Opinions on PETA’s vegan guide to animal crossing?

PETA were also the ones that claimed sheep don't need to be sheared, despite the fact that domestic sheep, unlike wild sheep, can't shed their wool naturally and not shearing your sheep is incredibly cruel and inhumane, and sometimes can lead to the death of the animal. I saw one of their anti-wool signs in the local mall and my friend and I had a good time making a mockery of it. It's probably easier for them to condemn people for catching a fake fish than to do their research on the needs of real life animals.
Wow. Just... wow. There are real life endangered animals being hunted in the world but PETA goes after video games. Ridiculous.

I haven't trusted PETA for a long time. I remember years ago they purchased a bunch of land hermit crabs from a store and then released them on the beach so they could "return to the ocean". Land hermit crabs don't live in the ocean. Hence the name. It was horrifying. Seagulls and other birds just swooped down to snatch up a free meal. The hermit crabs kept running towards the trees and shrubs which is where they actually live but the PETA people kept taking them back down to the beach. I kept land hermit crabs as companions for years. I researched exactly what they needed and how best to care for them. I never trusted PETA again after that stunt.
They care more about a string of code more than living, breathing animals
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PETA acts more like a cult than an actual animal rights group.
PETA are a huge and nasty nuisance in the uk. Especially if you're a dog lover. They want to ban the particular breed of dog I own, which is a Staffordshire bull terrier. It's not the breed that's the problem with these dogs, it's that they commonly fall into the wrong hands, especially with illegal dog fighting still going on. Why the hell would you eradicate an entire breed of dog for these reasons? And they're meant to be an animal welfare charity, jeez.
PETA abuse, and sometimes even euthanize, the animals that they keep in their possession. They’re a pot calling the kettle black, nobody should be taking anything they say seriously. People think this organization is a joke these days (because they are), so they do cr@p like this for attention and clicks.
PETA were also the ones that claimed sheep don't need to be sheared, despite the fact that domestic sheep, unlike wild sheep, can't shed their wool naturally and not shearing your sheep is incredibly cruel and inhumane, and sometimes can lead to the death of the animal. I saw one of their anti-wool signs in the local mall and my friend and I had a good time making a mockery of it. It's probably easier for them to condemn people for catching a fake fish than to do their research on the needs of real life animals.

PETA also thinks that all pets should be instantly released to the wild. Some pets may be OK in the wild, but most will be picked off very quickly by predators or run over by a car or will just die of starvation because they don't know what to eat. Releasing them is actually more cruel and inhumane than keeping them as pets at that point.

Maybe humans shouldn't be keeping some of these animals as pets, or breeding them to be pets. That's a valid discussion to be having, sure. But (for example) a pet bird who only knows that food is given to them in a bowl, and doesn't understand the concept of predators or cars, can no longer survive in the wild.
clearly PETA is out of touch with the real world here. fishing is bad to them? and what would happen to all those fish if they were left to their own devices? over-crowding, starvation, disease etc. im a fishergirl, ive only fished when i was hungry. thinning the herd is a Good Thing, along with why hunters hunt, and why there are limits on how many of which species youre allowed to catch, kill and keep. its to thin all the herds, without desecrating the populations. geez you would think PETA would know that. a word to them here though; stay out of our video games!!! its nunya business!
its things like this that stir people away from veganism and protecting the planet. thanks, peta
Don't worry, it's my love for eating meat and cheese that keeps me away from being vegan. Not those nutters haha
thank goodness. it honestly wouldnt be hard for me to become vegan, i hate fast food, sodas, anything greasy. but oh man, cheesecake ? banana bread ? creamy pasta sauce ? my cooking side would never let me
thank goodness. it honestly wouldnt be hard for me to become vegan, i hate fast food, sodas, anything greasy. but oh man, cheesecake ? banana bread ? creamy pasta sauce ? my cooking side would never let me
I eat vegan about 3 or 4 times a week. Foods nice and all. But bacon and pizza (real bacon and pizza)? Hell nawww is that leaving my diet XD
I googled “why does peta suck”
Here’s what I got.

Honestly I thought peta was an honorable animal rights association. I even used some of their stuff for a puppy mill information site project last year. I didn’t know they were this awful until I made this post.


  • why does peta suck - Google Search.pdf
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I haven't read the article nor planning to, but I remember when the game was released they were in the news for advising players not to do many things in the game and I just rolled my eyes, I mean the game is heavily focused on fishing & catching bugs for the museum and for bells, so I'm assuming if we follow their guidelines, there'd be nothing to do except for shopping & decorating/terraforming. Maybe not even terraforming cuz when you're building cliffs you do get rid of the fish.

I understand their intention, but it is so misdirected & sounds like ppl who came up w/ it haven't played the game. Or understood this is a game. I mean, I would never stuff my pockets irl w/ piranhas & sharks lol. Or hit an animal w/ a net. Or like in wild world, hit a bird w/ my slingshot.

And ironically, a lot of ppl who play ac are animal lovers and own pets, so if they were serious abt animal welfare, they could've found allies, instead of preaching & treating us like idiots who can't tell the difference between rl & a video game.