Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Cool, cool. Will add those in your request notes. And yep, I can. 160 TBT total, so ya can pay me as soon as ya can. :) If ya have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Click the number next to the "Bells:" under the person's name you wanna give bells to. From there, you can send the bells. Let me know if that didn't make sense. :D

EDIT: Got it! And thanks for the tip. :3 I'll update your status that ya paid.
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Queen Greene: Just sent ya your mockup, so please take a look at it when ya get a chance.


I already posted this on the front page, but I plan on closing requests temporarily after I get two more requests, regardless if the wait list is full or not. After I finish all my current requests, I want to take a break from making banners for a lil while. Will post more info as I get closer to finishing all those requests.

If you're interested while I have requests closed, let me know and I can PM you once I have requests open again. To all those who are on that list will have priority once I re-open. I'll give them a 48 hour window to post their requests before I officially re-open for everyone else.
Finished another banner!! Thanks QueenGreene!! I'll add it to the front page shortly. :3

Queen Greene: Glad you love it and I hope ya enjoy it!! WOW! Didn't expect that much of tip! :O THANK YOU!!! X3 I REALLY, REALLY appreciate it!! <3<3

Kaiaa: I started your banner and I will finish it tomorrow (or today, depending on where ya live). Keep an eye out for a PM from me! :D

GinevaWhisper: You are now off the wait list!!! :D
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Finished another banner!! Thanks Rosiekitty405!! Will add it to the front page shortly.

Rosiekitty405: Glad you love it and I hope you enjoy it! :D Also, thanks for the tip! I was so confused since the number of bells was pretty random in my book. XD

Kaiaa: Just sent you your mockup. Please take a look at it when ya get a chance. :)

LonghornGirl: Just sent ya your updated banner. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't update quickly. Photobucket's odd like that. It'll update in a lil while. If it doesn't update for a while, let me know and I'll try and re-upload it.

CovisGod: You are now off the wait list!! :D
Finished another banner!! Thanks Kaiaa and I hope you enjoy it!! Will add it to the front page shortly.

Still have two spots open until I temporarily close requests. Please see front page for more details.

Also~ to Hikari: You are now off the wait list!! :D
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LonghornGirl: Just sent ya your updated banner. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't update quickly. Photobucket's odd like that. It'll update in a lil while. If it doesn't update for a while, let me know and I'll try and re-upload it.

CovisGod: You are now off the wait list!! :D

Thanks, pengutango! Looks amazing :D
I should know Prob Sun/Mon whether Zell will be ready to move to your town!
LonghornGirl: You're very welcome!!

Hikari: Yep, yep. :)

DaCoSim: Awesome! Keep me updated! Hope he's not in boxes then, since I gonna need a lil more time to get someone to move out. XD
Whoops. XD I technically finished Padas' banner yesterday, but I forgot to post it here. My bad. Thanks Padas and hope you enjoy it!! :D It's already been added to the front post. :)

Twilight Sparkle: Definitely! :D If you don't make the cut-off, as I'll only be taking two more requests before I plan on closing shop temporarily, but will fulfill any current request I have, I can definitely PM you when I re-open so if you're still interested, you can post your request.

3DSfan134: You are now off the wait list!! :D

Stargazer741: Have a really messy sketch of one of your mayors done on Paint Tool SAI. Will send a WIP when I clean both up and have some color thrown on. :) Hopefully you like it... X3 I'd be more than happy (but sad) to give you back the two sets you gave me if it doesn't work out. I won't be able to work on your banner until they are done, since I need the pics for it. If I can't finish both pics tonight, I'll start the next person's banner in between. At the very least, I can collect all the sprites and such for yours. :)


Because I'm working on Stargazer741 mayor drawings, I'll try to finish them tonight, but if not, I plan on working on whoever banner is next in the meantime (just looked: it's GinevaWhisper), just to minimize delays on everyone else.
YAY!! Finally heard from NinjanaMin!! :) And I got payment from her, so I as promised, I will squeeze her request in between everyone else. And if you're wondering why, I've had a note regarding this for quite some time on the front page.
Whoops. XD I technically finished Padas' banner yesterday, but I forgot to post it here. My bad. Thanks Padas and hope you enjoy it!! :D It's already been added to the front post. :)

Twilight Sparkle: Definitely! :D If you don't make the cut-off, as I'll only be taking two more requests before I plan on closing shop temporarily, but will fulfill any current request I have, I can definitely PM you when I re-open so if you're still interested, you can post your request.

3DSfan134: You are now off the wait list!! :D

Stargazer741: Have a really messy sketch of one of your mayors done on Paint Tool SAI. Will send a WIP when I clean both up and have some color thrown on. :) Hopefully you like it... X3 I'd be more than happy (but sad) to give you back the two sets you gave me if it doesn't work out. I won't be able to work on your banner until they are done, since I need the pics for it. If I can't finish both pics tonight, I'll start the next person's banner in between. At the very least, I can collect all the sprites and such for yours. :)


Because I'm working on Stargazer741 mayor drawings, I'll try to finish them tonight, but if not, I plan on working on whoever banner is next in the meantime (just looked: it's GinevaWhisper), just to minimize delays on everyone else.
YAY! Are you going to be done with my sig?
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