosh, the nocturnal Gregri laughs with everything. DDD:
Maybe. MAYBE.
Text: Sucre Chattons (Or just Sucre idc)
- If Overworld, post here: Could you use my own? View attachment 63536
Colors: whatever fits - pinks or blues idc
Position: text right, image left
Other: I hope this is all okay. I can tip you as well if you'd like
Hey Axeler, I came here to thank you for fulfilling my request in the older thread (I love it!). But then I saw the userbars. I hope it's okay to request one, if you're not too overloaded.
Text: Click here to feed a pokemon in need
Colors: I'm partial to blues, but I'll defer to your judgement.
Image/Overworld: Overworld
- If Overworld, post here: View attachment 63547
- If Overworld, Style: HGSS / PMD
Colors: Again, I'll kinda let you go with it. >>
Position: Would it be okay to ask you to flip the overworld so the pokemon are walking towards the right? If that's okay I would like the sprites on the left side (walking to the right), with the text on the right.
Other: If Latios is too big or doesn't quite fit, it's okay to leave him out. Otherwise, thank you so much for doing all this. C:
It's going to link to my commission thread, here. C:
Ooooh I would LOVE one!
Request Form:
Pokemon: All the Eevee-lutions in this order: Sylveon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Eevee
- Shiny?: No thank you c:
Trainer: My trainer c:
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: Emma { x } (ignore Zach's)
Direction: Walking from right to left please :3
Thank you so much!
Accepted! Everything seems to be in order.
Just to clairfy, you want them walking to the left right? ------>
The other way cx Right to left so... <----- That way :3
Thank you so much!
That's why I have to ask. Alright, you have been placed on the list :3
I was wondering around when would mine be finished? I had bought one from the older thread o:
This is really nice of you. I love your workI hope you don't mind if I request --
Pokemon: Torchic
- Shiny?: Nope.
Trainer: Direction: walking left <<<<
[Ordering for a future user bar]
Thanks so much![]()
Text: "My Egg Cove!"
- If Overworld, post here:![]()
- If Overworld, Style: HGSS / PMD
Colors: Idk here is the site can you help?
Position: Can you put the text on the left and the image on the right?
Other: Nope! Thanks!
Can you do megas?