Official Turnip Prices Thread

Reese is buying turnips in my town for 520 bells. I'll open up in 15 minutes for up to three folks who would like to sell! Tipping is always nice :)
wow go figure, someone posts a beastly price as soon as i finally get one LOL! 524 here

wouldve totally jumped on the chance otherwise
ok but please tip too ok

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gate is open

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sorry can tomorrow
Reese is currently buying turnips at 539 each. I'll let people sell their turnips if they want, just please leave me a PM or VM as I'm not going to keep checking back with this thread. ( Busy cycling my other town )

Please don't talk to any of my villagers. Also don't run in my town, haha. I have flowers right at the entrance, so running is very risky. Tips would be appreciated! <3

Edit: Change of plans. Didn't realize how late it was, will do this when I wake up if people are interested. You can still contact me, and if you are online when I get on I will contact you back. ~
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