Opinion on people begging Nintendo for more custom design slots

I mean, first if all, I think most of the design slots on this game are used for custom paths which finally have transparency, I never used the designs at all for paths in the older games because I never thought they looked any good, but in this one I'm constantly running out of room.

All of the designs are shared between all players, so that significantly decreases the amount you can actually use if more than one person is playing. It would be unfair to other players to use all their designs slots for your house or for paths.

If you want to make any complicated designs you need to use up more than one space, say you want a path with a border, or in my case a realistic looking lava pool, that takes up a lot of slots for what is essentially one actual design.

I wouldn't beg Nintendo to add more slots but I also would greatly appreciate them, especially since HHD had so many.
The thing is not everyone is going to want to make a second character just so they can have more slots because the house takes up space, me included. Also in NH there are two different types of slots, one for clothing and one for paths. I think the 50 slots is both overall (correct me if I'm wrong though). There's more than enough slots for the clothing for me but certainly not enough for paths, especially since paths with borders can take 6+ slots. If I was able to use the slots from the clothing section to make custom paths then that would be enough for me, but I can't so now I just have a bunch of empty slots in the clothing section that I have no use for so I don't really agree with you.
but who are they hurting for asking for more? 😬
you know some people have multiple villagers that could potentially want their own slots for clothing ya know?

and to be fair, paths were NOT actual in-game thing before.... it's just natural that because in new-horizons, it's fully customizable and we can store these designs outside, so that people would want more.
The thing is not everyone is going to want to make a second character just so they can have more slots because the house takes up space, me included. Also in NH there are two different types of slots, one for clothing and one for paths. I think the 50 slots is both overall (correct me if I'm wrong though). There's more than enough slots for the clothing for me but certainly not enough for paths, especially since paths with borders can take 6+ slots. If I was able to use the slots from the clothing section to make custom paths then that would be enough for me, but I can't so now I just have a bunch of empty slots in the clothing section that I have no use for so I don't really agree with you.
I'm in the same situation!
i don't think this issue should be compared to what we had in past games. NH is a game that is focused on creative freedom in building your town, which is very different from the past games. i think it'd be appropriate to give us more design slots seeing that customizing a town is a central feature of the game

this is basically what i thought too. like are we just gonna ignore that terraforming and putting furniture outside were never a thing in older games.

also i agree jeremiah is king
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Just because past games had fewer, doesn't mean people can't be asking for more. The creativity in this game is way up compared to previous games in the serious. With that, the custom design slots should go way up as well. Sure, it did go up. But I have a basketball court and a soccer field on my island, which each space being unique from the rest, that takes up 48 out of 50 of my slots. I can no longer do anything of these nice paths that others have, unless I get rid of these areas. Nothing hurts Nintendo by giving us more, so why not? If the update doesn't come some day, oh well. We have adapted so far and will continue, but it only limits our creativity.
In addition to the excuse of "just because the older games didn't have xyz," games evolve and change. If we always went by the thought of "well it wasn't in the older games so it can't exist in the newer," how can games grow and improve? We want them to!
people are never really satisfied. the devs increased the slots in NH and people are still complaining.
Of course people are going to be asking for more. This game, unlike the others, is really centered around customization after all. Also, as mentioned by others there's really no harm in asking for more slots because those pattern slots (as they are now) are shared between all players on a single console. There isn't any offline pattern storage available (this is an issue for offline players), which doesn't help either.

If you have a big family (or roommates), well, you just wouldn't be able to use all those pattern slots for yourself as you'd be expected to keep a couple of free slots for them to use. A full island with 8 players would only have 6 pattern slots per player with 2 free slots up for grabs. Even with just 4 players (12 slots per player, 2 free slots up for grabs) sharing all those slots proves to be a problem, especially if you use custom pattern paths (or really detailed/large patterns in general) as a lot of them tend to use 8-10 slots each.
There’s no harm in asking. Sometimes they listen and make people happy, sometimes they don’t.

They listened to us in a lot of parts when coming up with new horizons (like outside customizations, not having the villagers leave so unexpectedly, etc). So it’s always nice to voice opinions just in case someone out there is listening and taking notes.

I’m ok with the pattern storage right now since I just use the in game paths, but more is always better. I plan on designing some later on (I just don’t feel like it now).
Because didn't Happy Home Designer have 100 pattern slots, and another 100 storage slots, or something like that?

Don't forget the pattern storage itself is completely gone now unless you have online. Giving us more slots baseline is the least they could do.

I'm wondering if they will do a paid DLC or something to add more custom design slots/ assign sounds to custom designs :/ (honestly I'd rather pay a little extra than never get it... I want my stepping stones to sound stoney)
I don't see any harm in asking for more design slots. Like others have said, New Horizons seems to have a lot of focus on creativity and making your island the way that you want it to be. I've played since the GameCube game, and I honestly didn't use custom slots much at all in any of the previous games, but even I'm experiencing the issue of not having enough custom design slots in New Horizons.
Honestly I would be satisfied with the 50 custom slots if it was possible to reuse a slot without it being erased. Like theres just so many cute designs out there!!! Plus as someone mentioned before a lot of the more intricate designs have multiple slots. The design I use for my path has 9 and i had to sacrifice a lot of designs I liked for it lol I honestly wouldnt mind reusing the slot if it was like your flag design where you can reuse the slot and your flag wont be changed. Like if you place a design down it wont be erased unless you physically kick it even if you replaced the slot
I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for more custom design slots. The only other game I've played was New Leaf and the number of slots have increased dramatically in New Horizons. They may sound like they're whining but people really like to go all out with their towns. Some custom designs are sometimes just used for one particular object and when someone has a lot of those types of designs, it can fill up the slots quickly. I know unlimited designs is very unlikely lol but in my opinion, I think it would be cool for Nintendo to implement an optional feature where you can order more slots for custom designs!
TLDR because my reply doesn't make sense at all, for some people, custom design slots fill up quickly and i don't think it's unreasonable to ask for more!
I am grateful for the increased spots, but you need to take into account that the game is very different in terms of customization now. The need behind it (using the term need, loosely) is different than it was in other games.

It should be increased. Maybe to 100, but more than that would be overkill. I do think youd understand better if you played the game and see for yourself how quickly those spots fill up. I use the in game pathing for my paths and I still find myself too full at the moment. They arent just used for paths, they're used for customizing furniture as well, which takes up more than what youd think even if you arent using them as ground pathing.

My island is pretty vanilla and even I find myself wanting more slots.

Please dont call it dumb for asking Nintendo to provide a feature that most of us want. It's just unnecessary.
So, I saw a reply on Nintendo telling them they want more custom design slots.

To me, I find it completely dumb. Why would someone ever beg Nintendo for more custom design slots?

Before any of you yelling at me for disagreeing, I never played New Horizons and I mostly play older games (PG, WW, and NL).

I don't know why you feel the need to criticize people for asking for improvements to a game that you've never played.I suggest that you play the game,get the experience,and if you still feel the same way,come back and make another thread.
I don’t mind right now (probably because I’ve used about 3 so far) but tbh I think it would be cool to have some more. And honestly, it’s kind of sad that you’re making a whole thread basically just to bring other people down for the own personal opinions. Not cool. Not cool at all.
uh i’m gonna chime in with my two cents here. i’ve never used oodles of custom designs before but there’s no harm in asking for more design slots. people paid for the game and continue to give nintendo money with their online membership so they shouldn’t be belittled for wanting something more. it’s not wrong for people to ask for more and they shouldn’t be looked down upon because of it.

referring to people as “dumb” for wanting something is honestly kind of rude. and also, why does this bother you so much if you haven’t even played the game lmao

i also love how you called people dumb and then left. cute lmao
How come in recent years so many fans have been critisized for simply asking for more features? Happens everywhere these days and honestly its a terrible mindset. Nintendo may not be a shady company but they still are a company too much blind loyalty is always a bad thing no matter what.

Its like people think Nintendo gets their feelings hurt or something whenever someone posts criticism or asking for stuff.