I still have my starters, Biff and Canberra. I’ve gotten pretty attached to them over time (had Canberra in ACNL as well), so currently, I have no plans to let them go.
In general, I have an issue with getting too attached to my villagers, to the point that I hardly ever let anyone leave. The only move-out I’ve allowed is Chops, my random smug from the campsite, and that was back in late May. I no longer have a smug, and I have too many lazies (three of them, and two jocks), but I can’t bring myself to let any of them go for the time being.
At this point, a lot of my villagers were selected in some way, rather than random. While my starters were random, I liked them both from the start (they were my favorites from my reset attempts, though I wasn’t resetting for villagers). I did a bunch of island hopping for my next three villagers, and then invited four animals via Amiibo. For the tenth, I waited several months until someone I liked showed up in the campsite. About half of my villagers are ones I’ve never had before, but I’m quite happy with my mix. I have most of their pictures at this point, but I still doubt I’ll let them leave.
A couple more villager slots would be nice, for more flexibility, but realistically, I would probably end up filling those semi-permanently as well. I simply don’t seem to be fond of change, and I get quite attached.