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Paranormal experiences thread

Swear I felt someone rub my rib cage last night as I was falling asleep. TWICE.
Lately I haven't been updating because it's been.. unusually quiet. http://dozoto.tumblr.com/

most of mine are usually dreams and I'm sure people don't count that as an experience..?

Such a poor thing >< I wouldn't know what to do if this happen on me and even worst your parent don't trust you. But then stay strong girl =D don't fear them and they can't harm you.
Not sure if this counts: When I was a wee young lass, we had a pretty big move. We moved into a small little house in a sleepy town pretty much halfway across the country. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the house, in fact it was a rather cute little thing. However, after we arrived I developed a lot of sleep issues. Night terrors, sleep paralysis, and I also developed a small bed wetting problem. I was 5-6 at the time so I don't remember as much as my parents do, that's for sure. It's just my parents brought up something a few years back that happened over a few days that I was really, really sick. My parents told me that one night I woke up, sweating through my clothes. I was crying and exclaiming that I couldn't sleep because of the person that was dragging their boots across the floor upstairs. It was my little brothers bed room above me, and he was a baby at the time. My parents also told me they didn't hear anything. Now, I remember this fever incident, but some parts are a blur. I guess I was delirious.

There was another day where my parents were going over the floor plans again and noticed a walled off room upstairs. It wasn't anything big, but they demolished the wall covering it. It was a small white-painted room with a bench-type thing suspended on the wall. There was also a little wooden chest nailed to the floor. Empty, naturally. It was re-purposed into a hall-closet. We're not sure who walled it off, but that might be because we didn't look into it.
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I have a couple

One time, at my nan and grandads house (which is pretty damn old) I went to sleep, as you do, and me and my brother had to share a room (whyyyy) and then in the middle of the night, I woke up to someone tapping on my shoulder, then when I opened my eyes, I saw my brother standing there with an axe in his hand. The scary thing is, is I could still see my brother sleeping in the bed opposite mine, then all of a sudden, a weird mist came, and the spirit just evaporated. Now, I'm not a 100% believer in paranormal activity, and do like to think of the logical side of things, but also like to think that ghosts exist, so when I die, I won't just be gone forever, and my spirit will live on, and I'll be able to annoy people, but this SERIOUSLY creeped me out... As well, the next morning, I could've sworn I saw my head on the floor, then I blinked at it was gone.

The other one I have, is me and my friends had a sleepover about... 2 or 3 months ago? And we realised we wouldn't go to sleep, so we decided to test that one Bloody Mary thing with the mirror, and seeing something in the mirror. We were all pretty sure it was your mind playing tricks on you, and that everyone who did it actually wanted to see her, and then your mind gave you a vision of her there. So we all were saying to ourselves "I don't wanna see here, I don't wanna see her" over and over again. Then my friend, being brave, went up and said Bloody Mary 3 times, like your supposed too. Even though none of us wanted to see her, we could've sworn we saw her there, in the mirror, and when we turned the light on afterwards, we all had a small cut on our knuckle of the index finger on our right hands. That was scary as hell...

Tha's all I've had so far, also had the usual lights flickering and hearing noises and knocks at the door and stuff, but those are all pretty boring...
Not sure if this counts: When I was a wee young lass, we had a pretty big move. We moved into a small little house in a sleepy town pretty much halfway across the country. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the house, in fact it was a rather cute little thing. However, after we arrived I developed a lot of sleep issues. Night terrors, sleep paralysis, and I also developed a small bed wetting problem. I was 5-6 at the time so I don't remember as much as my parents do, that's for sure. It's just my parents brought up something a few years back that happened over a few days that I was really, really sick. My parents told me that one night I woke up, sweating through my clothes. I was crying and exclaiming that I couldn't sleep because of the person that was dragging their boots across the floor upstairs. It was my little brothers bed room above me, and he was a baby at the time. My parents also told me they didn't hear anything. Now, I remember this fever incident, but some parts are a blur. I guess I was delirious.

There was another day where my parents were going over the floor plans again and noticed a walled off room upstairs. It wasn't anything big, but they demolished the wall covering it. It was a small white-painted room with a bench-type thing suspended on the wall. There was also a little wooden chest nailed to the floor. Empty, naturally. It was re-purposed into a hall-closet. We're not sure who walled it off, but that might be because we didn't look into it.

my sister experienced something similar to that last part. she was in a motel room and she was standing in the closet (don't ask) and she noticed that the floor sounded hollow. there was actually a wooden-plank-thingy that was covering a staircase, so out of curiosity she lifted it up and went down there. she found a suitcase filled with a bunch of old photos and I think she said she found a gun too. she also has experienced lots of creepy things in that motel room so she thinks the hidden room might have something to do with it
my sister experienced something similar to that last part. she was in a motel room and she was standing in the closet (don't ask) and she noticed that the floor sounded hollow. there was actually a wooden-plank-thingy that was covering a staircase, so out of curiosity she lifted it up and went down there. she found a suitcase filled with a bunch of old photos and I think she said she found a gun too. she also has experienced lots of creepy things in that motel room so she thinks the hidden room might have something to do with it

She must be really brave o.o I would've never gone down there... I'd of probably run out screaming "THERE'S A SECRET ROOM BENEATH MY ROOM" :p
Oh! Also. I had one time that I was laying in bed watching television. The lights were off and I was completely relaxed, this was before cellphones were even out. /old/ xD

But.. I kept feeling something tickling my skin.. up and down my legs. Common reaction is to reach down and brush it away. Well, something was there, that something was a spider. I squeaked and threw it across the room. Then I laid back down..

Well, it happened again, so I roll out of bed, look down and sure enough another spider. I run downstairs and tell my dad to come kill it, figuring it was the one I chucked. We get back upstairs I search my bed completely and its gone. So my dad goes back downstairs.

I lay back down and I feel it again, this time more then one. I yank the sheets off. Spiders.. I panic and jump out of bed, in tears and run downstairs. Dad comes back up, nothing. Tells me this time if it happens to call him instead of coming down. Though.. I simply got back in bed. It kept happening.. and I remember I kept picking them off and throwing them away until I got too tired and just began to ignore them.

Soo.. to say the least when I feel something crawling on me I am used to ignoring it now. Or I simply say 'Go away' before going back to what I'm doing..xD
Oh! Also. I had one time that I was laying in bed watching television. The lights were off and I was completely relaxed, this was before cellphones were even out. /old/ xD

But.. I kept feeling something tickling my skin.. up and down my legs. Common reaction is to reach down and brush it away. Well, something was there, that something was a spider. I squeaked and threw it across the room. Then I laid back down..

Well, it happened again, so I roll out of bed, look down and sure enough another spider. I run downstairs and tell my dad to come kill it, figuring it was the one I chucked. We get back upstairs I search my bed completely and its gone. So my dad goes back downstairs.

I lay back down and I feel it again, this time more then one. I yank the sheets off. Spiders.. I panic and jump out of bed, in tears and run downstairs. Dad comes back up, nothing. Tells me this time if it happens to call him instead of coming down. Though.. I simply got back in bed. It kept happening.. and I remember I kept picking them off and throwing them away until I got too tired and just began to ignore them.

Soo.. to say the least when I feel something crawling on me I am used to ignoring it now. Or I simply say 'Go away' before going back to what I'm doing..xD

That's not funny, bro. :(
Ignoring it may make it stop xD
The closest I've come to one of these encounters is the cable going out and everything turning off and back on, with the clocks flashing...
I get scared half to death every time...
I think the closest thing to paranormal activity I've ever experienced is when my tv kept turning itself back on after I'd turned it off while I was trying to do some work and whenever I turned round there was no one there.
Turned out to be my brother though.
That's not funny, bro. :(
Ignoring it may make it stop xD

Unfortunately it doesn't always work. :( Sometimes when I'm ignoring it it gets worse.

Just letting you know I followed you and I like your blog. :)

Aww thank you >//< Right now I'm just staying in a hotel.. so its pretty quiet. I avoid a mirror though cause its creepy.XD
I felt nauseous falling asleep on my side and i felt and hand brush up and down my rib cage. I thought it was really weird but just ignored it. 10 minutes later I felt it again, and it freaked me out so I brushed it away. It was ****in weird man
Unfortunately it doesn't always work. :( Sometimes when I'm ignoring it it gets worse.

Aww thank you >//< Right now I'm just staying in a hotel.. so its pretty quiet. I avoid a mirror though cause its creepy.XD

Man, that's annoying :(

Leave the room for a bit and not deal with the bs. Problem solved. :p
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Just a short while ago, I show a bright white flash to my left where there are no light sources. My mom passed away last night, and I think it was her saying she was at peace.