Official Turnip Prices Thread

Oh, no. :( Nevermind. I have the same problem sometimes, it's super frustrating. I hope you find somewhere to sell them.
Sure! I'll just add you both.

Edit: Have added, gate open. :)
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Have added, will open now :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I won't be adding anyone else after 11:30, though if you're in my town you're welcome to continue selling.

Thanks everyone for being so nice! This is my first time opening for sellers.
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Joan is in my town, for anyone looking to buy turnips she's selling for 92 bells. c:
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Joan is in my town, for anyone looking to buy turnips she's selling for 92 bells. c:

I'd love to come by again tomorrow morning if yuou're still around. It's still Saturday night here. So turnips will rot if I buy before Sunday at 6AM
Has anyone TT'd to a different day? i want to sell my turnips for good prices. i can give you some amethyst for it.
I'll pay a really good tip for anyone who has turnip price at 300 or above. I know it's Sunday but some people may not be (time travelers) ;)
If someone has really good prices, and are willing to let others come to their town to sell turnips, then they will make an announcement. Trust me.
If someone has really good prices, and are willing to let others come to their town to sell turnips, then they will make an announcement. Trust me.

But it does help to know people are looking. That's what makes me decide to open my town, when I see people looking for somewhere to sell their turnips. :)

612 bells.

Anyone interested? I will take a few people, two at a time, because that's all my wifi will handle.