Old enough to remember...

I used to watch Bobby's World, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Gargoyles TV show series after I got home from school (I know a decent share of individuals still remember the Power Rangers, but not many seem to remember the Bobby and gargoyles cartoons). I didn't necessarily like these TV shows a whole bunch though - It was more of a "well, there's not much else to watch right now, so I guess this will have to do" kind of thing.

A teacher of mine at the time also actually gave me a backpack of Gargoyles as a gift. The reason that she did so was because I didn't ever bring any backpacks with me to school. I simply preferred carrying my things in a folder instead, as I just wasn't accustomed to carrying backpacks around yet.

I managed to find a photograph of this backpack:



Hey! It's old, but it's not THAT old! XD
I remember when Neopets and Webkinz were trendy back then. I especially loved the arcade games on Webkinz and when Hallmark used to sell plushies of Webkinz.

As for video games, I remember when PictoChat on the Nintendo DS was popular and it was like an old form of texting that I enjoyed as a child. The GameCube was also trendy back then and it makes me feel nostalgic.

CDs and DVDs were more common to have than now. I honestly prefer CDs over downloading music because they come with CD booklets that I like to read.

I also remember when silly bandz and tech decks were popular among children and teens. There were also lots of amazing Disney movies back then.
dating myself a bit here, I've had this CD player since I was 4 or 5 years old (says it was manufactured in Mar 2004) and it still works lol (y)

also since my car radio only plays CDs (it has an aux input but it's broken) I still make mix CDs regularly. nothing beats listening to the same 18 songs over and over and over for like 7 months straight 😆
I still make mix CDs regularly.
I still do that, too. ^^

- I remember watching Pingu all the time as a kid (my cousin was addicted to that series, lol).
- I remember listening to cassette tapes when I was bored.
- In the 2000s I had a pink CRT TV with a crown on it, and it was the coolest thing ever.

I have way too many memories to write them all out!
While my parents were really early adopters of the internet and computers, everything else was behind the times. That’s largely because my family prefers waiting on tech until it’s relatively affordable. As a result I grew up in a household that was mostly stuck in the 90s and mid 2000s. The elementary school I went in was underfunded too, so we relied on old tech too. Some things I remember having that many kids today wouldn’t know are:

- Going to Blockbuster to rent movies and games. (I sometimes go to the one that’s still in Bend when I’m in the area)
- Watching cartoons on a CRT TV (which is why I still like using them for retro games)
- Using portable DVD players on long drives.
- Reading game manuals instead of looking stuff up online.
- Going to malls for errands.
- Playing Nintendo 64 games that belonged to my cousin.
- Watching Bill Nye and The Magic School Bus on VHS.
- Using Windows XP desktops to do yearly tests.
- Not having a cell phone until I was 14.
- Watching YouTube before it became commercialized.
omg so many things.
- Gas being less than/a little over a dollar granted I was a very young child.
- This TV show that nobody seems to remember called Murder in Small Town X
- DOS operating systems on our family’s computer.
- This dos game I used to go so hard at

- When characters just used to walk around at Disney. No lines or cost for pictures or autographs. They seriously just spent all day walking around.
- Boston, Mass. 02134 Send it to ZOOM!
- The very first season of Big Brother and Survivor
- Overhead projectors at school.
- The Big Comfy Couch
- Inflatable furniture for your bedroom
- Taking the ball out of the mouse to clean it
- 3D Doritos
- Getting all Lisa Frank school supplies
- Seeing Titanic in theatre
- Trapper Keepers
- These bottles of nail polish

- My whole family crying when Princess Diana died
- Gel candles
- the Spice Girls movie Spice World
- My first cell phone which was this amazing LG flip phone, omg I felt so cool. I was in 7th grade and this was around 2003 maybe when I got my first cell phone. I had a lot of away games and out of school activities, so I got a cellphone that had 200 minutes and 300 texts…

- Taking my Tiger Electronics games with me on long road trips
- Playing on my moms NES
- The first Tomb Raider game
- 90s infomercials like Miss Cleo, the crafty ones like blo pens, and bedazzlers
- Having encyclopedias in your home and that’s how you did homework, write essays, research something.
- Now That’s What I Call Music commercials
- All the colorful and fun gas station bubble gums
- When State Quarters started getting released and everyone was going insane over collecting them thinking they would be worth something… turns out they’re not.
- When everyone was wearing those flare jeans and the boho fringe belts, ICONIC.

I could keep going, but the nostalgia is hitting me hard.

This is a phone booth.Back in the old days,if you were out and about and needed to make a phone call,you found one of these,opened that little folding door,went inside and made your call.Calls cost 10 cents for the longest time then went up to 25 cents before phone booths were phased out.


This is Richard Milhous Nixon,the 37th President of the United States.He was the only President to ever resign from office(due to his involvement in the cover-up of the Watergate scandal).


These are clackers.They were a toy that was popular in the 1970's.I'm not sure why kids liked these because all they did was make an annoying "clacking" sound when the plastic balls hit each other.Many schools banned them because some kids were beating the tar out of each other with these things.


This is a Ford Pinto,sold by the Ford Motor Company in the 1970's and into the 1980's.It was infamous for blowing up and catching fire when hit in the rear due to a poorly designed fuel tank.My dad took a test drive in one of these when I was kid in 1972.He didn't like it and thought it was too small anyways.Thanks,dad.

Leisure Suits 1970s (2).jpg

I remember when plaid leisure suits were popular.Even The Osmond Brothers couldn't make them look cool.
I remember when stores like Best Buy, Target, ect had a series of TV screens placed together to make a mega TV. It's the first thing I would notice when I walked into this one Best Buy. It was further in the store, but so big that you could see it anywhere in the store. And it would always showcase whatever game it was hooked up to. And it was always funny watching whoever was behind the controller struggling to play the game.

@Nunnafinga I didn't realize pay phones were gone. I was about to comment that they are still around, but apparently New York just removed its last remaining one earlier this year.
I remember when stores like Best Buy, Target, ect had a series of TV screens placed together to make a mega TV. It's the first thing I would notice when I walked into this one Best Buy. It was further in the store, but so big that you could see it anywhere in the store. And it would always showcase whatever game it was hooked up to. And it was always funny watching whoever was behind the controller struggling to play the game.

@Nunnafinga I didn't realize pay phones were gone. I was about to comment that they are still around, but apparently New York just removed its last remaining one earlier this year.
I think that pay phones in some form are still around but the old school,Superman dressing room phone booth is pretty much gone.I live in a fairly large metropolitan area and I haven't seen one in many years.
Big nostalgia with the phone booth. I think most are more or less closed down in my country even though I think some old one are still up for nostalgia purpose but unusable.

Some other stuff I'm old enough for:

- MSN.
- Portable CD players, of course covered with your favourite stickers.
- Old, OG Pokémon cards, like the early series.
- Gaming/console showcases you could play on. I love playing GameCube in the stores since we never got one, and the GBA as well before I had a SP myself.
- Chocolate/licorice cigarettes. Admit you thought you were cool sucking on those, lol.
I remember when AOL was king and you had to have a disk to get those free hours.
Payphones were a thing and I remember always seeing if I can get a quarter from them after school.
When 3D Duritos came in those plastic containers that act as cups.
When Sobe drinks came in glass bottles (they had one of my favorite flavors at the time and my dad always gets them for me whenever he got off of work)
So many things were already listed, I'll try to list some I remember that haven't been listed.

Butterfinger BBs
Tiny Polly pocket sets
this one is missing a browned haired woman

Rubber Hamtaro figures
Garbage Pail Kids cards. You can Google at your own risk.

Troll dolls

Betty spaghetty

Burger king cups
Lion king bed set that seemed to be everywhere
Tiger handheld games

Land before time adventures of the polar bear cubs and fivel goes west movies
I remember when Imageshack was my go-to and I had some fansites on Webs. Good times.

My memory of when things happened isn’t so good but I definitely remember the “vibe” of the early 00’s. It isn’t really until 2007-onward I get more concrete memories. I’m in my 20’s, I just can’t remember many early things.

Edit: I also remember watching Cartoon Network on a flip phone and buying ringtones advertised in little magazines lol
I'm old enough to remember the good ol' days of going on the computer and using Microsoft Encarta.
Since this thread is now three years old, the cutoff time has been pushed back three years, meaning that stuff from the early 2010s (2010, 2011, and 2012) are now up for discussion. But even older stuff like previously mentioned are still up for discussion. I’ll try to add another year as another year goes by.

Getting back on topic, one thing I remember that I haven’t mentioned yet was a Neopets video game called The Darkest Faerie, which only came out on PS2. It hasn’t gotten an HD remake, and I haven’t got to play the game after 2010.
Getting back on topic, one thing I remember that I haven’t mentioned yet was a Neopets video game called The Darkest Faerie, which only came out on PS2. It hasn’t gotten an HD remake, and I haven’t got to play the game after 2010.
Ohh I was very into Neopets back then and I remember seeing commercials for the game air on TV. I was kinda sad because I didn't even have a video game console at the time. Then when I finally did, I had Nintendo consoles, which it isn't on.. The only Neopets game on those was Puzzle Adventure which I didn't really enjoy.