Official Turnip Prices Thread

But it does help to know people are looking. That's what makes me decide to open my town, when I see people looking for somewhere to sell their turnips. :)

612 bells.

Anyone interested? I will take a few people, two at a time, because that's all my wifi will handle.
i will join in a bit. i have people in town. pm me your fc
i will join in a bit. i have people in town. pm me your fc

Sorry, I will just be working on the thread, it's too confusing for me to go back and forth between the thread and pm.
Please post again when you are ready. :)
Tips are nice. :)
My gate is open, my town is SeaBrook.

Please follow the path to Retail. You can run on the path. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Mind if I come and sell my turnips as well to please?

I will add you when the present sellers are finished. :)
Ohmigosh. I'm so glad I checked back.

Would you let me come sell in your town, Lea?
I'm totally ok with waiting. :]
Waiting for Klauser and Espers. If they don't show up, I will add the next two.