@pawpatrolbab i'll try to be on a bit earlier tomorrow, prob around 830~9pm GMT, hopefully thatll work for you
Could you visit me a few times? I can open my gate now@Freya_Druid gimme like 2 min to reset my internet
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@Freya_Druid ok, should be good to go now
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im not sure how much resetting before starting helps, but it only takes a min to do so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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did you want me to visit you, or open my gate?
I can reopen if you’d like?resetti </3
Sorry I was dealing with a snake related issue irl, we can call it a night. Thanks so much for all the help and on the upside I think I figured out (not necessarily ideal) way to reduce resetti likelihood if you’re interested?@Freya_Druid i need a break, want me to open my gate or just call it a night?
@LordSheep78 when are you going to be on and how many visits do you need?
Well I would say a bad snake but he’s also my pet (just a moody little guy@Freya_Druid a good snake or a bad snake?? whats your idea for reducing resettis? (i had been downloading some stuff, and just wanted to flush the network cache)
i have 13 visits so far, so tbh however many you're willing to do. im on now actually, but probably 2pm-6pm est saturday and 10am-2pm sunday@avaplaysacnl what time do you expect to be on over the weekend? and how many visits do you need?
im on! wanna exchange visits? i'll do as many as you're up forAnyone on and up for some visits or to visit?