• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!


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The final stretch is getting to us. We can almost taste the game yet it's still so far. Drivin' us crazy, making us savage.

The game will be the cure....

Or calming our nip nips XD
.....some how this makes me feel like I'm in middle school again... ANIMAL CROSSING MIDDLE SCHOOL DRAMAAAAA! WATCH OUT GUYS!!!

I think it's perfectly natural for teenager gamers to get excited more often than older people. As we're approaching to the release date on North America (and Europe/UK to a certain extent), they tend to post a lot more, so "idiotic" threads will also increase in a exponential way.

Watch TBT and ACC to explode with activity, and hilarity ensues!
These forums are for discussion of the game in whatever manner people would like. If you don't like a thread or discussion, don't read it. You have absolutely zero right to tell people their discussion is stupid. This kind of negative attitude does NOT make a good community.

And Devon is absolutely right, this is incredibly catty and juvenile.
@Devon: Now following you dude! ^_^

@all: As for the teenage thing........ I'm excited to get the game.
Age means nothing in Animal Crossing.
If anyone finds a thread spammy you can contact a Mod about it, not call it out like this. It's completely immature.
These forums are for discussion of the game in whatever manner people would like. If you don't like a thread or discussion, don't read it. You have absolutely zero right to tell people their discussion is stupid. This kind of negative attitude does NOT make a good community.

Agreed for the most part. :) Well, the mods have the right to tell people their discussion is stupid. That's why we have them. :rolleyes: (but that's beside the point)

I just don't see the point in getting riled up on the internet. What's the benefit?
Agreed for the most part. :) Well, the mods have the right to tell people their discussion is stupid. That's why we have them. :rolleyes: (but that's beside the point)

I just don't see the point in getting riled up on the internet. What's the benefit?

I agree that some things get annoying after awhile.
I also agree that complaining about a complaint gets you no where.
To be honest, I can see things from both sides of the line at most time.
I would suggest that if you find a duplicate thread to point the person to any thread that was previously made on the topic instead of getting mad over it.
Remember alot of the people on this forum might be newer to the forums than you are.
Some are younger kids or just new AC fans who are just starting out here.
They might not know all the rules by heart like you do yet.
I wasn't talking about duplicate/spam threads in the first place. From what I understand, that's not what this thread is about, either. It's people who are annoyed by some members making multiple "pointless" threads asking about plans and such for the game.

I'm personally not annoyed by it. It's fun to talk our plans, even if no one ends up reading it.
I agree that some things get annoying after awhile.
I also agree that complaining about a complaint gets you no where.
To be honest, I can see things from both sides of the line at most time.
I would suggest that if you find a duplicate thread to point the person to any thread that was previously made on the topic instead of getting mad over it.
Remember alot of the people on this forum might be newer to the forums than you are.
Some are younger kids or just new AC fans who are just starting out here.
They might not know all the rules by heart like you do yet.

I doubt I even know all of the rules here by heart yet, but it's not difficult to scan the forum to see if a thread on a particular topic has already been made.
There's even a very visible search bar that can be used to scan the forum. Whenever I join a new forum, I scan the threads first to see if there is one already made before I make my own thread on a particular topic; it's common sense. But many who are new, or whatever their reasoning is, can't seem to be bothered to check first and that is where most of this frustration, for me, is coming from.

I have been linking them to previous threads, but that hasn't helped much. :/ They just can't seem to figure out how to search for things themselves.
I know how you feel Mint. Trust me, I do.
I'm not saying you are bad or anything like that either.
Having been a new person once myself though, I can see where new people stand as well.
I've been checking the forum search more lately than I used to.

Having the newer threads up front makes some stuff too easy for some people.
Most rather take the easy route than go searching for the original thread, I agree with that part.
I'm just saying that with the game so close to being out, it's hard to stay mad at them for being excited and posting new threads (atleast for me it is) about topics that older threads discuss.

@Dreamer: A call threads about the same subject duplicate threads.
Pointless threads as you say are annoying but again they are excited fans who want to know things that others might do with their copy of the game.
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I just need to rant

some of these threads are physically killing me because they're so pointless and stupid and I know this thread is also pointless but UGH

"I'm gonna pay my tent off first and I'm only gonna go to the island in the summer"

ok I'm done peace out homeslicies


Just try and stop me.
I can understand not wanting to search through 60 pages of threads manually, I wouldn't want to do that either, but a lot of the duplicate/similar threads contain a topic that's usually listed on one of the first three pages of threads.

I think a few of them want to get their name out there and have people see them and be proud of themselves for making a popular board.

I should go into hiding for the next week, so I can avoid all of these duplicate threads. ^^; Although, it might not get much better even when the game is out.
What? Lol. This is a forum to discuss anything and everything about AC:NL, as well as any other AC game. Kind of inevitable that there's going to be some silly threads.

I mean, probably half this forums posts are from these "pointless" threads. I say, discuss whatever topics you want to discuss about. Unless it turns to spam. :)
@Dreamer: A call threads about the same subject duplicate threads.
Pointless threads as you say are annoying but again they are excited fans who want to know things that others might do with their copy of the game.

Erm, I think you have the wrong idea about me. :confused:

I didn't call the threads pointless or annoying (quoting the OP and other posters). Quite the contrary, as I've said several times in this thread. Like I said before, I think it's fun to chat about those things. It doesn't bother me. :D

What? Lol. This is a forum to discuss anything and everything about AC:NL, as well as any other AC game. Kind of inevitable that there's going to be some silly threads.

I mean, probably half this forums posts are from these "pointless" threads. I say, discuss whatever topics you want to discuss about. Unless it turns to spam. :)

Exactly. :)
What? Lol. This is a forum to discuss anything and everything about AC:NL, as well as any other AC game. Kind of inevitable that there's going to be some silly threads.

I mean, probably half this forums posts are from these "pointless" threads. I say, discuss whatever topics you want to discuss about. Unless it turns to spam. :)

Yeah, but many of them are duplicates >.>
I understand the annoyance at duplicate threads, I really do. What I have a big issue with is how some here are actually mocking what others are legitimately discussing. People are allowed to discuss their tent, when they want to go to the island, what shade of brown hair they like best, etc. It is absolutely no one's place to complain that their conversation is 'stupid'. You don't like the discussion, don't participate. Calling them out in a thread like this is totally unacceptable.
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