Party Prepping Station

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JammyTheBirb's event entry:
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xlisapisa's event entry:
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Round 2: Wall/Ceiling Decor
birthday banner
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Round 2

🎊 Wall/Ceiling Decor 🎊

This includes any birthday party appropriate decorations that are typically hung on the walls or from the ceiling. Your entry does not have to be hung up in order to be accepted. I will accept a packaged item as long as it is clearly identifiable.

Examples: Streamers, bunting, banners, piñatas🪅

Crafting Allowed!

Yes! This round will allow crafting! If you don't have access to any of these items (or even if you do!), you have the option to create your own banner, bunting, etc.
Keep in mind that anything you craft must still meet the criteria detailed above and a reasonable amount of effort must be put into your work.
If you are in doubt, please ask.

Also, keep in mind that this is not a competition. There are no rewards for the best item.

For my entry, I found some cute piñatas. On the left is a birthday cupcake and on the right a game controller. I thought both were very fitting for TBT's 20th Birthday!

View attachment 573664

*Note that staff entries are not eligible for prizes.
Man, again, Nicholas’ birthday coming in clutch! 😃
droqen's event entry:
  • IMG_4061.jpeg
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It’s rotated for some reason!
A very upsettingly featureless red inflatable ball in mid-bounce.
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