Yes, please on the blue roses, and is it possible to get the golden slingshot? I’m opening my gate now. Is it easier to get the 500 visits out of the way, like have you visit me first 500 times, and then try and visit you 500 times to get the other badge, assuming we have time before April 8th?@Shadow18 each round trip visit takes ~3min, so ~20 visits per hour, 5 hrs just to get the train station unlocked, and another 5 hrs to get your bronze travel badge. ~50 hrs total to get all the gold travel/hosting badges, so we'll see.
ive got all the fruit for you and the golden net, rod, shovel & watering can. you want a pair of blue roses?
i'll get the art later bc its going to take a while
Ok, sounds good. My town name is Hyrule, I’ll be right there to let you in.@Shadow18 whats your town name?
personally, i would prioritize the train station unlock then switch to working on the travel badge, that way you'll at least get the bronze for both of the badges and wont have an empty space
Sounds good, thank you. What’s the resetti screen mean again?@Shadow18 yeah, i can get you the slingshot when i get the art
you can leave your gate open, and i'll do what i reasonably can, but dont be surprised to find a resetti screen when you come back
Oh ok, makes sense. Thanks for explaining.@Shadow18 resetti just means that there was some kind of error while connected to the internet. it's most often that there was a connection issue, but ive seen it when someone was in my town & her game crashed
Ok np. I’m eating too, since I was busy before. I’ll leave my gate open going afk for a bit to get some food
my gates open
Hey, it’s no problem. I’m reopening my gate now. I’ll be going to physical therapy soon, so I’ll be leaving my gate open while I’m gone. I really appreciate it.@Shadow18 just got resetti ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Awesome, thanks!@Shadow18 ive got the last 2 golden tools & a bunch of paintings for you. ive got some stuff i have to get done today, but i'll be on later tonight