Official Turnip Prices Thread

I've been trying yo visit ever since you added me, but for some reason your town is not showing up on my list! :(

You can try again when the present sellers are done. Please keep an eye on the thread. :)

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Ohmigosh. I'm so glad I checked back.

Would you let me come sell in your town, Lea?
I'm totally ok with waiting. :]
I will add you with panzer attack when the present sellers are done. :)
But it does help to know people are looking. That's what makes me decide to open my town, when I see people looking for somewhere to sell their turnips. :)

612 bells.

Anyone interested? I will take a few people, two at a time, because that's all my wifi will handle.

I'll give you a 5 mill tip if you let me come!!!

Please :)
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My town will be closing after the ones already in the list are finished. :)

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How much of a tip did you want?

It's up to you. :) whatever you leave me is appreciated. :)

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Thanks so much for your time and patience!

You are very welcome. Thank you for the tip. :)

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I'll give you a 5 mill tip if you let me come!!!

Please :)

You posted before I officially closed my town, so I will let you sell in the last turn, but 5m is at least 4m too much, even for a full locker. :)

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My gate is open for redundant and marmota. :)
Current sellers almost done. Ember and bocho will be next. Please add me and get ready for me to open my gate. :)

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Alas! I'll have to keep my eye out for another selling chance :3

Actually, the last turn has space for one more person if you don't mind waiting. :)