Made another example. Used PMD sprites.
Pokemon: If you can't do my OC, then I just want an adorable Snorlax. Cuz I am Snorlax.
- Shiny?:
Trainer: OC
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?:
Direction: Forward? If not, then to the left.
Sorry guys. I've been real busy with life and haven't been able to sit down and work on these.
I will have a bunch of free time tomorrow so look out for something real soon! Thanks guys!
Sorry guys. I've been real busy with life and haven't been able to sit down and work on these.
I will have a bunch of free time tomorrow so look out for something real soon! Thanks guys!
I was wondering if it was possible to put the evolution gifs into one gif? The 4 picture limit is ridiculous
You can use signavatar.com
Everything is good! I hope everything is alright with you, personally. Take your time@Everyone:
Sorry guys. I've been real busy with life and haven't been able to sit down and work on these.
I will have a bunch of free time tomorrow so look out for something real soon! Thanks guys!
Sorry guys. I've been real busy with life and haven't been able to sit down and work on these.
I will have a bunch of free time tomorrow so look out for something real soon! Thanks guys!