Frita's #1 Fan 🐑🍟🍔💕✨🌈
Hello, I’ve read a couple of the replies above so you might be too busy to, but if you had a spare minute to come visit my town a couple of times I would appreciate it
Thanks so much

@pawpatrolbab i would be happy to help, based on whats in your signature and my current sched, i think i can visit you weds, thurs or fri night or over the wkend.
do you know how many visits you need?
As soon as I’m done with this visit I can open my done eating. @Freya_Druid or @Shadow18 did either of you want to open your gate for visits?
If you want to open your gate I’d be fine if @shiiko was willing to switch to visiting you. I also could visit if you’re ok with that? (and your town tree tracks how many times people have visited your town)@shiiko my WiFi is getting fixed over the next two days, so it’ll be two days until I have WiFi again, but also I lost count of how many times you visited and was hoping that when you do visit again, you can start counting from your first new visit, just in case it didn’t save when my game crashed after you visited before and I got the resetti thing. If you don’t want to, I understand.
Thanks for the offer! I’d definitely appreciate you both visiting once I get Wi-Fi back in a day or two.If you want to open your gate I’d be fine if @shiiko was willing to switch to visiting you. I also could visit if you’re ok with that? (and your town tree tracks how many times people have visited your town)
Resetti, probably should call it a night anyway tho@Freya_Druid my gates open
@pawpatrolbab if youre still up i can visit you for a bit now