Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Woah :eek: He/she finally paid, lol. But I think Big Forum User is LONG gone. >.<

I know right?! XD Sigh... hope not, but whatever. It'd be on hold for as long as it takes... I guess... *shrugs*

YAY! Are you going to be done with my sig?

I'm getting there with requests. It's all I'll say right now. I'm in a bad mood right now (not your fault, I was already in a bad mood before I looked at this thread) because well... see below.


Gah... I'm upset that I spent most of my free time today helping my boyfriend out with the Julian auction, but the top bidders fell through... >.< Man, so much time wasted... T.T He owes me... -____- I could have done some actual work on banners today... Oh the joy of life. Sigh.... Oh well, back to work tomorrow...
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I know right?! XD Sigh... hope not, but whatever. It'd be on hold for as long as it takes... I guess... *shrugs*

I'm getting there with requests. It's all I'll say right now. I'm in a bad mood right now (not your fault, I was already in a bad mood before I looked at this thread) because well... see below.


Gah... I'm upset that I spent most of my free time today helping my boyfriend out with the Julian auction, but the top bidders fell through... >.< Man, so much time wasted... T.T He owes me... -____- I could have done some actual work on banners today... Oh the joy of life. Sigh.... Oh well, back to work tomorrow...

He posted on /acg/, as Gorloc, if i recall. There were a number of adopters there, but bailed when they saw the highest bid. Not a surprise.
He posted on /acg/, as Gorloc, if i recall. There were a number of adopters there, but bailed when they saw the highest bid. Not a surprise.

Yeah, that's him. He said he ended up posting there since he didn't wanna wait anymore. Almost didn't tell me either while we were skyping, but I got it out of him eventually. I felt bad telling two people that they could no longer have him, but whatever. It is what it is. >.< What an auction FAIL...
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Yeah, that's him. He said he ended up posting there since he didn't wanna wait anymore. Almost didn't tell me either while we were skyping, but I got it out of him eventually. I felt bad telling two people that they could no longer have him, but whatever. It is what it is. >.< What an auction FAIL...

I wouldve taken him at the time, but im pretty sure you know why i couldnt take him.
Yep, yep. Oh well, hope whoever has him now gives him a good home for a while, assuming he's not one of their dreamies, which in that case they keep him as long as they care about their town in general.

And oh, like an idiot, I lost a bunch of hybrids... despite having the beautiful town ordinance in effect. That one was my fault. XD But, least I didn't lose my uber precious purple pansy & tulip since I only have one of each.
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Yep, yep. Oh well, hope whoever has him now gives him a good home for a while, assuming he's not one of their dreamies, which in that case they keep him as long as they care about their town in general.

And oh, like an idiot, I lost a bunch of hybrids... despite having the beautiful town ordinance in effect. That one was my fault. XD But, least I didn't lose my uber precious purple pansy & tulip since I only have one of each.

Was it because you TTed to move Katt? Also, do you know anyone giving away Gold Roses? I need some for Queenie's old spot.
Yep. They were watered when I started and I thought I could get away with not watering them with the ordinance in effect... NOPE. Oh well. I'll get them back eventually. I have other things I need to deal with in my town. Besides, I need to fix my path... you saw how bad it looked. >.<

It was looking so nice... until Wolfgang messed it up by forcing me to delete my 2nd character who was holding all the path pieces, minus one. It was the only way I can re-build my 3rd bridge. At least the location is close to where I want it. Also reminds me of how much I regret where I placed my campsite. XD

And to your question, nope. Not that I know of. I've only seen people selling them. I myself only have 2, one of which was from my boyfriend -- an accident since he got mad I watered one of his wilted black roses. In my defense, I had no idea it was a black rose and he didn't tell me that it was one until after the fact.
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finally have the bells!, i can put myself on the wait list right?

Username: Twilight Sparkle
Town: Equestia
Mayor: Shannon
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Oval
Colors: (text, border, background colors) #00bcbf for text #64008f for border and for background #b01a3b and #1c9131
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") 2B White Dots
Font Preferences: Silkscreen!
Villagers: Fauna , Marina , Marshal , Carmen , Tangy , Chrissy , Julian , Rosie and Ankha
Include names under sprites?: Yup
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") N/A
Include names under sprites?: Yes please!
Anything else: Nope!

I will pay 200 bells , Good enough for you?
Before you make my banner, can you replace Chops with Deirdre?
Username: FoxWolf64
Town: Lylat
Mayor: Connor
Border: dashed
Template shape: Oval
Colors: border: #000000 text: #000000 background: #02DAE6
Background: 3b
Font Preferences: Arial
Villagers: Papi, Goldie, Bill, Kid Cat, Victoria, Bianca, Kitty, Francine, Knox, Pietro (Yes, I'd like the names listed on the bottom, thank you :)) Dreamies: Octavian, Mint, Tangy, Static, Cherry, O'Hare
Extras: Nothing, thanks :)
Twilight Sparkle: Yay! Thanks for your request. :) Got your payment, so I'll mark down that you paid. Thanks for the tip as well (if it wasn't, I can refund ya the extra no prob. :3)

Hikari: No prob. I can make the replacement. :)

FoxWolf64: Thanks for the request! Please pay me as soon as ya can. Also~ you're the last request I'm taking right now! :D



Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and FoxWolf64, they are the last two requests I am taking right now until I re-open requests.


I know the wait list isn't full, but I want to take a break from making banners, after I finish up all my current requests. I will also post it on the front page. If you are interested in a banner while requests are closed, let me know and I'll PM you when I re-open requests.
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FoxWolf64: Thanks for the request! Please pay me as soon as ya can. Also~ you're the last request I'm taking right now! :D

Yay! do I pay?
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Thank you! c:

And I did tip you cause your amazing work <3

Cool, just double checking. :D

Yay! do I pay?

To pay, here's the basic info:
- Click on the link that says the number of bells that's listed under the profile pic of the person you want to pay.
- A window will pop up that you can input the number of bells you'd like to send and if ya wanted to put any comments about the transaction.

Hope that makes sense. :)
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FoxWolf64: To answer your question, it's no charge for me to put their names under the sprites. But, will keep the extra as a tip since ya said I could. Thanks! :)

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Im gonna cry.


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Oh, yeah you did. :) Just didn't get a chance to update it. I'll go do that now, before it slips my mind. Feel free to remind me if I forget. :D
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