SH*CRAP, I didn't realize you commented back. Hahaha, I seriously need to subscribe to this thread so I can see updates. Anyways, I mentioned Shep twice? eeekk, well I have
Pekoe, Shep, Mira, Snake, Beau, Chrissy, Francine, Fang......yeah that's it. Technically I have 9 villagers, but these are my main babies <3
(I have Chief, but I'm only holding him. So he doesn't need to be on the sig)
AND responding to your first post, you can refund whatever you want? Lol, I wasn't sure how much work mine was going to be so I just gave you that amount. Haha
Sorry about that.I'll be patient as long as I can.
No worries.
Finished Feraligatr's banner mockup, so I'm gonna take a dinner break. I'll send that over and gnoixaim & DeviousCrossing updated banners as well after that. Not sure of how many more I'll finish tonight, but I'll update the main post after I come back.