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Paranormal experiences thread

Waffles you're wrong i remember you sayingg you were 2/5 japanese, 1/18th chinese, 4/12th cambodian, and the rest filipino :U
I'm just going to share different tidbits.

  • The earliest one I remember was that my brother and I had a bunk bed. One early morning, my brother came down to my bed and we just laid in my bed. Then my sister came in and joined. We were talking for awhile when suddenly my brother started to freak out. He apparently saw someone with long hair, smiling, looking down at him. It wasn't my sister.
  • One night when I was going to bed, and while I was laying in my bed, I looked back and noticed an old woman by the wall looking at me. I looked away from her, but then decided to turn my head to see if I was seeing things. Turns out the old woman I saw, at that time, had recently passed away.
  • When I was a bit older, I was walking home from work. It was night time and on the way home, I saw a black figure from the side running at me. My initial response was to strike, so I ended up kicking the direction this black figure coming. I hit nobody. There was nobody there. To this very day, I'm not sure if I was just seeing things.
  • One night I was in the shower with the door locked. I could see a shadow behind the shower curtain, and when I peaked, there was nobody there.
  • When I was living in dorms, I shared one room with three other guys. Before that, it was just me and some other dude. One night I walked into the room and saw that my roommate was asleep. He had left the television on, so I turned it off and went to bed. Hours later, I had awakened to the television being on. So I turned it off and thought nothing of it. The next morning, I had asked my roommate if he turned on the television last night and he told me that he didn't. It could have been anything, but with him and I only sharing a room and nobody else being able to walk in, it made me wonder.
  • There was another time in my dorm room when I walked in and I thought one of my roommates was laying on his bed because his blanket moved. By this time, there were three other guys living in the same room. I said hello but got no response. I checked my locker, and as I was about to leave the room, I looked over at the bed and saw that nobody was there. The window wasn't open, and the AC wasn't on.
  • Then there was another night some months later when I woke up and the room was pitch black. I had my back towards the wall, and I turned around, thus facing it. Suddenly I heard someone near my bed ask, "What are you doing?" I went from feeling tired to being wide awake. I didn't bother to turn back around and check who asked.
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The dorm that I stayed in for college used to be a nursing home and it was haunted. My room was a suite- so we had 2 bedrooms and a kitchen/living room.

My experiences:

- One night (probably around 2 or 3am), I'm laying in bed and my roommate is across the room and all the sudden, we both hear dishes moving around in the sink like the sound when dishes touch and everything.

- Another night, I had a tin of colored pencils sitting in the middle of my desk and they flew off the desk and there's no possible way wind or anything could have done that.

- Another time, my roommate left and she left her phone on her bed. I was trying to sleep and I heard a sound that was like someone sitting down on her bed. I turned around and her phone lit up right when I did.

- I was sitting in the security office before cause I was friends with the guard. We were watching the cameras and a black figure appeared outside one of the second floor windows. We were freaked out so we went and checked the window and there was nothing there, then came back and the shadow was gone.

- Another thing with cameras- the security guard said that sometimes at night she would be watching the cameras in the elevators and there would be a shadow in there as well, in the corner.

Creepy stuff.

Other people told me some things too.
- In one of my friend's rooms there was always wheelchair scuffs near the entrance to the room. No matter how many times they would clean the floor, it would be there the next day.

I don't know if this one is true but there were twins that shared a room and the one said that sometimes she could see ghosts and she said she woke up in the middle of the night and saw a shadow standing over her.

One night I was in the shower with the door locked. I could see a shadow behind the shower curtain, and when I peaked, there was nobody there.

I have an irrational fear of this, how did you even function afterward, oh my god..
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I dont really believe in ghosts, maybe reflections through time or something, because ive definitely seen phantoms of my dad who is still alive.

but I'll tell a spoopy story anyways. it was actually april fools, and my dad was at work, my mom and grandma downstairs, and my brother and our neighbor friend outside. I went upstairs to change into shorts bc it had rained the other day and there was a big mud pile in the empty lot bc there was construction going on there and they had been clearing the land, and I wanted to play in the mud.

while picking out shorts, I suddenly saw, behind my bed (which is pushed against the wall btw I dont think any person could fit through the side this happened on), a white bright figure thrown up. I screamed and bolted downstairs so fast I nearly fell. while being consoled by my mom, my brother and our neighbor came in (and proceeded to prank me later by pretending a brick in a mud puddle was a fish) so I know it wasn't them. idk what it was but ooo spooooooky
I'm just going to share different tidbits.

  • The earliest one I remember was that my brother and I had a bunk bed. One early morning, my brother came down to my bed and we just laid in my bed. Then my sister came in and joined. We were talking for awhile when suddenly my brother started to freak out. He apparently saw someone with long hair, smiling, looking down at him. It wasn't my sister.
  • One night when I was going to bed, and while I was laying in my bed, I looked back and noticed an old woman by the wall looking at me. I looked away from her, but then decided to turn my head to see if I was seeing things. Turns out the old woman I saw, at that time, had recently passed away.
  • When I was a bit older, I was walking home from work. It was night time and on the way home, I saw a black figure from the side running at me. My initial response was to strike, so I ended up kicking the direction this black figure coming. I hit nobody. There was nobody there. To this very day, I'm not sure if I was just seeing things.
  • One night I was in the shower with the door locked. I could see a shadow behind the shower curtain, and when I peaked, there was nobody there.
  • When I was living in dorms, I shared one room with three other guys. Before that, it was just me and some other dude. One night I walked into the room and saw that my roommate was asleep. He had left the television on, so I turned it off and went to bed. Hours later, I had awakened to the television being on. So I turned it off and thought nothing of it. The next morning, I had asked my roommate if he turned on the television last night and he told me that he didn't. It could have been anything, but with him and I only sharing a room and nobody else being able to walk in, it made me wonder.
  • There was another time in my dorm room when I walked in and I thought one of my roommates was laying on his bed because his blanket moved. By this time, there were three other guys living in the same room. I said hello but got no response. I checked my locker, and as I was about to leave the room, I looked over at the bed and saw that nobody was there. The window wasn't open, and the AC wasn't on.
  • Then there was another night some months later when I woke up and the room was pitch black. I had my back towards the wall, and I turned around, thus facing it. Suddenly I heard someone near my bed ask, "What are you doing?" I went from feeling tired to being wide awake. I didn't bother to turn back around and check who asked.
gahHh! Creepers >< the shower curtains one really got to me!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I dont really believe in ghosts, maybe reflections through time or something, because ive definitely seen phantoms of my dad who is still alive.

but I'll tell a spoopy story anyways. it was actually april fools, and my dad was at work, my mom and grandma downstairs, and my brother and our neighbor friend outside. I went upstairs to change into shorts bc it had rained the other day and there was a big mud pile in the empty lot bc there was construction going on there and they had been clearing the land, and I wanted to play in the mud.

while picking out shorts, I suddenly saw, behind my bed (which is pushed against the wall btw I dont think any person could fit through the side this happened on), a white bright figure thrown up. I screamed and bolted downstairs so fast I nearly fell. while being consoled by my mom, my brother and our neighbor came in (and proceeded to prank me later by pretending a brick in a mud puddle was a fish) so I know it wasn't them. idk what it was but ooo spooooooky
gosh why am I reading these freaky experiences at 11pm at night >< spooky!

- - - Post Merge - - -

The dorm that I stayed in for college used to be a nursing home and it was haunted. My room was a suite- so we had 2 bedrooms and a kitchen/living room.

My experiences:

- One night (probably around 2 or 3am), I'm laying in bed and my roommate is across the room and all the sudden, we both hear dishes moving around in the sink like the sound when dishes touch and everything.

- Another night, I had a tin of colored pencils sitting in the middle of my desk and they flew off the desk and there's no possible way wind or anything could have done that.

- Another time, my roommate left and she left her phone on her bed. I was trying to sleep and I heard a sound that was like someone sitting down on her bed. I turned around and her phone lit up right when I did.

- I was sitting in the security office before cause I was friends with the guard. We were watching the cameras and a black figure appeared outside one of the second floor windows. We were freaked out so we went and checked the window and there was nothing there, then came back and the shadow was gone.

- Another thing with cameras- the security guard said that sometimes at night she would be watching the cameras in the elevators and there would be a shadow in there as well, in the corner.

Creepy stuff.

Other people told me some things too.
- In one of my friend's rooms there was always wheelchair scuffs near the entrance to the room. No matter how many times they would clean the floor, it would be there the next day.

I don't know if this one is true but there were twins that shared a room and the one said that sometimes she could see ghosts and she said she woke up in the middle of the night and saw a shadow standing over her.

I have an irrational fear of this, how did you even function afterward, oh my god..

I'd hate to be a security guard on night shift. D:
I remember seeing a troll as a kid, when my family and I stopped the car while we were driving, and I ran into the woods to take a leak. I remember him holding a bag of candy, and that he conveniently placed it right behind me.

Later in life I learned that mom placed the bag of candy there. She had followed me into the woods, and afterwards she told me that a troll probably did it. But since I thought a troll really did, the story changed completely in my head. And even though I most definitely didn't see a troll, I still remember doing so.

tl;dr our brains are stupid and ghosts don't exist. And if we open our minds too much our brains will fall out.
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I have an irrational fear of this, how did you even function afterward, oh my god..

I let go of the curtain, tried to hurry up in the shower, and then once I was done, I quickly walked out of there. The one about the colored pencils reminds me of what a friend of mine told me. He and his brother were playing the GameCube in their garage. It sat underneath a stand, so there were things on top of it. While they were playing, a figurine on top of the stand flew. They stopped playing and were shocked. My friend had even told me that one night he was in his bed and he kept hearing creeks going down the hallway. The next morning, he asked his grandma why she was up so late the night before, and told her that she had kept him up because of it. Turns out it wasn't her walking back and forth in the hallway.
one time I was listening to "Within You Without You" while trying to meditate and thought I heard something whispering in my ear but it was actually George counting back in after the sitar solo real quietly and my music was up too loud.

But I have de ja vu all the time and idk its kinda weird and this might be a good place to put it? Like I'll have a dream about something and then it will happen like, months or even YEARS later.

Anyone have this happen? Kinda paranormal I guess.
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i haven't had anything happen to me yet [ please don't jinx :( ]
but i have had a scary dream where i was laying down in my room and my blanket was slipping on the bottom of my bed and i pulled it up, but then i was dragged down where i just stood up right after feeling dizzy with a ringing noise, i tried to run to my mom and dad's room and open the door but i was too weak.
I actually wrote my most memorable ones on my tumblr. But.. this happened a few days ago.

I hate showering in my home alone, moreso because every time I do I always see someone standing outside the door. Well, my dad was going to be home soon and usually since I leave the door open I shut it this time. We did have a glass sliding door so I could see through it {xDD} but since we are moving we took them down and put a cheap 11 dollar curtain up.

I'm just minding my own business and my mom has herself trained for when she walks upstairs she makes a noise or says something. But.. nothing like that happened. The bathroom is connected to my mother's bedroom, then right infront of the door pretty much is the steps. The steps at a certain part creak really bad and I heard the usual weight of someone walking on them. Then the squeak of a door, and the shower curtain fluttered. I figure its my dad so I call out 'Hey' just to relax myself. But.. nothing. So I turn around and look at the curtain and there is an outline and I feel as if I'm being watched. I stand there a moment more and say something again like 'eh what are you doing?' but nothing. So I turn away and go back to washing my hair. After I step out there was no one around, just exactly how I left everything.. Dad wasn't home and Mom was still outside smoking. it's so weird.


Not to mention I switched to the third bedroom in our house while we were painting my original room. Dog refuses. to come in the room unless I'm there. Sometimes she'll just stand outside the door and stare at me where I'm sitting on the bed. But lately.. she hasn't even been coming upstairs to my room until like 3-4 AM when my mom forces her to go upstairs. :( I have a lot of stories, aha. I've had 'seen' things since I was about 5 years old, so almost 20 years now. People say its just my imagination and the like.. but I still enjoy telling others when they want to hear. :)


and Bluebell I have that happen a lot to me. xD I've actually had dreams that mother/father wanted to go somewhere and we ended up going there the next day. Or that I have a dream about putting something somewhere/ getting something and it happens.. its so weird.
I actually wrote my most memorable ones on my tumblr. But.. this happened a few days ago.

I hate showering in my home alone, moreso because every time I do I always see someone standing outside the door. Well, my dad was going to be home soon and usually since I leave the door open I shut it this time. We did have a glass sliding door so I could see through it {xDD} but since we are moving we took them down and put a cheap 11 dollar curtain up.

I'm just minding my own business and my mom has herself trained for when she walks upstairs she makes a noise or says something. But.. nothing like that happened. The bathroom is connected to my mother's bedroom, then right infront of the door pretty much is the steps. The steps at a certain part creak really bad and I heard the usual weight of someone walking on them. Then the squeak of a door, and the shower curtain fluttered. I figure its my dad so I call out 'Hey' just to relax myself. But.. nothing. So I turn around and look at the curtain and there is an outline and I feel as if I'm being watched. I stand there a moment more and say something again like 'eh what are you doing?' but nothing. So I turn away and go back to washing my hair. After I step out there was no one around, just exactly how I left everything.. Dad wasn't home and Mom was still outside smoking. it's so weird.


Not to mention I switched to the third bedroom in our house while we were painting my original room. Dog refuses. to come in the room unless I'm there. Sometimes she'll just stand outside the door and stare at me where I'm sitting on the bed. But lately.. she hasn't even been coming upstairs to my room until like 3-4 AM when my mom forces her to go upstairs. :( I have a lot of stories, aha. I've had 'seen' things since I was about 5 years old, so almost 20 years now. People say its just my imagination and the like.. but I still enjoy telling others when they want to hear. :)


and Bluebell I have that happen a lot to me. xD I've actually had dreams that mother/father wanted to go somewhere and we ended up going there the next day. Or that I have a dream about putting something somewhere/ getting something and it happens.. its so weird.

i hate showering with nobody on the same floor as me. especially if it is dark because if a black out happens i will have a panic attack.
i hate showering with nobody on the same floor as me. especially if it is dark because if a black out happens i will have a panic attack.

same. ;//; i got diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder.. so pretty much whenever i have to go to the store/etc I gotta take meds so I don't have panic attacks.. .-. i probably wont ever be able to live alone and it succkss..
I actually wrote my most memorable ones on my tumblr. But.. this happened a few days ago.

I hate showering in my home alone, moreso because every time I do I always see someone standing outside the door. Well, my dad was going to be home soon and usually since I leave the door open I shut it this time. We did have a glass sliding door so I could see through it {xDD} but since we are moving we took them down and put a cheap 11 dollar curtain up.

I'm just minding my own business and my mom has herself trained for when she walks upstairs she makes a noise or says something. But.. nothing like that happened. The bathroom is connected to my mother's bedroom, then right infront of the door pretty much is the steps. The steps at a certain part creak really bad and I heard the usual weight of someone walking on them. Then the squeak of a door, and the shower curtain fluttered. I figure its my dad so I call out 'Hey' just to relax myself. But.. nothing. So I turn around and look at the curtain and there is an outline and I feel as if I'm being watched. I stand there a moment more and say something again like 'eh what are you doing?' but nothing. So I turn away and go back to washing my hair. After I step out there was no one around, just exactly how I left everything.. Dad wasn't home and Mom was still outside smoking. it's so weird.


Not to mention I switched to the third bedroom in our house while we were painting my original room. Dog refuses. to come in the room unless I'm there. Sometimes she'll just stand outside the door and stare at me where I'm sitting on the bed. But lately.. she hasn't even been coming upstairs to my room until like 3-4 AM when my mom forces her to go upstairs. :( I have a lot of stories, aha. I've had 'seen' things since I was about 5 years old, so almost 20 years now. People say its just my imagination and the like.. but I still enjoy telling others when they want to hear. :)


and Bluebell I have that happen a lot to me. xD I've actually had dreams that mother/father wanted to go somewhere and we ended up going there the next day. Or that I have a dream about putting something somewhere/ getting something and it happens.. its so weird.
ahh ! D: I would be so scared, I'd stay in the shower all day & be too scared to get out. :c
I have never had any paranormal experiences at my house, because my family were the first to move in so we can't have any ghosts. Anyways, my friends house is haunted, seriously. Let me tell a story that she told me

So her and a friend were having a sleepover, and they were watching T.V before they go to bed. But in the middle of the film they could hear weird noises. But they just ignored that because they already know that their house was haunted, but then they were getting really scared, so they searched the rooms and they saw a really faint dot just floating around. It said hello

I am so glad I wasn't there, just thinking of ghosts scare the hell out of me
I actually wrote my most memorable ones on my tumblr. But.. this happened a few days ago.

I hate showering in my home alone, moreso because every time I do I always see someone standing outside the door. Well, my dad was going to be home soon and usually since I leave the door open I shut it this time. We did have a glass sliding door so I could see through it {xDD} but since we are moving we took them down and put a cheap 11 dollar curtain up.

I'm just minding my own business and my mom has herself trained for when she walks upstairs she makes a noise or says something. But.. nothing like that happened. The bathroom is connected to my mother's bedroom, then right infront of the door pretty much is the steps. The steps at a certain part creak really bad and I heard the usual weight of someone walking on them. Then the squeak of a door, and the shower curtain fluttered. I figure its my dad so I call out 'Hey' just to relax myself. But.. nothing. So I turn around and look at the curtain and there is an outline and I feel as if I'm being watched. I stand there a moment more and say something again like 'eh what are you doing?' but nothing. So I turn away and go back to washing my hair. After I step out there was no one around, just exactly how I left everything.. Dad wasn't home and Mom was still outside smoking. it's so weird.


Not to mention I switched to the third bedroom in our house while we were painting my original room. Dog refuses. to come in the room unless I'm there. Sometimes she'll just stand outside the door and stare at me where I'm sitting on the bed. But lately.. she hasn't even been coming upstairs to my room until like 3-4 AM when my mom forces her to go upstairs. :( I have a lot of stories, aha. I've had 'seen' things since I was about 5 years old, so almost 20 years now. People say its just my imagination and the like.. but I still enjoy telling others when they want to hear. :)


and Bluebell I have that happen a lot to me. xD I've actually had dreams that mother/father wanted to go somewhere and we ended up going there the next day. Or that I have a dream about putting something somewhere/ getting something and it happens.. its so weird.

What's your username for tumblr? I would love to see the stories you've posted.