Poncho is my oldest! He was my starter villager and I had my island around June?
This was when I reset my island for the first time and started over. I’m not a huge fan of the jock villagers, but he grew on me to be honest. Now I’m wishing I had his original house because the starter homes are so sad and empty.
My oldest existing villager is Elmer. He was one of the starting villagers and he really grew on me. He's still on my island today! I did get him to move out and back in to upgrade his house.
Otherwise, overall it would be Kid Cat? I had him in my towns in both Wild World and New Leaf and I had to make sure that he ended up on my island in NH.
Cranston is one of my three initial move-ins and both my starters are gone, so he is the oldest. I'll probably cut him soon though because I'm not that attached to him. Either he or Fang will be the next to go on my island unless I find Phoebe or Katt in my campsite to replace Mira.
Kid Cat. I started with him and Diva when I started my island. He definitely won't be leaving ever as he's one of my favorites. Diva, on the other hand, wasn't a favorite and left 4-5 months ago.
Tammy, or Tam-Tam as I call her, is my longest-serving resident ... She's been here from day one ... She and Peck were my starters and, while Peck [my buddy Peck, I miss him], moved away quite a while ago, Tam-Tam is still here. I want her gone, not because I don't like her because she's awesome, but I want a fresh face at this stage ...
My mate Croque moved away and Dobie is moving in today so I have a new face on the island for now...
Its going to be Raymond. I know I know he's overrated but I'm just keeping him because I HATE the way people treat him. He's not a bad villager by any means. He's a good cat villager. I like his business suit and his glasses that makes him look unique. I just get so heartbroken when I see him being so hated on because he's popular and people trying to sell him off for a lot of nmts. It really made me feel sorry for him that he has a home but then he gets sold away. I am keeping him safe on my island. Anyone who tries to insult me because I have Raymond you really need to get help and really think about how what you're saying affects people. Trust me I met a lot of people who insulted me for having Raymond and I blocked them.
i can't remember exactly who is my oldest, but , my best guess is between: zucker, diana and lily. i love them all, diana and zucker are definitely staying forever. i maaaay consider moving lily out in the future? but for now she's staying.
My oldest villager is Phoebe. She's one on my starter, I honestly wanted to get rid of her since March until yesterday, when she told me happy new year ;; I want her to stay now.
on my island at the current moment would be frobert and frita my starters, though i plan to move them out at some point. not due to lack of love for them, but becus i want other villagers more.
after they move and i get all my dreamies it'll be either judy or rolf? i can't remember who moved in first, but i think it was judy.
Merry is my oldest villager. She was one of the three that you moved in to those "DIY" homes. And she's adorable, and I don't really want her to leave, although I will let her when she asks. But only once Canberra leaves. Lyman finally left, and now I really want Canberra to go, so I am holding out on her pinging me next! And then I'll just let whoever go when they decide to.