Pashmina was my starter uchi, and even though I wouldn't have gotten her under "normal" circumstances, I've grown to love her, so she won't be leaving anytime soon. I also had Moose as starting jock but he just could not grow on me, so he left a long time ago.
Kiki, who moved in back in the late summer. I have her house set in my pockets, so she’ll be sticking around for a bit. I’ll probably let her go in the spring, though.
Wendy has been on my island the longest because she was my starter peppy! Filbert technically has been around as long, but he’s a newer instance of the character. I wanted to upgrade him to his regular house! c:
I still have both of my starting villagers. Buck and Frita. And I plan on keeping both. (I started game at launch. And still have my first island from then.)
Megan is my oldest existing villager. She was one of the original 6 'game placed' villagers when I first started my island. Biskit, Carmen and Static were in my original 10 line up. I added them with amiibo cards.
My oldest villagers are Hazel and Buck. They're actually the starting villagers I got at the beginning of the game, and while I originally thought I was going to get rid of them, I liked the charm of having two OGs stay with me
With that said though, I'm thinking of letting them go once my island has hit the one year mark on March 20th. I love those two, but I find getting new villagers kind of limiting since two villagers weren't allowed to leave out of the 10 I have.
Beau! He was one of my, second wave villagers?? The ones you make furniture for. So I've had him since like, april I think?
And it makes me feel super guilty to admit, but I'm currently planning on getting rid of him as soon as I can. ;o; I love him but, there's another villager I want to have more at this point, and he's the only one I'm willing to put on the chopping block.