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Paranormal experiences thread

*grabs flashlight*
My time has come ( ̄▽ ̄)

It all started in 3rd grade. I was only about 7 or 8 at the time, but I still remember it clearly. I had been sick for the last week, so much so that I had to miss school the day. Finally as night time came my mom hugged me goodnight and I rested underneath my warm covers. However as I slowly felt the depths of sleep taking over me I couldn't shake off a feeling of pricking at my neck. The next thing I knew I was peacefully waking to an island. For some reason I could walk on water as I made my way through. All I knew was that I wanted to get to it, no matter what it took.
Next thing I knew I was awakened from my strange dream and looking at a dawn sky.

*dramatic pause*
I wasn't in my bed anymore, I was under a tree, about ten feet from my house! (^○^)
My mom rushed over to me and carried me back to my bed on the second floor, all while I was crying. That night though I couldn't fall back asleep, still remembering the island~~~~~

*flashlight off* Heh creepy huh?(^∇^)it's a good thing ghosts don't exist though. I'm sure it was probably just a case of sleepwalking...

Eh...? Hey....what's that sitting on your shoulder!? Oh good. It's gone now...

( ^ω^ )
*grabs flashlight*
My time has come ( ̄▽ ̄)

It all started in 3rd grade. I was only about 7 or 8 at the time, but I still remember it clearly. I had been sick for the last week, so much so that I had to miss school the day. Finally as night time came my mom hugged me goodnight and I rested underneath my warm covers. However as I slowly felt the depths of sleep taking over me I couldn't shake off a feeling of pricking at my neck. The next thing I knew I was peacefully waking to an island. For some reason I could walk on water as I made my way through. All I knew was that I wanted to get to it, no matter what it took.
Next thing I knew I was awakened from my strange dream and looking at a dawn sky.

*dramatic pause*
I wasn't in my bed anymore, I was under a tree, about ten feet from my house! (^○^)
My mom rushed over to me and carried me back to my bed on the second floor, all while I was crying. That night though I couldn't fall back asleep, still remembering the island~~~~~

*flashlight off* Heh creepy huh?(^∇^)it's a good thing ghosts don't exist though. I'm sure it was probably just a case of sleepwalking...

Eh...? Hey....what's that sitting on your shoulder!? Oh good. It's gone now...

( ^ω^ )

I used to sleep walk and steal stuff out of people's yards all the time when I was a kid.

Oh.. I have taken a big interest in you now.

I honestly think I'm being followed by an evil spirit 24/7. I've always felt like that since I was younger.
*grabs flashlight*
My time has come ( ̄▽ ̄)

It all started in 3rd grade. I was only about 7 or 8 at the time, but I still remember it clearly. I had been sick for the last week, so much so that I had to miss school the day. Finally as night time came my mom hugged me goodnight and I rested underneath my warm covers. However as I slowly felt the depths of sleep taking over me I couldn't shake off a feeling of pricking at my neck. The next thing I knew I was peacefully waking to an island. For some reason I could walk on water as I made my way through. All I knew was that I wanted to get to it, no matter what it took.
Next thing I knew I was awakened from my strange dream and looking at a dawn sky.

*dramatic pause*
I wasn't in my bed anymore, I was under a tree, about ten feet from my house! (^○^)
My mom rushed over to me and carried me back to my bed on the second floor, all while I was crying. That night though I couldn't fall back asleep, still remembering the island~~~~~

*flashlight off* Heh creepy huh?(^∇^)it's a good thing ghosts don't exist though. I'm sure it was probably just a case of sleepwalking...

Eh...? Hey....what's that sitting on your shoulder!? Oh good. It's gone now...

( ^ω^ )

im always wondering how people sleepwalk D:
I sleep on the top of a bunk bed with my sister at the bottom, I'll probably struggle sleepwalking if I did LOL
Wow, that's nuts. I believe your story, and the story about the wolf-thing sticks out at me in particular. I mean, my experience wasn't terrifying or anything, but I can kinda relate.

As a norm within many Asian cultures, we have offerings for the spirits for blessings, and luck and stuff for the new year. It's traditional to believe in spirits, yet I didn't really believe that the offerings were actually eaten by spirits, only people lol. But the same night last year after we did our ceremony, I was walking out of my room to the kitchen for some grub, when I stopped in my tracks at what I saw. I swear that I saw some kind of monkey (or some kind of animal, it was too short to be human) eating the offerings that we left on the living room table. It immediately scurried away and disappeared when it noticed me. The food was still physically untouched, but I know what I saw because it was the only thing unusual in the living room. I'm in Southern California and there are no wild monkeys around here, let alone any other wild animal. I don't even have a pet. Seeing that definitely made me believe that spirits do eat the offerings lol. Later on I told my mom what I saw, and she just gave me this look like I was talking about the weather. ._.;

Well, at least I know that the point of offerings aren't really going to waste haha.

Ahhh really?! And do you know those offering actually re tasteless after that? When my grandfather passed away many years back, we eat his overnight offering~ well yea, because we re family so is fine (not if you re offering to wandering spirit, no please) and I was too young to remember, I just enjoy the food but the adults keep saying they re all lack of taste o.o because it was an offering to the dead. I don't know and never find out cause now we don't eat if is an offering anymore lol regardless family or not

- - - Post Merge - - -

Love you, boo boo.

And the whole feeling of being watched only happened when you were up in my room. Only in my room. Everywhere in the house felt completely fine, but as soon as you stepped foot in my room... it felt like a completely different world altogether. We'd be downstairs and it would sound like someone was pacing around in circles above us and we'd be the only people in the whole house. Heck, I was absolutely terrified to leave my room and go downstairs without turning on all three of the lights: my bedroom, the empty bedroom beside mine, and the downstairs hallway light. That way I wouldn't go upstairs to a creepy pitch black room. There were even nights where I would wake up and it'd feel as if someone was standing at the foot of my bed... just leering over me.

Are you still staying in the same house? Don't you afraid "it" might actually reading this and consider as back talking? lol IDK but this idea freak me out ><
i dont really believe in all that paranormal stuff so thats probably why ive never experience anything like that.
I swear I will not check this thread after 7pm anymore, not after I read through Neriifur's stories half way....
Hey guys, so I've lived in areas in my life with lots of paranormal activity. I've experienced 10 years worth of it on and off in my life. I actually wrote a reply to "Do you believe in ghosts" on creepypasta.com. If you wish to read it, here's a link to it. None of this is overexagerated. There may be some TMI in there about some ****ty things regarding a couple family members, I don't remember, but I don't care I guess.

But yeah believe what you want. I wrote it about 6 months ago. Here's the link:


Wow. You really have experienced a lot of stuff through your life. The whole thing about your friend's dad that was probably a doppelganger. At my friend' sold house she had one that looked just like her. She never saw it and sadly never did I but a bunch of other people did. One of her friends even hugged it because she thought it was her.
Ahhh really?! And do you know those offering actually re tasteless after that? When my grandfather passed away many years back, we eat his overnight offering~ well yea, because we re family so is fine (not if you re offering to wandering spirit, no please) and I was too young to remember, I just enjoy the food but the adults keep saying they re all lack of taste o.o because it was an offering to the dead. I don't know and never find out cause now we don't eat if is an offering anymore lol regardless family or not

Ahaha. I agree, the food always seems to taste different after making an offering. I always thought it was just in my head, but I guess not! :D


Anywayyy... I have another story! (Have you noticed that I keep giving stories every time I post in this thread? XD)

So in this story, I was "ghost hunting" with some friends about 6 years back. My friends had been looking up some haunted locations nearby and decided to check this park. I knew nothing about the experiences people gave, just that it was apparently haunted. I was actually more worried about bums and dangerous individuals prowling around the area than encountering any ghosts though.

That night, we all gathered when it was dark and walked through the dark park entrance. The area was big, dark, and kind of forest-y looking. One of my friends, Katie, was terrified way before we were in the area. So she stayed in the back with me and one of my other friends while everyone else walked on ahead. The park was pretty dark and everyone jumped at every little sound. You know, typical teenagers going on a trip for a scare.

As we walked, I swore I heard footsteps and stuff behind me. I looked - nobody was there. And then the steps were beside me, to my left... and nobody was there. I didn't say anything, I just looked wherever I heard the sound. I also heard children laughing behind me, so I looked again, catching Katie's attention towards the area since she was on edge. She didn't see anything either, and I didn't say what I heard. And then, out of nowhere, I heard an extremely loud scream! I practically jumped at the sound, looked around frantically at the direction of the sound, which was from some of the trees that were to the left of our group. Still rattled, I looked around at everyone for confirmation. Nobody budged, nobody jumped, nobody had the same look I had. Not even the scaredy cat acknowledged it. So I calmed down and stayed quiet, thinking it was nothing to worry about. And then I heard children's voices and footsteps starting up again. Since nobody even made any mention about what I was hearing, I kept quiet the whole way until we left, when we hit the end of the trail (though the area obviously went on longer) and headed back.

So after we headed back out and left the exit, I asked some of my friends if they heard a scream. Katie's eyes bugged out and said "What scream?!" The other girls who heard me said the same thing with a quizzical look, with the same question on their faces. I was surprised, especially that Katie, the girl next to me the whole time, didn't hear it. With mild shock I asked, "You didn't hear it? It was really loud!" They shook their heads and said they didn't hear it. So I asked everyone else. They all had the same reaction: "What scream? Where?"

So... It turns out nobody heard the scream. Out of the 12-person group, I was the only person who heard children, footsteps, and that loud scream when we walked through that large, dark park. That definitely creeped me out. =_=
That must of been annoying.
Oh I remember another thing that happened. I was in my room once and no one else was in the house. Suddenly out of no where I heard someone come up the stairs then as soon as I heard the last foot step I heard very light but fast tapping on my door. I know I was definitely the only one in the house too because it kept happening until my mum and my sister came back and there was no one else here. I don't know what was trying to come in but I didn't want to find out.
I just found out my boyfriend experienced the same thing when he was in my room once and I was asleep. We were both just talking about it and got chills.
I have dreams of things before they happen. And it's never anything interesting, so this story is boring. It's always seeing a certain person in a certain aisle of the grocery store, or tripping while going up the steps, or something equally mundane. My grandma truly had the shining, I have more of a weak glimmer. lol
I love this thread. In fact, I love reading about paranormal experiences. <3

I don't have any paranormal experiences I can list, actually, I don't think I've ever had any. But, whenever I go to bed, for some reason, I always see an eerie Slenderman shape on the ceiling. >-< I think it's just the hung Christmas lights making the weird shape, but, believe me, it looks like him.
My mother, and basically everyone that witnessed me as a toddler, told me that i used to talk to a doll that I supposedly saw in the church I went to. They told me that I would point towards that empty nursery room and say "Mama, doll!", walk towards the room and sit down, in the middle of the room specifically, with no toys or anything near me.. just in the middle of the room.

To be honest, I cant remember this event.. what im scared of is, if I do happen to see that doll in the future, I would remember >~<

Thing is, I dont even know how this doll looks lol. I bet it looks real scary xD
I love this thread. In fact, I love reading about paranormal experiences. <3

I don't have any paranormal experiences I can list, actually, I don't think I've ever had any. But, whenever I go to bed, for some reason, I always see an eerie Slenderman shape on the ceiling. >-< I think it's just the hung Christmas lights making the weird shape, but, believe me, it looks like him.

haha, thank you! <3 I love reading other people's experiences too! *O* so interesting~
Some haunted people play Animal Crossing or whatever

I haven`t seen much of anything paranormal as I`m only 9, but my dad was a student in a really old school in England (he moved to Australia where I was born) and he told me he saw a pale man walking down a hallway at lunchtime (i think it was lunch anyway), only to turn around and see he was gone. That`s pretty much it.

I do feel like someone`s watching me at night when I`m in bed, though. :(
LOLL not quoting but replied to @kite: Me too xD I have a lots to share =x some are mine and some are friends~ So today I gonna share 2 short one.

If you know my country, you know once rural city (yea kind of rural and more green than the big city) there's this mountain called K.K. Mountain. Very famous because is the tallest in Asia and if you interested to climb it, you need to go for stamina training and pay quite an expensive sum and book it half year earlier xD why? There's an important reason.

The mountain is haunted. Not ghost, but spite, elves or god that take care of that mountain. So climbers are warn not to wander by themselves by the tour guide. NOBODY ALLOWS TO CLIMB IT ALONE/SOLO. And typical rules like do not badmouthing, cursing, picking anything you see blah blah which apply to typical mountain climbing too. Nop the stories is not from me but my friend who had his sister working as the tour guide for climber there. So this mountain can consider a little sacred (not so sure so many people died there =v=) and every years there is a sacrificed must do. Not that our culture we kill someone there lols~ but every years there's at least 1 climbers or more, will died there during their climb.

So once a group of climbers going up, they must have at least 1 tour guide in the front and another on the last end to make sure nobody lost or missing. And this poor young man, he just a little slow, a little far away from the group but still under watch of the last tour guide, but all the sudden the tour guide who might have miss a glance, that man was found hugging a tree and died. This incident are not reported on the paper because that mountain is a famous for tourist, mountain climber and an icon so no way the government will let this news come out on the paper.

- - - Post Merge - - -

OMG my short stories turn out long xD

One is from myself.

When I am a kid, I lived opposite my cousin's house in a rented apartment. I will be at their in the day and only go home at night. So one weird night, I think I lost conscious or whatever, I woke up while climbing on top of a high bed (kid are short mhmm) and they asked me this weird question "why do you refuse to go home???". Is my very first time and I got all confused "huh???? did I???I have no memory!" and to ease off I just randomly answered that I want to try sleeping over and so. In fact, I have no memory of that night, what had happen? did something posses me to say that? what did I do? Until today I never got answer on what happen during my lost of conscious. That's all I can say and remember lol.

I do suspect the abandon building behind my cousin's house is haunted. It was already abandon since the day it finish build up until today. I don't like staying at my cousin's place today because past 2am you can hear dog howling/crying and its scary ><