Oldest existing villager on your island?

Melba was the first villager I saw after being able to get new villagers, and she is never leaving!

Tangy moved in the day after Melba, and she's never leaving either!
Hopkins has been living on my island for many months and he's still enjoying his time on the isle as of now. I don't plan on replacing him with any other villager yet so he's definitely going to stick around and hang out with the rest of the villagers for many days to come.
Marina 🐙 I've spoken about my love of her a lot on various threads but she was a surprise move in (came from a friend's void shortly after I got acnh) and I adore her so much. She feels like a central part of my experience of acnh honestly, I couldn't imagine Gont without her anxious face and her adorable singing 😭
All of my starter villagers left the island.

Diana is currently the titleholder for staying the longest!
I still have Renee and Tybalt my starter villagers. I love them too much to let them leave
My oldest is Antonio, he's my last starting villager and I absolutely love him. He's so funny, so he's not going anywhere!
mine is Nan, and if she asks to leave I won't hesitate to let her go. love her but she's a normal and I have three total on my island.
I still have reneigh on my island atm and she was my starting sisterly villager so she's been with me since the start haha
I'm too hooked on island hopping, so the longest lasting villager on my island has been Daisy who I have had since July.
My longest staying villager is Skye, and it's actually kinda poetic. She was the first villager I encountered on my first Nook Miles island when hunting for the starting normal, peppy and lazy back at launch, and she's in my top 3 favorite villagers, so I was screaming when I saw her. Funny thing is, I spent years looking for her back in New Leaf, as I had seen her at my campsite when my town was full at the beginning of the game, so I couldn't invite her. She was the last dreamie I obtained, so it's kinda funny how she was the first this time, and I don't plan on ever letting her go. Her and her ugly starter house will stay with me forever <3
scoot is my oldest villager!! he's actually one of my starters but i loved him so i didnt wanna let him go haha. I might let him move out once i get his photo tho
Mine is Beau. I got his from my first nook island back in April. I really like him, so he's not going anywhere.
My oldest is Marina. She was the very first villager that I met on my very first mystery island tour and she is never leaving! Even though her house is a starter home I don’t mind since I give her a lot of items anyway to get her photo... and still haven’t gotten it... at least I got her poster!
My oldest is Lily even though she appears last on my island map. I briefly moved her to my other island because I wanted her original house 🥰💕 My 2nd oldest is Julian
My longest are the two I started the game with. Katt & Leonardo. Both of them I'm debating letting go. Leonardo for sure, because I really want Bam for my Jock personality. I'm struggling a bit with Katt. I wanna let her go because I really want Cherry for my sisterly type. Or Muffy. But I also really want a cat villager. The problem is, I'm not willing to let go of any of my others. The DIYs and reactions got me trapped man! Trapped! But yeah lol Katt & Leonardo are my longest and the two I'm eventually gonna -try- to get rid of.
Though I feel a bit bad saying goodbye to them too, since they started out with me.
Rudy because he’s literally my starter jock and we arrived on the island together. He was one of the reasons I stuck with the island I have now because he was one of my best friends in my past games (NL) and the odds of starting ACNH with him there...I just felt like it’s some sort of sign. So I said I’ll make this island work and so far so good. I got Stitches and Rosie as my 3rd and 4th villagers and ended up with Marshal being my first ever tent visitor (making him my forced move in) and Marshal is my best boy! So my island has a lot of old villagers that are never going away. :)
Oh boy I hate their houses but love both my starters Snake and Hazel dearlyyyy!! 🥺