Gengar said:
Well....I'm done.
The final case is breath-taking. Twists and turns all over the place...]
So, is it the best case in any GS game? Hmm... it's gonna be tough to beat Case 4 in Phoenix Wright 1, Case 4 in PW2, and Case 5 in PW3.
So wow, Apollo Justice certainly beat out your expectations, eh? I myself wasn't expecting it to be as good as the other PW games... weird how that happens.
It's hard to say that it's the best case without giving stuff away...
I'll say this;
The best cases are the ones that...tie together previous cases. You know what I mean?
Like in PW2, the case with Morgan Fey, that later tied into PW3's final case...remember? When compared to...say, the Tres Bien case, which really didn't tie into's easy to say the Fey cases were better. Again, it's hard to explain.
And yes, it completely beat out my expectations. I wasn't too enthusiastic about Apollo Justice earlier...but, WOW...
It's amazing.