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Paranormal experiences thread

Welp, I just had the spookiest thing happen to me just now.

When I went to take out my dog, Jenni(Boxer/Beagle mix), we were coming up the stairs at the back of my apartment(I have a front door which leads to a hallway with three other apartments, and a back glass door that leads to some wooden steps that take you to the pond/forest where my dogs go do their business) when I looked up and saw the black silhouette of a figure standing in the doorway. I, figuratively, almost sh!t bricks because I thought someone had snuck through my back door and was going to start stealing all of my expensive valuables. I ran up the stairs as fast as my little 5'8 legs could carry me because I didn't want anyone of my stuff stolen. When we got in the apartment, there wasn't a single living soul in here besides my other dog who was passed out on the love seat. Checked every room: the bathrooms(behind the curtains and everything), both of my bedrooms, the closets, and under my bed. Nothing. Not a single damn thing. My heart is literally RACING right now. Cheesus Crust.
Welp, I just had the spookiest thing happen to me just now.

When I went to take out my dog, Jenni(Boxer/Beagle mix), we were coming up the stairs at the back of my apartment(I have a front door which leads to a hallway with three other apartments, and a back glass door that leads to some wooden steps that take you to the pond/forest where my dogs go do their business) when I looked up and saw the black silhouette of a figure standing in the doorway. I, figuratively, almost sh!t bricks because I thought someone had snuck through my back door and was going to start stealing all of my expensive valuables. I ran up the stairs as fast as my little 5'8 legs could carry me because I didn't want anyone of my stuff stolen. When we got in the apartment, there wasn't a single living soul in here besides my other dog who was passed out on the love seat. Checked every room: the bathrooms(behind the curtains and everything), both of my bedrooms, the closets, and under my bed. Nothing. Not a single damn thing. My heart is literally RACING right now. Cheesus Crust.

gosh dang it chris

^ :O

I can't believe I forgot this story. In my old apartment in Korea we lived on the first floor and it had a veranda/sunroom area with a huge window looking out to the other row of apartments. There was this one creepy neighbour that would always walk around right outside that window at really odd hours like 2am for YEARS (we lived in that apartment for close to 15 years). It made me really jumpy walking to the kitchen at night since I always have to pass that window. Well we found out he's a pretty nice guy, he just likes to take walks at 2am I guess. When I was in 7th grade we found out from his son that he died from a heart attack. Up until we moved out sometimes I felt like I could see a figure at the corner of my eye... but of course it's just really dark and I get paranoid. Kinda made me miss him LOL.
:3 me too haha I don't believe in ghosts or anything.
I just seem to hear/see odd things :( like last night, I am pretty used to the woods, (live in the middle of nowhere, 1 mile back into the woods ) so pretty used to local animals but when I took the dog out last night at like 2 am, I heard the most guttural growl/howl. I convinced myself it was a fox but it really wasn't. It was one of those noises that makes your blood run cold. LOL needlessly to say that was the fastest trip back to the door known to mankind.
^ :O

I can't believe I forgot this story. In my old apartment in Korea we lived on the first floor and it had a veranda/sunroom area with a huge window looking out to the other row of apartments. There was this one creepy neighbour that would always walk around right outside that window at really odd hours like 2am for YEARS (we lived in that apartment for close to 15 years). It made me really jumpy walking to the kitchen at night since I always have to pass that window. Well we found out he's a pretty nice guy, he just likes to take walks at 2am I guess. When I was in 7th grade we found out from his son that he died from a heart attack. Up until we moved out sometimes I felt like I could see a figure at the corner of my eye... but of course it's just really dark and I get paranoid. Kinda made me miss him LOL.

Aww. I also used to have a neighbor who died of a heart attack. Nothing ghost related, but he was a really nice guy. Made me miss him all over again. ;w;

Welp, I just had the spookiest thing happen to me just now.

When I went to take out my dog, Jenni(Boxer/Beagle mix), we were coming up the stairs at the back of my apartment(I have a front door which leads to a hallway with three other apartments, and a back glass door that leads to some wooden steps that take you to the pond/forest where my dogs go do their business) when I looked up and saw the black silhouette of a figure standing in the doorway. I, figuratively, almost sh!t bricks because I thought someone had snuck through my back door and was going to start stealing all of my expensive valuables. I ran up the stairs as fast as my little 5'8 legs could carry me because I didn't want anyone of my stuff stolen. When we got in the apartment, there wasn't a single living soul in here besides my other dog who was passed out on the love seat. Checked every room: the bathrooms(behind the curtains and everything), both of my bedrooms, the closets, and under my bed. Nothing. Not a single damn thing. My heart is literally RACING right now. Cheesus Crust.


...reminds me of another experience I have, but I feel like I should shut up now lol
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Aww. I also used to have a neighbor who died of a heart attack. Nothing ghost related, but he was a really nice guy. Made me miss him all over again. ;w;


...reminds me of another experience I have, but I feel like I should shut up now lol
no no no! don't shut up! I love your experiences you share <333 it's so interesting! <3
Okay, well here's a few more experiences from a place that I lived in for quite a while. The experiences I'm mentioning aren't quite that scary, but are out of the norm.

In every day life, there are times when you know or feel when people are watching you. For example, you're in front of a class giving a speech or a presentation and people are looking at you. You feel like you're on the spot or you're being... exposed.

Well, about 10 years ago it was late at night and all the lights were off.

I was in a deep sleep at the time, like any other person in the house. But while I was asleep, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I mean it's weird, to have that feeling when I wasn't even conscious, you know?

That feeling of being observed and on-the-spot was so strong, that it roused me from whatever dream I had. The moment I drifted from unconsciousness, I had that feeling that I wasn't alone. The sensation of being watched was so intense that I immediately rose and sat straight up from the bed quickly, opening my eyes at the same time, and looked in the direction I felt the stare coming from.

And standing a few feet away from my bed, darker than the darkness of the room, was this tall shadowy figure. What stood out from its tall shadowy form was its eyes. Its eyes were like the average person: white and bright with dark pupils in the middle. I remember those eyes because they contrasted its dark body. And the intensity of those eyes... it was like those eyes were scrutinizing and observing you.

If that had been moment I'd seen something I couldn't explain for the first time, I'd have freaked out. But I didn't, I just stared at it unblinkingly. Fortunately, it didn't make a move. We just stared at each other for a bit before it dissipated into the air like it was made of smoke.

After that, because I was still tired, I immediately lied back down on my bed and went to sleep... I was pretty crabby to have been woken up lol.


The experience didn't really bother me that much and I didn't have that experience again. Just a the sound of a couple of bangs, knocks, and/or scratches on the wall or furniture every day and night. I was pretty much used to them, except for those moments when a loud bang would happen in the silence of the night.

I've also seen a fast shadowy figure fly past the open window when I was on the toilet (lol, why do things have to happen when I'm in the bathroom), as well when I was walking out of the kitchen to see a tall, transparent shadow watch tv from the couch and get up towards where I was before disappearing. (hehe, ghosts watching tv)

There's more stuff, but they'd sound crazier and confusing if I mentioned them, so I won't. I could barely make sense of them myself, so sorry to not elaborate further.


Fast forward a couple of years later and I'm on my laptop in the middle of the night (this time the light is on). I'm college freshman by then, just doing whatever on the net. Even though I'm on my laptop, I was sitting in front of an unused computer screen. I was minding my own business, when I just happened to glance up at the computer screen for a moment.

In the reflection of the computer screen and standing behind me, was this figure dressed in a long robe. Its entire body and face was covered. I stared at the reflection in shock, surprised that it was directly behind me. I was sure that I was the only person in the room and that I didn't know who the figure was. It looked so real that I quickly swiveled my head around and expected it to be there, but nope, nothing was standing behind me. Nothing. I turned back around to the reflection, and yep, it was gone.

So yeah, the only thing that was constant in the place was the banging, knocking, and scratching rather than the shadow figures, but those always reminded me that I wasn't alone. >_>


As I said earlier, these experiences aren't scary, but they aren't normal either... *does jazz hands while readers stare unimpressed*
Okay, well here's a few more experiences from a place that I lived in for quite a while. The experiences I'm mentioning aren't quite that scary, but are out of the norm.

In every day life, there are times when you know or feel when people are watching you. For example, you're in front of a class giving a speech or a presentation and people are looking at you. You feel like you're on the spot or you're being... exposed.

Well, about 10 years ago it was late at night and all the lights were off.

I was in a deep sleep at the time, like any other person in the house. But while I was asleep, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I mean it's weird, to have that feeling when I wasn't even conscious, you know?

That feeling of being observed and on-the-spot was so strong, that it roused me from whatever dream I had. The moment I drifted from unconsciousness, I had that feeling that I wasn't alone. The sensation of being watched was so intense that I immediately rose and sat straight up from the bed quickly, opening my eyes at the same time, and looked in the direction I felt the stare coming from.

And standing a few feet away from my bed, darker than the darkness of the room, was this tall shadowy figure. What stood out from its tall shadowy form was its eyes. Its eyes were like the average person: white and bright with dark pupils in the middle. I remember those eyes because they contrasted its dark body. And the intensity of those eyes... it was like those eyes were scrutinizing and observing you.

If that had been moment I'd seen something I couldn't explain for the first time, I'd have freaked out. But I didn't, I just stared at it unblinkingly. Fortunately, it didn't make a move. We just stared at each other for a bit before it dissipated into the air like it was made of smoke.

After that, because I was still tired, I immediately lied back down on my bed and went to sleep... I was pretty crabby to have been woken up lol.


The experience didn't really bother me that much and I didn't have that experience again. Just a the sound of a couple of bangs, knocks, and/or scratches on the wall or furniture every day and night. I was pretty much used to them, except for those moments when a loud bang would happen in the silence of the night.

I've also seen a fast shadowy figure fly past the open window when I was on the toilet (lol, why do things have to happen when I'm in the bathroom), as well when I was walking out of the kitchen to see a tall, transparent shadow watch tv from the couch and get up towards where I was before disappearing. (hehe, ghosts watching tv)

There's more stuff, but they'd sound crazier and confusing if I mentioned them, so I won't. I could barely make sense of them myself, so sorry to not elaborate further.


Fast forward a couple of years later and I'm on my laptop in the middle of the night (this time the light is on). I'm college freshman by then, just doing whatever on the net. Even though I'm on my laptop, I was sitting in front of an unused computer screen. I was minding my own business, when I just happened to glance up at the computer screen for a moment.

In the reflection of the computer screen and standing behind me, was this figure dressed in a long robe. Its entire body and face was covered. I stared at the reflection in shock, surprised that it was directly behind me. I was sure that I was the only person in the room and that I didn't know who the figure was. It looked so real that I quickly swiveled my head around and expected it to be there, but nope, nothing was standing behind me. Nothing. I turned back around to the reflection, and yep, it was gone.

So yeah, the only thing that was constant in the place was the banging, knocking, and scratching rather than the shadow figures, but those always reminded me that I wasn't alone. >_>


As I said earlier, these experiences aren't scary, but they aren't normal either... *does jazz hands while readers stare unimpressed*

dude, this is super scary D':
my ex bf was into this **** so much from memory i dont think i'll be able to remember them off the top of my head but i remember once this is the only one i remember 100% but he has finger print smears on the window that wouldn't rub off and then the second one i remember was something about seeing someones head
Okay, well here's a few more experiences from a place that I lived in for quite a while. The experiences I'm mentioning aren't quite that scary, but are out of the norm.

In every day life, there are times when you know or feel when people are watching you. For example, you're in front of a class giving a speech or a presentation and people are looking at you. You feel like you're on the spot or you're being... exposed.

Well, about 10 years ago it was late at night and all the lights were off.

I was in a deep sleep at the time, like any other person in the house. But while I was asleep, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I mean it's weird, to have that feeling when I wasn't even conscious, you know?

That feeling of being observed and on-the-spot was so strong, that it roused me from whatever dream I had. The moment I drifted from unconsciousness, I had that feeling that I wasn't alone. The sensation of being watched was so intense that I immediately rose and sat straight up from the bed quickly, opening my eyes at the same time, and looked in the direction I felt the stare coming from.

And standing a few feet away from my bed, darker than the darkness of the room, was this tall shadowy figure. What stood out from its tall shadowy form was its eyes. Its eyes were like the average person: white and bright with dark pupils in the middle. I remember those eyes because they contrasted its dark body. And the intensity of those eyes... it was like those eyes were scrutinizing and observing you.

If that had been moment I'd seen something I couldn't explain for the first time, I'd have freaked out. But I didn't, I just stared at it unblinkingly. Fortunately, it didn't make a move. We just stared at each other for a bit before it dissipated into the air like it was made of smoke.

After that, because I was still tired, I immediately lied back down on my bed and went to sleep... I was pretty crabby to have been woken up lol.


The experience didn't really bother me that much and I didn't have that experience again. Just a the sound of a couple of bangs, knocks, and/or scratches on the wall or furniture every day and night. I was pretty much used to them, except for those moments when a loud bang would happen in the silence of the night.

I've also seen a fast shadowy figure fly past the open window when I was on the toilet (lol, why do things have to happen when I'm in the bathroom), as well when I was walking out of the kitchen to see a tall, transparent shadow watch tv from the couch and get up towards where I was before disappearing. (hehe, ghosts watching tv)

There's more stuff, but they'd sound crazier and confusing if I mentioned them, so I won't. I could barely make sense of them myself, so sorry to not elaborate further.


Fast forward a couple of years later and I'm on my laptop in the middle of the night (this time the light is on). I'm college freshman by then, just doing whatever on the net. Even though I'm on my laptop, I was sitting in front of an unused computer screen. I was minding my own business, when I just happened to glance up at the computer screen for a moment.

In the reflection of the computer screen and standing behind me, was this figure dressed in a long robe. Its entire body and face was covered. I stared at the reflection in shock, surprised that it was directly behind me. I was sure that I was the only person in the room and that I didn't know who the figure was. It looked so real that I quickly swiveled my head around and expected it to be there, but nope, nothing was standing behind me. Nothing. I turned back around to the reflection, and yep, it was gone.

So yeah, the only thing that was constant in the place was the banging, knocking, and scratching rather than the shadow figures, but those always reminded me that I wasn't alone. >_>


As I said earlier, these experiences aren't scary, but they aren't normal either... *does jazz hands while readers stare unimpressed*

One of my friends experienced shadow people when she was a kid. I don't remember her saying it did anything bad but they can be quite physical. Hers would do things like get toys out when she was asleep and put basically tuck her in when the covers come off her. I think hers was there to watch over her. Maybe some kind of guardian angel perhaps. I think I've only seen a shadow go by once but I don't think it was like a figure of a person so I don't know.

Some people believe that the shadow people come from a different dimension.
One of my friends experienced shadow people when she was a kid. I don't remember her saying it did anything bad but they can be quite physical. Hers would do things like get toys out when she was asleep and put basically tuck her in when the covers come off her. I think hers was there to watch over her. Maybe some kind of guardian angel perhaps. I think I've only seen a shadow go by once but I don't think it was like a figure of a person so I don't know.

Some people believe that the shadow people come from a different dimension.

Sorry, but I read this and laughed out loud.

How any of you people can even consider believing in dead people's "souls" walking and interacting with the living is ludicrous. Ghosts do not exist. There has NEVER and there will NEVER be any tangible evidence of the paranormal existing. Everything you guys have experienced was either paranoia or some form of schizophrenia.
Sorry, but I read this and laughed out loud.

How any of you people can even consider believing in dead people's "souls" walking and interacting with the living is ludicrous. Ghosts do not exist. There has NEVER and there will NEVER be any tangible evidence of the paranormal existing. Everything you guys have experienced was either paranoia or some form of schizophrenia.

Wow. Someone's very closed minded.
It's also very rude to post something like that. It's like going to a religion thread and saying that you find it hilarious because you believe in a god that doesn't exist and the religion itself is stupid. I would never say anything like that about someone religion (unless they were harassing me so much to join). Just because I don't believe in something does not mean I'm going to insult someone else for the hell of it.
Sorry, but I read this and laughed out loud.

How any of you people can even consider believing in dead people's "souls" walking and interacting with the living is ludicrous. Ghosts do not exist. There has NEVER and there will NEVER be any tangible evidence of the paranormal existing. Everything you guys have experienced was either paranoia or some form of schizophrenia.

The jerk meter just burst. There's chemicals all over the floor.
Sorry, but I read this and laughed out loud.

How any of you people can even consider believing in dead people's "souls" walking and interacting with the living is ludicrous. Ghosts do not exist. There has NEVER and there will NEVER be any tangible evidence of the paranormal existing. Everything you guys have experienced was either paranoia or some form of schizophrenia.

What a lovely comment. I think you just crushed a ton of people's beliefs.