Opinion on dresses?

Im also a girl who hates wearing dresses. The only dress I'd consider wearing is something dark, elegant, and fitted, but I absolutely hate anything flow-y, floof-y, or "girly." I also dont wear skirts. I much prefer pants since they are easier to move in and you don't have to worry about creepy guys trying to look up your skirt. I do agree though that dresses are more comfortable to wear than pants. But overall I'm just not a very girly person and pants are just way more "me."
I don't care if someone is wearing a dress, except when it's so short that you can literally see the underwear. I find that pretty disrespectful towards other people and also not good for kids. Nobody wants to see your underwear, really.

I personally don't like wear dresses, because I feel like I'm not thin enough to look good in them.
My fiance managed to find one though that I actually like and I also wore it for the wedding of his mother, for which it was planned anyways.
I really barely wear it tho. In summer, I might be wearing a random one in the garden, but I wouldn't go to shop or anything like that with it, because I feel too uncomfortable wearing it.
When I was a kid I refused to wear dresses because I was such a tomboy who didn't want to be seen as girly, and when I was a young teen I didn't wear them because I was so insecure about my body.

But now I'm older I've lost a lot of weight and become more confident in my appearance, I recently bought my first dress and I really like how it looks on me! It's a pretty short black mini dress though, I can't imagine myself wearing anything too long and flowy, I'm still much too edgy for that,, but I've been experimenting with clothes more recently, so never say never!

I am a fan of how easy dresses are to wear, you can just put one on with shoes and it's a full outfit.
I think everyone should wear whatever they feel comfortable in, so long as they aren't out there killing anyone or whatnot then what's the problem? If men want to wear dresses and makeup that should be fine too. No one should tell you what to wear to be pleasing and acceptable to someone else.
I like dresses, but I end up not wearing them as much because I sweat a lot and get a lot accumulating on my thighs. I hate it when my wet thighs rub so I end up wearing pants most of the time.

But when it's cooler out, I like having on a long skirt or a dress!

Also yeah, nobody should force you to wear a dress if you don't want to wear one. That goes for most clothes though! I think you should be wearing what you want within reason.
I really like dresses, but it’s hard for me to like them on me. I have to try on maybe 1,000 dresses before I find one I like.
I’m super skinny, and tight dresses make me look skinnier, fluffy dresses make me look like a little girl. I already look 10 years younger than I am, so honestly dresses don’t help my case. I don’t wear them very often.
Personally, I think it is "unfair" to expect women to wear dresses. That is just me though. However I also find dresses very uncomfortable and revealing simply because there is a lack of pants lol. My legs get cold. I feel like I can't sit how I want in a comfortable way, and I am constantly conscious about where the end of the dress is, even if it is at my ankles because air, and angles and distance when sitting compared to other people, and creepy people. When it comes to occasions for nice cloths, I end up wearing a dress and being uncomfortable the whole time. If it wasn't for my weight, it would be easier and affordable to just get a nice pant and shirt set for myself. A good compromise is a skirt. At least for me, they seem a tad more comfortable than a dress to deal with for a few hours.
If you want to wear a dress, more power to you. And even more power to you if you pick a dress YOU want to wear. If your dad insists you wear something, especially when you are a full grown adult, I'd suggest he wear it instead.
I think everyone should wear what makes them happiest/comfortable. I don't think there's anymore to it really and I do apologize for anyone dealing with someone that makes them feel otherwise. That's not a healthy dynamic and you should do what's right for you.
Isn’t it strange how this rhetoric only exists for women? Men can wear suits to play the piano so why not women?
My feminist side is a bit gaslit because of this so I do apologise, although I don’t think anybody has any right to tell a person how to dress. That should be up to the individual regardless of gender or sex.
i'm a girl who loves to wear dresses/skirts, but i've frequently worn a makeshift suit (leggings instead of dress pants) for interviews and things. personally, i'm of the mind that anyone should be allowed to wear anything they want to so long as it isn't bigoted (by which i mean nazi symbols on shirts etc.), and that includes men wearing skirts/dresses/heels, and women wearing suits.
I like dresses and enjoy wearing them, though I'd usually pick a skirt over a dress, but I don't really get much of an opportunity to wear them as I get cold very easily and the weather here isn't often warm enough to wear them so I mostly stick to the comfort of legging or joggers. I do love browsing/shopping for dresses though and like getting the rare chance to wear them in the summer but in all honesty I'd still likely wear shorts or skirts more then dresses in the hotter months.

Also I completely agree with what others have said that everyone should be able to wear whatever they're happiest/most comfortable without been judged or discriminated against for it.
I think women should wear whichever they like. Personally, I always pick dress pants and a more formal shirt for interviews or if we are going to a place that kinda requires formal wear. I like how dresses look but I will only wear them once or never. I always feel uncomfortable wearing dresses for some reason.

I prefer to be comfy over looking nice.