Shop 🍀🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️🍀 [SHOP CLOSED]

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I sold some Zipper Sakuras so I can now buy the orange candy. I’ll send the tbt when you’re online :)
Hey I was wondering if you would like to purchase some Zipper Sakuras for your shop! I am looking for 250 tbt each as that is what I sold the others for :)
Lemme know and if you decide yes, send the tbt to Marshmallo please :)

Hey Andrew, I will have to think about that offer, but I will let you know when I have made a decision! :)

I sold some Zipper Sakuras so I can now buy the orange candy. I’ll send the tbt when you’re online :)

Oh, okay Andrew! :D I will send it your way as soon as I receive the TBT (500 as promised) when you return! :)
🧹 Spring Cleaning Sale & Trade-In Bonus for All Easter Eggs (+ Response[s])! 🧹

Hello everyone, I have a very special announcement to make! :D Starting today until April 29th @ Midnight (GMT-4), there will be another sale hosted here at PARADISE Collectibles and there also will be a special trade-in bonus for a limited time for all Easter egg collectibles for those who want to get the most out of their prizes to get collectibles they want! :) Like all past sales, all store credit and coupons can be used for even greater discounts as an added bonus! :D


*12:00AM EST (GMT-4) on Designated Start & End Days
TRADE-IN BONUS: 5% More Store Credit for All Easter Eggs! =)

Additionally, I also will be putting up for sale any Easter Egg collectibles that I acquired during the Easter Egg hunt at a very discounted price through the Master Rule so everyone stay tuned for when I make that special announcement (I won't be adding them to the shop until it is time to make the announcement)! :D In order for this special opportunity to be fair to everyone due to these collectibles being highly sought after, I also will also be announcing a heads up for when this announcement occurs! :)

I hope everyone has been having an absolutely amazing Easter weekend and I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to check out my shop today and to read this very special announcement! :D

Hey if I give you 2 zipper sakuras will you get the orange candy for him :)

Hey, I will have to think about it, but please contact me as soon as you are unbanned because I do not want anyone getting in trouble here. o/ How does that sound to you? :)
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Ok! I'll definitely give it some thought and will let you know, thanks c:

Awesome and you are absolutely my very dear & sweet friend, I am unsure how many will enter circulation so I have to keep that in mind when buying collectibles this new! o/ I hope you have a great rest of the evening and I look forward to hearing from you soon on the Ditto Egg! :)
hi there!
I was wondering if you would like to trade one Peach for my Blue Hybrid Violet and a Pink Hybrid Cosmos? I can also throw in Lobo for that. :0
Ahh! How did I not know you had a collectible shop, friend?! I need to make sure to save up so I can buy a couple (there’s definitely some that I love.) ^ - ^
hi there!
I was wondering if you would like to trade one Peach for my Blue Hybrid Violet and a Pink Hybrid Cosmos? I can also throw in Lobo for that. :0

Hey Skarmoury, I definitely can do that if you throw in Lobo since I got a lot of Pink Cosmos already and I am not sure how long it (along with Lobo) will be sitting! o/ How does that all sound to you? :) If that sounds good to you, I will send the Peach your way as soon as I receive everything! :D Do you also want a specific timestamp? :) Look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D

Ahh! How did I not know you had a collectible shop, friend?! I need to make sure to save up so I can buy a couple (there’s definitely some that I love.) ^ - ^

I am not sure my friend, but welcome to my shop! :D Sounds like a plan, I hope you had a great Easter weekend and I look forward to your business in the future! :)
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Hey Skarmoury, I definitely can do that if you throw in Lobo since I got a lot of Pink Cosmos already and I am not sure how long it (along with Lobo) will be sitting! o/ How does that all sound to you? :) If that sounds good to you, I will send the Peach your way as soon as I receive everything! :D Do you also want a specific timestamp? :) Look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D

I can throw in that Lobo, no problem! c: Sending the collectibles your way asap!
Also, do you have peaches from 2017? :0 Anything before 2018 would be nice, but if you've got one dated within 2017 that would be better!
you are such a kind soul btw, i love your shop and i wish you all the best!!
I am not sure my friend, but welcome to my shop! :D Sounds like a plan, I hope you had a great Easter weekend and I look forward to your business in the future! :)

Haha, I’m just not observant enough >w<. It was relaxing since I got to read a lot! And I look forward to eventually purchasing some of your collectibles. >:3
Haha, I’m just not observant enough >w<. It was relaxing since I got to read a lot! And I look forward to eventually purchasing some of your collectibles. >:3

Ah, I see! lol I have those moments myself at times, I am glad to hear that all of my walls of text were relaxing to you! :) I look forward to that as well my friend, are there any specific collectibles you are looking for? I will be more than glad to keep an eye out for you! :)

I can throw in that Lobo, no problem! c: Sending the collectibles your way asap!
Also, do you have peaches from 2017? :0 Anything before 2018 would be nice, but if you've got one dated within 2017 that would be better!
you are such a kind soul btw, i love your shop and i wish you all the best!!

Awesome and I definitely do have some from 2017! :D I am sending the Peach your way now and it is an absolutely pleasure doing business with you like always! :) Thank you so much also for the very kind words, it truly warms my heart! :D I hope you had an absolutely amazing Easter weekend and I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of the day/night! :D
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Ah, I see! lol I have those moments myself at times, I am glad to hear that all of my walls of text were relaxing to you! :) I look forward to that as well my friend, are there any specific collectibles you are looking for? I will be more than glad to keep an eye out for you! :)

I’m not really sure of every collectible out there, since I’ve just recently been into getting some to match my autumn color scheme. I definitely like the Famous Mushroom, Leif, the Apple (since it’s my native fruit), and the Mori collectibles on your list the most! Although, I don’t think I can ever save up enough to get the Mori one, so I’ll have to stick to trying to save for one or two of the other three (I get TBT pretty slowly... ahhh). ^~^
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I’m not really sure of every collectible out there, since I’ve just recently been into getting some to match my autumn color scheme. I definitely like the Famous Mushroom, Leif, the Apple (since it’s my native fruit), and the Mori collectibles on your list the most! Although, I don’t think I can ever save up enough to get the Mori one, so I’ll have to stick to trying to save for one or two of the other three (I get TBT pretty slowly... ahhh). ^~^

Sounds good my friend, I usually keep a solid supply of those collectibles so I should hopefully still have them on-hand when that time comes for you! :)
hey jaredd!! sooo, if you happen to come into possession of a dreamy egg could you let me know? i think my chances stand better if im buying one, because this is the first easter hunt i even entered and ive done,, appallingly

im gonna save my tbt for a bit, hopefully to buy some more of those sakura collectables as well!
hey jaredd!! sooo, if you happen to come into possession of a dreamy egg could you let me know? i think my chances stand better if im buying one, because this is the first easter hunt i even entered and ive done,, appallingly

im gonna save my tbt for a bit, hopefully to buy some more of those sakura collectables as well!

Hey Boring, I will be glad to let you know if I get my hands on one for you! :D I definitely can relate, it took me about 3-4 hours before I finally made a break through and finding a lot of them! lol Sounds like a plan, I still got plenty of them in stock! :D I hope you are doing really well today and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! :)
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