Well, if by chance I get money for Christmas :r what cable do I need to get in order to hook up my gameboy game to say, Collesium or Pokemon XD?dragonflamez said:Naw, the Elite Four suck for Training.Tom the Warrior said:No Xd and Elite Four are.dragonflamez said:None. That was meh Saffy, and I lost it. Luckily, I had them all tranfered to Coloseum before.Gengar said:I was going to say this earlier, I have Articuno, Kyogre, Groudon, other Legendaries at higher levels....but I don't use 'em cuz It seems like everyone always uses Legendaries...I like to be unike.
Dragon, I'm surprised you got them that high without AR!!! Awesome job!
How many times did you re-challenge the gym leaders? (and how do you do so..?
As for how I got them so high? *Nods to 200+ hours*
And Coloseum is the best for training, hands down.
Coloseum Matches are the best for raising weak Pokemon fast.