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Paranormal experiences thread

Everything in our house always breaks. Toasters, kettles, televisions, doors, walls, computers, barbecues, fridges, dishwashers, clothes driers etc etc

Mum likes to think the place is haunted but I just blame it on dad buying cheap ****.

I love this too. Best way to denied cheap stuff is to blame it haunted xD

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My old stoop in Malaysia had a weird ghost who liked watching me brush my teeth

Ewwww that's one reason I never...well ok, I brush teeth with mirro in front of me lol, but I never like to look into it during midnight release. OMG!!

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If anyone read through all the post, you should have realized that most paranormal experiences happen during young age, 8 or 10 (mostly 8 I see) all because kid's mind are more innocent and pure. This is why kids are more likely to see "cough* imaginary friend, something adults wont see nor trust.
I wouldn't say Paranormal, but I tried lucid dreaming once and I ended up in sleep paralysis for a good 5 minutes and it felt as if a phantasm was holding my body down preventing me from getting up. Pretty scary stuff.

My grandmother always scared me about that, saying that if you get sleep paralysis it's because a phantom is sitting on you (and that's why people hear whispering and weird noises while they are under). My mom used to tell me that your soul leaves your body when you dream and you get sleep paralysis when it can't get back in.

I used to get sleep paralysis ALL the time when I was 12-15. I think it was because I was traveling a lot around that age and jet lag severely affected my sleep schedule. Before that I used to lucid dream during my nightmares which was AMAZING because I love horror movies and my dreams were basically like being in a movie. But eventually I stopped lucid dreaming and started getting sleep paralysis which just got annoying because it was uncomfortable than scary to me (since you're pretty much aware that you can't breathe/move and it felt like perpetual pins and needles). I always knew it was coming too because I could feel tingling in my fingers before it starts and I'd just think "ughhhh not this again". I still get it sometimes when I nap in the middle of the day. My friends who have experienced sleep paralysis say they can hear someone whispering or talking to them while they can't move. I've never experienced anything like that... my experiences with it I am usually just stuck in a dream or I'd dream of being in my room, fixated on one wall or furniture, or myself, and not being able to move. The only interesting thing about it is that it sort of feels like an outer body experience, depending on what I'm dreaming.
I heard alot about lucid dream and also read about it but I really still cannot understand how it really is. Does that mean you can totally control your movement in the dream? I often dream and almost every night without fail (good or bad, horror or not there must be one).

I not sure if I can actually control myself in the dream but everything seem pretty real to me.
I heard alot about lucid dream and also read about it but I really still cannot understand how it really is. Does that mean you can totally control your movement in the dream? I often dream and almost every night without fail (good or bad, horror or not there must be one).

I not sure if I can actually control myself in the dream but everything seem pretty real to me.

When I used to lucid dream everything about the dream was SO vivid. I never really have dreams of crazy, fantasy like environments (I wish I did.. I only get apocalyptic dreams, which is cool too), mine are mainly involving real people I know. I could usually control my interaction with these people in the dream rather than just watching myself do it. It's hard to explain.. but it feels like you can actually make conscious decisions. I have this one really crazy sleep paralysis (not really lucid dreaming) dream that's kind of scary under the cut though because it's a little R-Rated lol

So once in my old apartment I was taking a nap and I was under sleep paralysis. My bed was just a mattress on the floor and directly in front of me was my IKEA shelf that acted as a headboard I guess. When I went under I completely froze and I could only see this weird distorted angle of my shelf and the ceiling and the whole dream was in this weird bluey hue. I was stuck like that for a while and I could only move my head a little (in the dream, I don't know if I was moving in real life) so I could see my arms. Then another set a arms appeared that were kind of my own arms but it was this faded holographic version of it. I could even see my own arms stuck to the side of me so it was obviously another pair of ghost arms. I couldn't control them and I couldn't move my own arms because I was in sleep paralysis. I could only see these random holographic arms moving. Then the arms/hands proceeded to touch myself down there... it was ****ing bizarre. I could feel it too. I don't remember if I was turned on or not, I think I was uncomfortable.. but I couldn't move at all. Anyways I woke up soon after and I was sore there as if someone was actually rubbing. hahaha. ok that's my weird R-Rated story. I was molested by a ghost
Yeah I think I had sleep paralysis once or twice, it's freaking creepy.

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When I used to lucid dream everything about the dream was SO vivid. I never really have dreams of crazy, fantasy like environments (I wish I did.. I only get apocalyptic dreams, which is cool too), mine are mainly involving real people I know. I could usually control my interaction with these people in the dream rather than just watching myself do it. It's hard to explain.. but it feels like you can actually make conscious decisions. I have this one really crazy sleep paralysis (not really lucid dreaming) dream that's kind of scary under the cut though because it's a little R-Rated lol

So once in my old apartment I was taking a nap and I was under sleep paralysis. My bed was just a mattress on the floor and directly in front of me was my IKEA shelf that acted as a headboard I guess. When I went under I completely froze and I could only see this weird distorted angle of my shelf and the ceiling and the whole dream was in this weird bluey hue. I was stuck like that for a while and I could only move my head a little (in the dream, I don't know if I was moving in real life) so I could see my arms. Then another set a arms appeared that were kind of my own arms but it was this faded holographic version of it. I could even see my own arms stuck to the side of me so it was obviously another pair of ghost arms. I couldn't control them and I couldn't move my own arms because I was in sleep paralysis. I could only see these random holographic arms moving. Then the arms/hands proceeded to touch myself down there... it was ****ing bizarre. I could feel it too. I don't remember if I was turned on or not, I think I was uncomfortable.. but I couldn't move at all. Anyways I woke up soon after and I was sore there as if someone was actually rubbing. hahaha. ok that's my weird R-Rated story. I was molested by a ghost

Thiiis. sometimes I find myself having those.. sexy dreams. It's even more creepy since I can pretty much control what we do.
My family and I have experienced quite a few things over the years in the house we live in. We think it's the old man who used to live here because he had a heart attack and died on the doorstep. There's rumors that there's sovereigns in the house somewhere that he hid. no one has ever found them so if that's true it could be a reason why he still lurks around here.

At night when everyone is in bed and the door is locked we heard the door open and close then someone walking up the stairs. I think it's just him though just going about his business. xD

When we were young my sister was scared and said there was a man in her room. Around that time too the keys would go missing every morning. MY dad would look for the house key and couldn't find it, when later my mum would come downstairs and find them where he left them the night before. One day my dad's money went missing from his wallet for a day or so too then suddenly appeared back in there.

Years ago I was downstairs (everyone else was in bed) and I felt someone tug gently on my hair.

One time I was brushing my teeth then when I was done I turned around and saw a black figure for a second. I've seen a shadow walk by in another room. Although with those two because it happened so quickly that could of just been me seeing things.

Once I was going to bed and I saw a white mist at the top of the stairs. to this day I still don't know why but I carried on walking up the stairs towards it. I wasn't even scared. I just felt so calm.

Once me, my boyfriend and a friend were doing a seance just using a candle and glass. We all took this seriously so when the glass moved we knew it wasn't any of us. We didn't get much of a message from whatever it was so we gave up. When we turned on the light I saw that my finger was bleeding even though I didn't feel anything hurt me. I feel like maybe that was some kind of warning because they didn't want to talk or something.

Now the time that has truly worried me is the time when a bunch of us were watching a moving in the summer house (we have a summer house down the garden. The movie we were watching I had already seen before so I went out for a cigarette. You can see my kitchen from the summer house and when I looked in it looked like there was a random man staring at me though the window. I thought I was just seeing things since your mind can play tricks on you from a distance so I just looked away and ignored it. Later after then film was finished I went outside with two other people for another cigarette and realized the man was still stood there. The other two people saw it too so we all went to investigate. Of course by the time we got there he disappeared.

He looked way too young to be the man who lived here. I know when people become ghosts they look like they did when they were younger but I'm worried that it wasn't him and it was someone different. I like the experiences with the old man because I know he doesn't mean any harm but if it's a new spirit I will get worried about what they're gonna do. Especially that man at the window because he was stood there for too long. It's like he was waiting for me to go to him.
This isn't my own experience but it's one that a friend of my teacher's had. It's real creepy pasta.

Her friend moved into a new house with her husband and baby. They'd unpacked everything and it was their first night there properly ~ she put the baby to bed and then her and her husband sat downstairs watching tv like any regular night for a lot of people. All of sudden they both heard a knock at the door so she went to answer - no one was there. Thinking it was a little strange, she went back to sit and watch tv again with her husband; also telling him what happened. Then for a second time, there was another knock at the door and this time her husband answered it. No one. He stepped outside to have a look but couldn't see because it was too dark - then he thought it must be some knock and runners or trouble makers and thought that if it carried on, then he'd call the police. He sat back down for a 2nd time to try and watch tv with his wife. Around 5 minutes later, there was a banging on the door, and THIS time it sounded urgent. It seemed like someone was shouting too ~ they were clearly not hearing things. Her husband grabbed a torch and went to look outside; she followed behind him. They both looked round but there was nobody to be seen and there was no other houses nearby OR places to hide because it was a wide open spaced location. They were beginning to freak out (as you would) but if things weren't scary enough, the baby suddenly began crying - both of them ran upstairs, worried. The baby was fast asleep in bed.
The couple were so scared that they had the baby sleep in their bedroom that night.

The next morning, she went to buy some things from the corner shop and ended up explaining the situation of the previous night to the shop keeper. He replied by saying that a baby had died in that house around a year earlier ~ believe me, they didn't stick around in that house for another night!

Another one was one that a different teacher told me.
Her sister had just started working in a hospital and there was 3 floors. There was someone who was unconscious on the top floor and that was it. She went up to the top floor to do some regular check ups on the guy ~ what she didn't know was that nobody in the clinic ever went up there alone for a spooky reason. Just as she had finished the check up and was ready to leave, she felt a rush of some kind of energy, which she found was hard to explain, go down the corridor and the lights went out. She felt the most evil presence she had ever felt and it was in the doorway of the room she was in.
She was so terrified that she had to call for someone to come and get her ~ in tears.

Spooky o_O
This isn't my own experience but it's one that a friend of my teacher's had. It's real creepy pasta.

Her friend moved into a new house with her husband and baby. They'd unpacked everything and it was their first night there properly ~ she put the baby to bed and then her and her husband sat downstairs watching tv like any regular night for a lot of people. All of sudden they both heard a knock at the door so she went to answer - no one was there. Thinking it was a little strange, she went back to sit and watch tv again with her husband; also telling him what happened. Then for a second time, there was another knock at the door and this time her husband answered it. No one. He stepped outside to have a look but couldn't see because it was too dark - then he thought it must be some knock and runners or trouble makers and thought that if it carried on, then he'd call the police. He sat back down for a 2nd time to try and watch tv with his wife. Around 5 minutes later, there was a banging on the door, and THIS time it sounded urgent. It seemed like someone was shouting too ~ they were clearly not hearing things. Her husband grabbed a torch and went to look outside; she followed behind him. They both looked round but there was nobody to be seen and there was no other houses nearby OR places to hide because it was a wide open spaced location. They were beginning to freak out (as you would) but if things weren't scary enough, the baby suddenly began crying - both of them ran upstairs, worried. The baby was fast asleep in bed.
The couple were so scared that they had the baby sleep in their bedroom that night.

The next morning, she went to buy some things from the corner shop and ended up explaining the situation of the previous night to the shop keeper. He replied by saying that a baby had died in that house around a year earlier ~ believe me, they didn't stick around in that house for another night!

Another one was one that a different teacher told me.
Her sister had just started working in a hospital and there was 3 floors. There was someone who was unconscious on the top floor and that was it. She went up to the top floor to do some regular check ups on the guy ~ what she didn't know was that nobody in the clinic ever went up there alone for a spooky reason. Just as she had finished the check up and was ready to leave, she felt a rush of some kind of energy, which she found was hard to explain, go down the corridor and the lights went out. She felt the most evil presence she had ever felt and it was in the doorway of the room she was in.
She was so terrified that she had to call for someone to come and get her ~ in tears.

Spooky o_O

if that was me, i'll be out of the house by the second the door starts banging D:
My old stoop in Malaysia had a weird ghost who liked watching me brush my teeth


That reminds me about something that happened to me as a kid.

I used to live in an old apartment complex. It wasn't scary or anything, it was quite pleasant to live in despite my experiences. I'm only going to mention one in this post though.

Anyway, one time I needed to go use the bathroom really bad. The layout of our bathroom was split into two so when you go through the door, you're in the left side of the room first. The bathroom was split in half with a wall because it was big. The other side of the room was for actual restroom use: with the toilet, bathtub, and sink. The room was shaped like a "U" (the doorway would be on the bottom left of the "U" if that makes sense). Inbetween the rooms, next to the doorway, was a full-length mirror that I use to see if anyone's using the toilet because the lock was broken (meaning, you wouldn't know if the bathroom was occupied unless you walked all the way in to the right).

So back to the story. I needed to use the toilet, so I busted in the bathroom and took a quick glance in the mirror to my right to make sure no one was inside on the other side. For a moment, I was slightly surprised to see my naked sister sitting on the toilet, staring right back at me through the reflection. We stared at each other for a moment. I mean, why was she naked in the afternoon, you know?

But I quickly got over it and took a step forward. Being the brat that I was, I planned to tell my sister that I needed the toilet. But to my utter shock, I saw that nobody was on the toilet. No one. I looked back at the mirror with wide eyes to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating, but my sister wasn't there or looking back at me anymore. I kept doing double-takes between the empty toilet and the mirror, just standing there in the bathroom. There was no a sign of my sister anywhere. At this point I was pretty scared, but still ran to the toilet, did my business, and bolted out of there as fast as I could.

So later on, I found my sister and she was all "What? Why did you see my reflection? Why was I naked?! Why did you see me, NAKED?"

I mean, I don't know either, but it was a bathroom. ahaha.
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That reminds me about something that happened to me as a kid.

I used to live in an old apartment complex. It wasn't scary or anything, it was quite pleasant to live in despite my experiences. I'm only going to mention one in this post though.

Anyway, one time I needed to go use the bathroom really bad. The layout of our bathroom was split into two so when you go through the door, you're in the left side of the room first. The bathroom was split in half with a wall because it was big. The other side of the room was for actual restroom use: with the toilet, bathtub, and sink. The room was shaped like a "U" (the doorway would be on the bottom left of the "U" if that makes sense). Inbetween the rooms, next to the doorway, was a full-length mirror that I use to see if anyone's using the toilet because the lock was broken (meaning, you wouldn't know if the bathroom was occupied unless you walked all the way in to the right).

So back to the story. I needed to use the toilet, so I busted in the bathroom and took a quick glance in the mirror to my right to make sure no one was inside on the other side. For a moment, I was slightly surprised to see my naked sister sitting on the toilet, staring right back at me through the reflection. We stared at each other for a moment. I mean, why was she naked in the afternoon, you know?

But I quickly got over it and took a step forward. Being the brat that I was, I planned to tell my sister that I needed the toilet. But to my utter shock, I saw that nobody was on the toilet. No one. I looked back at the mirror with wide eyes to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating, but my sister wasn't there or looking back at me anymore. I kept doing double-takes between the empty toilet and the mirror, just standing there in the bathroom. There was no a sign of my sister anywhere. At this point I was pretty scared, but still ran to the toilet, did my business, and bolted out of there as fast as I could.

So later on, I found my sister and she was all "What? Why did you see my reflection? Why was I naked?! Why did you see me, NAKED?"

I mean, I don't know either, but it was a bathroom. ahaha.

I believe this is what you call a doubleganger? D:
I believe this is what you call a doubleganger? D:

I did think of a doppleganger, but nothing bad really happened to her that day. She's still alive and kicking! Though I don't want to jinx it... *knocks on wood*

One time I heard a lot of laughing when I woke up one morning. It went on all morning long... I heard it while I was showering, dressing, then going in the living room and tying my shoes for school. Like something was utterly hilarious. I looked up towards the ceiling, thinking it was my neighbors (and wondering what was so funny), until my eyes landed on a photo on the wall, which happened to have its teeth showing in a grin as opposed to its normal, closed-lip smile. Then I blinked, and the photo was back to normal and the laughing stopped. So my perception is that whatever was there liked messing with me. >_>
if that was me, i'll be out of the house by the second the door starts banging D:

Me too.. I not gonna stay there for the night =v=

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Ok, previously I talked about the Hungry Ghost Festival we celebrate in the month of August, short summary of that, it actually happen on the middle of the month in the chinese calendar(July 14th but is August in the normal calender we use)where offering food and prayer thing, so the wandering spirit will leave us in peace while have their wonderful feast from the food we offer.

So here's the story. My teacher told us about his first time doing the offering for that month, instructed by his mom, he need to go out of his house to burn the hell notes and some other prayer thingy (I not sure what they call) and he do it kinda laid back and slow while arranging the paper to burn, it has to be neatly arrange before you put on fire. Suddenly, there's smoke coming out from the steel can kind of thing (urghh I pretty suck to describe it but something you must use to burn all the offering) and to make it worst, it raining for that night so the grass is a little wet, impossible there is fire actually...impossible. He got scared and quickly arranged them and put on fire (ah yes he haven't even lit any and there's smoke already lol). He told us it might be a warning from the spirits to rush him for his slow motion. He then ran back into his apartment and told his wife, and got another scolding from his mom for being playful and disrespect.

Also during that month we don't hang out after 7, and most importantly stay away from the beach, sea side, there's one freak accident happened at a rural villager (yes that month) more than..10 people died at the same river (different day but same river) from either fall down and sway away by the current or swimming and drown. So spooky and I will be good child during that month too.
There was one time I had the bathroom light on, and I as under the covers hiding from DA GHOOOSTS, and then I don't see the light through the covers for a few seconds, then the light came back..
It happened to my aunt.
Before her second child,or should i say third,She was supposed to give birth to a second child.But when she was sleeping,she dreamed about this 'creature' taking her 2nd child away from her.When she woke up,The 2nd child was never to be found.
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It happened to my aunt.
Before her second child,or should i say third,She was supposed to give birth to a second child.But when she was sleeping,she dreamed about this 'creature' taking her 2nd child away from her.When se woke up,The 2nd child was never to be found.

I think she had some kind of vision. It happens a lot to me. In a dream I dream something very similar that happens in the future reality.
one time my power went out and my dad picked up KFC
had to be super natural

I love this.

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Oh - but I love this thread c: I don't 100% believe in ghosts etc, some of my family believes in it a lot. But it's nice to hear these stories of your guys' experiences :D
I've lived in at least two haunted places. One apartment and one house.

One morning in the apartment when my mother was waking us up for school, she walked into the kitchen and all of the cabinets, drawers, and even the refrigerator was open. There wasn't a single sound of anyone in the house the night before, not to mention my bedroom was DIRECTLY across from the kitchen and I didn't hear a gosh darn thing that night. There was a bunch of other spooky things that use to occur at night as well. My mother's touch lamp coming on and off randomly in the middle of the morning with no explanation. Food scattered on the floor in the kitchen. The sound of footsteps going up and down the stairs with no one to be seen. Etc.

Then there was the house we lived in until a few years ago. It was probably the worst of the two. One night my step-brother and I were playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, we had pizza that night so there was an empty bottle of Coca~Cola on the floor, well... the bottle was laying on it's side and we watched in horror as the bottle rolled across the carpet and then rolled back into the exact place it was in. Needless to say, we continued playing our game but we were thoroughly spooked out. That house in general was a spook fest. My step-dad even said that one night he heard someone come down from upstairs(I was the only one who was living up there at the time by the way)walk to the side of his bed, then walk to the end of the bed, and sit down. No one, I repeat... NO ONE, was there. I was in high school at the time, and even I was terrified to go downstairs for ANYTHING at night. Always felt like someone was watching me when I was alone in my room.