other language board?


May 29, 2017
Tasty Cake
idk if there is one or not- but im looking for a thread to speak another language in! tysm in advanced if anyone responds
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idk if there is one or not- but im looking for a thread to speak another language in! tysm in advanced if anyone responds

Well we should not forget that this is an international forum, and as such we should all speak the same language (which is of course English for obvious reasons).

I do not know what your situation is where you live but I work in a University, so it is pretty cosmopolitan, which is great but I find this infuriating when foreigners gather in groups and speak their native language next to a group who cannot understand them (I get this all the time at lunch). It is extremely rude for many reasons, mainly that because they could be saying whatever they want (e.g. freely speak ill of people because they know that nobody will understand them).

It is even worse in my case because I live in an English-speaking country, so foreigners add "disrespect for the local culture" in the list of offences. The worst is that it is truly dividing (I'm not kidding, Asian people almost exclusively hang out with Asian people who speak the same Asian tongue, Indians with Indians, etc.).

I mean, I do not mind when tourists do that (could you be bother learning a complete new language for a couple weeks in another country? of course not), but people who live and work in a country should make the effort to learn the local language, or at least English.

Sorry if that looks like a rant, it was not meant to :p But clearly we do not need to divide this forum into languages and therefore create groups that completely ignore each other, the games easily accommodate those differences anyway (I can trade French-named items with English-speaking people, and we both get the items in our native languages) and it's already bad enough that it happens in real life ;)

Edit: you may want to say "if you really wanted to know what people are saying in another language on this forum, you could just copy-paste their posts in Google Translate". You would be right, but you would also be missing the point of my argument, which is "we are ONE community of players" :)
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oh no, people speaking the native language they're more comfortable with to others that also speak it. how offensive to the brittle yet majestic english speakers in close proximity

but even ignoring how google translate is an absolute joke that shouldn't be trusted in any notable capacity, it really all just comes down to the staff not being able to moderate properly if they can't accurately know and gauge what's going on
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Well we should not forget that this is an international forum, and as such we should all speak the same language (which is of course English for obvious reasons).

I do not know what your situation is where you live but I work in a University, so it is pretty cosmopolitan, which is great but I find this infuriating when foreigners gather in groups and speak their native language next to a group who cannot understand them (I get this all the time at lunch). It is extremely rude for many reasons, mainly that because they could be saying whatever they want (e.g. freely speak ill of people because they know that nobody will understand them).

It is even worse in my case because I live in an English-speaking country, so foreigners add "disrespect for the local culture" in the list of offences. The worst is that it is truly dividing (I'm not kidding, Asian people almost exclusively hang out with Asian people who speak the same Asian tongue, Indians with Indians, etc.).

I mean, I do not mind when tourists do that (could you be bother learning a complete new language for a couple weeks in another country? of course not), but people who live and work in a country should make the effort to learn the local language, or at least English.

Sorry if that looks like a rant, it was not meant to :p But clearly we do not need to divide this forum into languages and therefore create groups that completely ignore each other, the games easily accommodate those differences anyway (I can trade French-named items with English-speaking people, and we both get the items in our native languages) and it's already bad enough that it happens in real life ;)

Edit: you may want to say "if you really wanted to know what people are saying in another language on this forum, you could just copy-paste their posts in Google Translate". You would be right, but you would also be missing the point of my argument, which is "we are ONE community of players" :)

Yeah that rant had nothing to do with what OP was actually asking and pretty uncalled for honestly. Other than the fact that a board like this doesn't exist on the forums because it would be too hard to moderate, it is actually not a weird suggestion for a board at all. This is a public forum where we can discuss gaming and other every day life things. They are simply asking if there is such a board where people with similar language interests can discuss that or practice together. I don't understand the "argument" you are trying to make.

Anyways OP, there's no such board like this here but you can always make a thread on Brewster forums with a general topic about a language you are interested in. The discussion has to be in english, but you can always find users you can privately PM or talk to outside this forum if you want to converse with people in that language :)
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Not right now as I think it would be more difficult for staff to moderate what’s posted if it’s in different languages (?). But you could probably find people who speak other languages on other platforms.
I think it would be cool if there was a board for different languages. I don't speak a second language, but it would be interesting to see. It could also help people trying to learn a second language by seeing topics like games they are familiar with. You could always just add bilingual people to the staff if there is trouble moderating the board.
Well we should not forget that this is an international forum, and as such we should all speak the same language (which is of course English for obvious reasons).

I do not know what your situation is where you live but I work in a University, so it is pretty cosmopolitan, which is great but I find this infuriating when foreigners gather in groups and speak their native language next to a group who cannot understand them (I get this all the time at lunch). It is extremely rude for many reasons, mainly that because they could be saying whatever they want (e.g. freely speak ill of people because they know that nobody will understand them).

It is even worse in my case because I live in an English-speaking country, so foreigners add "disrespect for the local culture" in the list of offences. The worst is that it is truly dividing (I'm not kidding, Asian people almost exclusively hang out with Asian people who speak the same Asian tongue, Indians with Indians, etc.).

I mean, I do not mind when tourists do that (could you be bother learning a complete new language for a couple weeks in another country? of course not), but people who live and work in a country should make the effort to learn the local language, or at least English.

Sorry if that looks like a rant, it was not meant to :p But clearly we do not need to divide this forum into languages and therefore create groups that completely ignore each other, the games easily accommodate those differences anyway (I can trade French-named items with English-speaking people, and we both get the items in our native languages) and it's already bad enough that it happens in real life ;)

Edit: you may want to say "if you really wanted to know what people are saying in another language on this forum, you could just copy-paste their posts in Google Translate". You would be right, but you would also be missing the point of my argument, which is "we are ONE community of players" :)

The fact that the forum is so "international" means that there is a wide variety of people from different countries, thus speaking a lot of languages. I mean, yeah, I do understand that as mostly everyone speaks English around here, you should speak English in order to communicate to most of the people here, but allowing people to speak other languages is not bad, and would not divide the forum, it would just help new people to get to know each other, thus enforcing and creating more healthy relationships around the forum, as posting on a thread about your language would not make you stop posting on there threads. It's like, yeah, you might live in an English-speaking country, but not all the world works like that. In fact, in real life, there are no mods.

Everyone is free to speak whatever language they want at any moment, specially if you live in countries like the US, which have no official languages, not even English. On the forum rules, there is nothing regarding language, which means it's not that farfetched to have a language thread around. I mean, yeah, it could be annoying to have people speaking another language which you don't understand in front of you, but people can speak French or Japanese at any moment, and it's not rude. Anyway, you should not get into other people's conversations. Not everyone in the world can have English be their mother language, may I tell you.
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Unfortunately we wouldn't be able to moderate content we can't understand. If anyone were to encounter a problem (e.g. scamming, rude behaviour, etc) we wouldn't have the confidence or knowledge to be able to react appropriately. Translation tools aren't reliable because they often don't take into account context, expressions, local dialects, and colloquialisms.
We did try a Dutch language board around when New Leaf first came out, but it was shut down after a while due to inactivity. A bigger problem with other languages is that we're not equipped to moderate their discussions. This is why we likely won't have anything official in the future and why it's an unwritten policy that everything posted should be in English.

edit: oops, Tina sniped my post
Everyone is free to speak whatever language they want at any moment, specially if you live in countries like the US or New Zealand, as they have no official languages, not even English.

I will not react to the rather conformist views that you and others have exposed (to be fair I saw that coming), I think I have good clues as to where they originate and it is the kind of debate that needs a face-to-face discussion.

However, I must correct you on the part I have quoted: indeed the USA does not have an official language at the federal level, but individual states do, and it is at least English. Moreover, New Zealand has 3 official languages: English, Māori and New Zealand Sign Language.
Please check facts if possible before adding a message to any sort of debate or other discussion. And in any aspects of your life for that matter :) Misinformation really is a cancer.
i've always thought about this, it's a great idea but unfortunately so unrealistic unless multilingual mods/admins are hired

(I'm not kidding, Asian people almost exclusively hang out with Asian people who speak the same Asian tongue, Indians with Indians, etc.).

lemme just show you where india is on a map for a sec

anyways it's not rude for people to speak to their friends in any non-english languages but it is rude to feel entitled to other peoples' conversations that have nothing to do with you