I remember having an amiga and some other old gaming computer. I dont remember the model of the amiga (because they weren't exactly catchy back then, just lots of numbers) and absolutely no idea what the other was, but I remember playing Superfrog, Sleepwalker, Dizzy and the password/DRM screen of Astrix and Obelisk (couldnt get past that screen without the manual, which we didnt have).
I remember watching the golden age of Simpsons and Spongebob when they were first aired. I point that out since as the shows are still being made (I think), they are terrible shadows of their former glory.
Biker Mice from Mars, Street Sharks, Big Bad Beetle Borgs, VR Troopers and a whole bunch of other rip offs of other kids shows (mostly Power Rangers rip offs).
I remember Medabots too, which to this day I wish they had done more with it in terms of games. Always baffled how that was caught up among 'Pokemon rip off' anime.
It was ripe for an interesting game given the premise of building a little robot friend to fight...But alas, the gamea were trash. The closest I ever found was a web browser game I couldn't play because my computer was bad, or Megabyte Punch which I stumbled across on Steam.
I remember watching the golden age of Simpsons and Spongebob when they were first aired. I point that out since as the shows are still being made (I think), they are terrible shadows of their former glory.
Biker Mice from Mars, Street Sharks, Big Bad Beetle Borgs, VR Troopers and a whole bunch of other rip offs of other kids shows (mostly Power Rangers rip offs).
I remember Medabots too, which to this day I wish they had done more with it in terms of games. Always baffled how that was caught up among 'Pokemon rip off' anime.
It was ripe for an interesting game given the premise of building a little robot friend to fight...But alas, the gamea were trash. The closest I ever found was a web browser game I couldn't play because my computer was bad, or Megabyte Punch which I stumbled across on Steam.