Cool, cool. Will add those in your request notes. And yep, I can. 160 TBT total, so ya can pay me as soon as ya can. If ya have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Click the number next to the "Bells:" under the person's name you wanna give bells to. From there, you can send the bells. Let me know if that didn't make sense.
EDIT: Got it! And thanks for the tip. :3 I'll update your status that ya paid.
Queen Greene: Just sent ya your mockup, so please take a look at it when ya get a chance.
------------------------------ Update:
I already posted this on the front page, but I plan on closing requests temporarily after I get two more requests, regardless if the wait list is full or not. After I finish all my current requests, I want to take a break from making banners for a lil while. Will post more info as I get closer to finishing all those requests.
If you're interested while I have requests closed, let me know and I can PM you once I have requests open again. To all those who are on that list will have priority once I re-open. I'll give them a 48 hour window to post their requests before I officially re-open for everyone else.
Finished another banner!! Thanks Rosiekitty405!! Will add it to the front page shortly.
Rosiekitty405: Glad you love it and I hope you enjoy it! Also, thanks for the tip! I was so confused since the number of bells was pretty random in my book. XD
Kaiaa: Just sent you your mockup. Please take a look at it when ya get a chance.
LonghornGirl: Just sent ya your updated banner. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't update quickly. Photobucket's odd like that. It'll update in a lil while. If it doesn't update for a while, let me know and I'll try and re-upload it.
LonghornGirl: Just sent ya your updated banner. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't update quickly. Photobucket's odd like that. It'll update in a lil while. If it doesn't update for a while, let me know and I'll try and re-upload it.
Whoops. XD I technically finished Padas' banner yesterday, but I forgot to post it here. My bad. Thanks Padas and hope you enjoy it!! It's already been added to the front post.
Twilight Sparkle: Definitely! If you don't make the cut-off, as I'll only be taking two more requests before I plan on closing shop temporarily, but will fulfill any current request I have, I can definitely PM you when I re-open so if you're still interested, you can post your request.
3DSfan134: You are now off the wait list!!
Stargazer741: Have a really messy sketch of one of your mayors done on Paint Tool SAI. Will send a WIP when I clean both up and have some color thrown on. Hopefully you like it... X3 I'd be more than happy (but sad) to give you back the two sets you gave me if it doesn't work out. I won't be able to work on your banner until they are done, since I need the pics for it. If I can't finish both pics tonight, I'll start the next person's banner in between. At the very least, I can collect all the sprites and such for yours.
Because I'm working on Stargazer741 mayor drawings, I'll try to finish them tonight, but if not, I plan on working on whoever banner is next in the meantime (just looked: it's GinevaWhisper), just to minimize delays on everyone else.
YAY!! Finally heard from NinjanaMin!! And I got payment from her, so I as promised, I will squeeze her request in between everyone else. And if you're wondering why, I've had a note regarding this for quite some time on the front page.
Whoops. XD I technically finished Padas' banner yesterday, but I forgot to post it here. My bad. Thanks Padas and hope you enjoy it!! It's already been added to the front post.
Twilight Sparkle: Definitely! If you don't make the cut-off, as I'll only be taking two more requests before I plan on closing shop temporarily, but will fulfill any current request I have, I can definitely PM you when I re-open so if you're still interested, you can post your request.
3DSfan134: You are now off the wait list!!
Stargazer741: Have a really messy sketch of one of your mayors done on Paint Tool SAI. Will send a WIP when I clean both up and have some color thrown on. Hopefully you like it... X3 I'd be more than happy (but sad) to give you back the two sets you gave me if it doesn't work out. I won't be able to work on your banner until they are done, since I need the pics for it. If I can't finish both pics tonight, I'll start the next person's banner in between. At the very least, I can collect all the sprites and such for yours.
Because I'm working on Stargazer741 mayor drawings, I'll try to finish them tonight, but if not, I plan on working on whoever banner is next in the meantime (just looked: it's GinevaWhisper), just to minimize delays on everyone else.