Oldest existing villager on your island?

Teddy, who was my starter Jock. I'm torn on whether or not to let him move away. He's my second favorite jock, but I get a lot of enjoyment from getting new villagers as well.
tank is my oldest resident; he was one of my original villagers when i first got my island started up. i don't think he'll be sticking around though - as much as i adore him, i have some other villagers i would love to get to know. i'm also not a huge fan of athletic villager personalities.
Pango was my first move in, so my 3rd villager overall. Weirdly my intention at the start of the game was get villagers I liked but wasn't crazy over and replace them all later on for dreamies once I'd seen a few different faces. But she grew on me too much and I can't let her leave now.
Tasha is my oldest villager, she was one of my starter 10. The others have changed a few times now since my original line up!
Audie, she was the first villager I found on the free island tour in the start lol, she will be here forever! : D
That would be Lyman, who was my starter jock villager. I did dislike his relatively boring starter house though, so at some point I had him move out and in again, technically making Aurora the one with the earliest move-in date. I might replace Lyman at some point in the future. Aurora, probably not. 😄
Buck is my oldest islander which I have had on my island since day 1 I am not sure about getting rid of him as I had Ed in my New Leaf town since day 1 and is still there for the last 8 years.

I like something about keeping a villager/islander that you have had since day 1 as they get to build and experience the growth with you :)
I’ve still got Bam, who has literally been on my island from day one, 20th March 2020. He was one of my starters and he won’t move for anything! I have his pic so I’d like him to move out. He’s the only villager I still have with the ugly starter houses too!
I think this would have to be my one of my favorite villagers, Rudy. I found him on an island after the 3-5th villagers moved in, so he was probably the 6th villager and he got to have his normal layout. Everyone else since then moved out.
Plucky has been my starter Uchi! Also the only Uchi I've ever had, so far.
Beau - he was one the first three after the starters. I hate that he doesn’t have his own design house but he’s never leaving no matter how many times he asks! Lol
I still have my starters, Biff and Canberra. I’ve gotten pretty attached to them over time (had Canberra in ACNL as well), so currently, I have no plans to let them go.

In general, I have an issue with getting too attached to my villagers, to the point that I hardly ever let anyone leave. The only move-out I’ve allowed is Chops, my random smug from the campsite, and that was back in late May. I no longer have a smug, and I have too many lazies (three of them, and two jocks), but I can’t bring myself to let any of them go for the time being.

At this point, a lot of my villagers were selected in some way, rather than random. While my starters were random, I liked them both from the start (they were my favorites from my reset attempts, though I wasn’t resetting for villagers). I did a bunch of island hopping for my next three villagers, and then invited four animals via Amiibo. For the tenth, I waited several months until someone I liked showed up in the campsite. About half of my villagers are ones I’ve never had before, but I’m quite happy with my mix. I have most of their pictures at this point, but I still doubt I’ll let them leave.

A couple more villager slots would be nice, for more flexibility, but realistically, I would probably end up filling those semi-permanently as well. I simply don’t seem to be fond of change, and I get quite attached.
I don't remember if it was Ruby or Gruff. Ruby moved in after I invited her from a campsite and Gruff moved into an empty spot on his own.
I'm not planning on getting rid of either, I just wish there was a way to reset their homes so it wasn't cluttered with bugs and fish.
If I had to let go of one of them it'd be Gruff and only if Kabuki visited the campsite. Gruff has a charming design that makes him stand out on the island, he fits the cranky type to a T. I'd be sad to see him go. And even with all the junk, his interior is pretty chill.
Gotta be Audie now.
I found Raymond super quick when I started playing back in march and Audie right after him, but I've since replaced Raymond with an ungifted one because I destroyed his house lol
Axel was my starting jock and I think I'll be keeping him around for a while 😊 I also have Cookie who was my first peppy
Julian, my favorite. I invited him as soon as the amiibo function unlocked.
Phoebe, she was my original Uchi villager, and is still there, however, if she wants to move again I won't say no to her again, kinda want some fresh villagers, I recently let Stitches, my other OG villager go for Erik. Other than that my oldest would be Marshal, as I lucked out and got him as my smug first camper :D