Trading Official Hold my Villager thread

sorry for not getting back sooner am still looking for a Tiffany holder, literally after she is picked up I just need to move Lopez in from cart 2. Then switch back and pick her back up, so it would be a fast cycle type job and not take very long am on now if someone sees this. It had to be the two I needed to quickly flip flop with both towns at ten and no spare space. So I can put her right in boxes, have holder get her, move Lopez in then pick her up on his cart.

As for longer holds, I may need one on Sparrow, as am moving him to my final dreams and dreams with nowhere to fit cart as my jock, I love him dearly, but have to set that town up, right map, right starting five or close and all that before can ask him back in but am willing to deal with that after the quick swap of my deer to deer town and Tiff to where the rabbits are going. But I do need Sparrow out as he is blocking any movement of getting my final 3 sheep into that all sheep town, him who am keeping, Francine who will make space for once Lopez and Tiffany flip and can move on from that and pecan who will just be up for grabs need to be replaced with Baabara and Vesta who am searching but no space as have a sparrow block and Frita who I need to move in from wolf town. So close to being done with moving ore existing towns around to where they can go aka no 16 cycle issues that am so happy there are people who help out in these fixes when your all blocked up. But the quick hold on Tiff am ready for whenever someone else is, only thing is I will need her flipped back, in either case appreciate any help.
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I don't know if this a good thread to go about asking but is there anyway someone can get Avery from my void? He accidentally JUST moved out when I was TTing and loaded up my Mayor. I never wanted him to leave really. I don't know if the last villager to move out is 1st or last in the void though because I don't really keep track. I do know the last three villagers of mine to move out were Fang(though someone took him),Margie and now Avery...
This same thing just happened to me with Tiffany, and I was trying to move her bt cart towns with space with a holder and we had error I used extra ds for emergency and put wrong date in all the confusion didn't save but she was void...If you got any answer about Avery or how I may if at 9 pickup my own voided someone let me know otherwise haven't used that town since and am I guess seeking her back...sigh..
I'm looking for someone to hold Whitney 4 me my sister has her in her town and we share a 3ds so she can't trade her with me can someone get her from my sister and transfer her to me
Please hold Flora for me. :(
She's in boxes and I cant do anything. :(
Its all my fault please help!
Pm me or vm me. :(
never mind, i'm selling her to get the money to buy her back.
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could someone hold dotty for me? i just need to switch her over from my cycle town to my main town but i only have one 3ds. vm/pm me!
A day after Bam moved, Tangy decided to move because I couldn't wait for Drago to move in... Please help! I will pay for someone to hold her!
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Anyone willing to hold Marshal so I can pick him up in my second town??? I'll pay whatever you want! Please PM me!
Can someone hold Cherry for me? I don't know how long - it could be a week or more. I'll pay 30BTB! You must have no negative wifi ratings
guys! stitches is moving and i need someone to hold him! ill pay all all my TBT to anyone that is willing to hold him! i really dont want him to go! please pm me if you can help :(
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