Senior Member
Umm.. what did you try Panda?
Don't claim Panda
Can you expand on this please?
Panda - if you are Town, PLEASE think carefully before claiming.
I know guys thank you... I'm heading to job #2 of the dayI probably won't have much time to post.
These are just his answers to the RQs. I'm just putting this here to let you guys know that I won't continue to put these in other reads of people.1. Male AEST (+10)
2. I'll probably just defend myself because I can usually find a reason to prove they're wrong lol
3. Being (hopefully) active as much as I can
4. 9 vs 4 vs 1 is a good lay out imo
- - - Post Merge - - -
oh I skipped 4, I've played with everyone here I think so no
This is a fair assumption to make, putting my bias against using meta in arguments aside.5 mafia is unlikely, I don't think Dolby would let that happen. I think Prima's just used to games with more scum members than usual
Originally Posted by PandaDarling
but don't forget the fact that mafia can only kill 1 person each night, so they might have a higher number since they cant kill as many people off as usual. just something to keep in mind.
This seems a bit quick to just kind of flip like that, with their last post saying that 5 scum is unlikely, though it seems like a very submissive post at that. My thought is that, based on his willingness to change his opinion on a dime, along with his general submissiveness when Panda made an argument, Heyden could either be Town who doesn't want to lead, or Mafia who doesn't want to get caught so easily. Personally, I'd lean more toward the former (based on this post alone), considering that, at the time, Panda was one of the main driving forces during the Day. With that in mind, getting away from a discussion like this would generate more time for the greater task of actually finding scum. Obviously there was a miss on the lynch Yesterday, but this shows that Heyden is indirectly proactive during the Day.There's probably 4 scum and an SK or 5 scum then I guess
Originally Posted by PandaDarling
I don't want us to start arguing about how many mafia there is or isn't, instead of actually trying to find scum... seen it happen and turn D1 into a mess, im going to bed now, look toward to seeing the other players show up, see you all tomorrow. Good night.
Heyden's first statement reinforces the idea from the last quote. The second statement, while I disagree with it based on the timing of it, isn't something I want to look into, since things have changed since then in terms of who is active and who isn't.I don't think it was an argument, more a discussion but ok. The only person trying to do anything rn is Trundle so I guess he's in my good books lol
Originally Posted by f11
If the question is being forwarded to me, it should be trundle or Hayden lynched. It's one part a gut theory, one part they town lean each other and one part a random lynch and lastly for the lols.
Originally Posted by Zendel
I have three guesses: Trundle, Heyden and Corrie.
Trundle - Forwarded a question to a newer and more vulnerable player rather than everyone, Corrie is an easy target. However I think the question's only purpose was to start a conversation but why would it only be directed towards Corrie?
Heyden - Said Trundle is "good in his books" is pretty silly and making someone the least of your worries because they are "the only one trying to do something" doesn't stand right with me.
Corrie - As Panda pointed out she was evasive in answering Trundle's question, which correlates with her previous games as she was rather evasive in those when she was mafia too but given the questions earliness she's off the hook. Anymore evasiveness in your posts and I'm onto you. At this point I don't think it's fair to question Corrie too much.
Added context quotes for this one, since they weren't directly quoted. I'm not going to look into Apple's post to see if he actually Town-leaned Heyden, since I don't think that's necessary to glean information from this post.@f11, Apple never townleaned me I'm pretty sure, I only town leaned him and I don't really know why that makes me high priority
@Zendel, By town leaning Apple based more on a gut feeling that anything else you think I'm scum? wow
The problem with being reaction tested is that stating that somebody is probably reaction testing you is a very bad thing to do, and makes Heyden look pretty bad in the face of f11's vote.Don't know why f11 voted me with like 0 evidence but I'm guessing it's a supposed 'reaction test' of some sort, not sure why I was their first choice of push so I'm definitely wary of them. Anyhow, nothing has seemed to really have happened I guess, but I don't really like the way Zendel just stormed off as soon as he was being pressured...
Originally Posted by f11
idrc, also it's really funny seeing the lack of effort in this game, tensu didn't even push on me more to get a proper answer lol.like imo, what's the point of asking a question if you don't even care about the answer. Laaaaaame
More meta, so I'd rather not dive into that.Yeah Tensu was super pushy and quick to point fingers in Themeless Mafia as town, right now he's very 'understanding' or unwilling to pursue someone which I found interesting (towards Zendel and f11 so far).
With the "jk invalid but still" being put aside, I just want to address this real quick, since I believe that using this idea as an argument is pretty absurd. If somebody wants to start the RQs up, then just let them and don't think anything of it, honestly. I feel like it's pretty random who puts them up anyways.Skimmed through a couple of old games but can't really find anything lol. Still want an answer from f11 on why she's suspicious of me besides my posts reminiscently reminding her of when I was scum in Luigi's Mansion. If they really are town I hope they can take this more seriously
also last time f11 was scum she made the rqs like in this game xoxo jk invalid but still
Meta aside, not knowing the setup's Town:Scum is no reason to Town-lean somebody, considering that anybody can be easily clueless about the setup, whether they're actually clueless or they have at least somewhat of an idea based on their alignment.I doubt Nightmares it's scum, I think her cluelessness of town:mafia ratio was a slight town tell if anything because when scum she usually just mimics everyone else.
Anyway, I'm glad you guys picked up on Panda, from the start I definitely felt like something was off but never really felt like pointing it out because it was nothing more than an assumption, and that Nightmares push made me more wary lol. Not sure who I'm voting for yet, and I legit thought Zendel was a blue role with his 'I'll claim!' taunting but ok
Heyden has made a complete tone shift in this post, going from somewhat submissive and waiting for others to do all the work, to acting like he's in charge and waiting for other people to do work because he tells them to. There has been absolutely nothing to indicate that Heyden is in any way a Town leader at this point, so this really raises a big red flag.Zendel which 4 people do you think are most likely to be scum? Just name 4 don't question it
Originally Posted by Nightmares
Town leans:
Scum lean:
This is kind of the same thing as the previous quote, but I don't think it's so such an extent as the previous. Nonetheless, it still shows.What about Daniel and Prima?
Also do you have any reasoning for your suspicion on Panda or is she just there because everyone else is sus of her
I'm not sure I agree with dropping somebody because they have good reads. I feel like reads are a completely different part of the game than any other discussion, so if somebody does something suspicious, then it shouldn't be negated because the same person has good reads. I'm not going to hold it against you, since it seems like a lot of people do that, but it's something I want to keep in mind for the future.sorry for being a prick LOL anyway I'm pretty impressed with your reads because you bring up some good points so I'll drop you for now
on an unrelated note I'm not sure if I'll be as active for the next 24-48 hours so I apologise for that x.x
this was a joke but I will actually post my thoughts and reads after work tomorrow so like at 12 pm xoxoimma claim lmao
I don't think it was anything Seroja said that got her killed, but rather the fact almost everyone town read her except JacobSeroja no!!!!
Time to back and re-read her posts.
Hi guys, I feel like an apology and explanation is in order for why I left the site.
I'm sorry for leaving the game when it was ongoing. Don't think I left because of anyone here, no worries needed or anything.
I've been thinking about leaving TBT for a while now because I don't think I should be on here for most of the day anymore and if I tried to lessen my hours on here it wouldn't work, it isn't good for my health and I should be more active in my own life to prevent any further health issues. The site's a distraction and I don't like things to get in the way of what could be amazing, TBT can be amazing but it isn't amazing so I need to leave for something amazing...AMAZING!
I'm giving my departure a trial run, I will be leaving for the rest of the month and if I don't like it, I will come back earlier, I could pop in every now and then but I'm not sure. There's no need to be saying "goodbye forever" because this isn't "goodbye forever", it's a "see you later alligator, not a in a while Crocodile" type of thing. I won't be gone for THAT long either, haha.
I will see you guys later.
Good luck and catch some scum!
the quick replacement, the role fiasco, zendel even being replaced in the first place (the pressure) and zefe disappeared after one post, probably talking to scum buddies.
Hi guys, I feel like an apology and explanation is in order for why I left the site.
I'm sorry for leaving the game when it was ongoing. Don't think I left because of anyone here, no worries needed or anything.
I've been thinking about leaving TBT for a while now because I don't think I should be on here for most of the day anymore and if I tried to lessen my hours on here it wouldn't work, it isn't good for my health and I should be more active in my own life to prevent any further health issues. The site's a distraction and I don't like things to get in the way of what could be amazing, TBT can be amazing but it isn't amazing so I need to leave for something amazing...AMAZING!
I'm giving my departure a trial run, I will be leaving for the rest of the month and if I don't like it, I will come back earlier, I could pop in every now and then but I'm not sure. There's no need to be saying "goodbye forever" because this isn't "goodbye forever", it's a "see you later alligator, not a in a while Crocodile" type of thing. I won't be gone for THAT long either, haha.
I will see you guys later.
Good luck and catch some scum!
the quick replacement, the role fiasco, zendel even being replaced in the first place (the pressure) and zefe disappeared after one post, probably talking to scum buddies.