Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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I cant wait till I get taken out of the wait list :D

Yep, yep. You'll be off it soon enough. :)


Finished CorvisGod's banner!! Thanks CorvisGod and hope you enjoy it!! :D I'll add it to the front page shortly.

Also~ to zombiepants: You are now off the wait list!! :D
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I had Phill move in :c , I'm going to work on getting him out c:

Drift moved out and Poppy moved in

?? Drift wasn't on your list... ^^;; Below is who you have listed from the last update, so let me know:

Fauna , Marina , Marshal , Carmen , Tangy , Chrissy , Julian , Rosie, Ankha, and Shep
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I am on a roll today and finished two banner mockups so far. I'm gonna take a break now, but I should be able to finish one more tonight.

Hikari & 3DSfan134: I sent your banner mockups, so please take a look at them when ya get a chance.

New list

Fauna , Marina , Marshal , Carmen , Tangy , Paula , Rosie and Shep

Will update it. :)

Okay, thank you!! ^.^

You're welcome. :D
Two more banners are done!! :D Thanks Hikari & 3DSfan134! Hope you guys enjoy your banners!! I'll update the front post in a lil bit.

Kaiaa, DaCoSim, & mtam3211: Sent you guys your updated banners. Don't panic if it doesn't look updated. Photobucket is weird about that, so it'll take a lil while for it to properly update. If it doesn't update after a couple hours or so, let me know. :)

EeveeGirl & Twilight Sparkle: You're both off the wait list!! :D
Can we still do update requests, or are they closed too? (If they're still open I wouldn't be able to pay for it anyway since I need to rack up some TBT bells >.<)
Can we still do update requests, or are they closed too? (If they're still open I wouldn't be able to pay for it anyway since I need to rack up some TBT bells >.<)

Yep, still doing banner updates as needed. Just not taking new requests at this time. If that changes (don't see why at this point), I'll post an update regarding it. :) Let me know what ya want, at your earliest convenience, and I can put ya under the banner update section on the front page.

Aww yeah!

Cannot wait to see it all done!

Yep, yep. Will definitely get to it within the next few days~ :D
I need to change again oops

Fauna , Marina , Marshal , Carmen , Tangy , Paula , Purrl , Rosie and Shep

This time I can pay if wanted
Nope, still don't have to pay. :) Easier to make to changes now that after I have it in, though... it's not hard to change it. XD
I'm sorry if this is too much but...
Is it in anyway possible to add the picture in my signature to the banner.
Pretty sure it's background is in alpha.
Totally understand if it's not possible.
It's sort of my unique thing and I'd hate to see myself become...
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waddict: Be easier if it weren't cut off on the top & bottom though since it may not look as smoothly plopped in. XD Ya can send me the 10 TBT bells now and if you don't like how I incorporate it into your piece, I'll take it out and refund you the 10 TBT bells.
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Pengu hun hello! Would you mind (whenever you can) removing Freya and putting Vesta in her place, please? Freya moved out on the ONE DAY I didn't touch the game. I'll send you 10 TBT bells right now. Thank you!
Pengu hun hello! Would you mind (whenever you can) removing Freya and putting Vesta in her place, please? Freya moved out on the ONE DAY I didn't touch the game. I'll send you 10 TBT bells right now. Thank you!

Aww, that sucks. :( I'll make the change tomorrow since I'm gonna go to bed in a lil bit.


waddict & Sourpuss: Sent you your mockups, so please take a look at them when ya get a chance. :D
Finished another banner!! Thanks waddict and I hope you enjoy it!! :D Will add it to the front page shortly. Considering all the requests I have left, other than FireWolf's, only have their current residents, I might be able to get through all of them pretty quickly and finish them all today. A little ambitious, but it might be doable. :D We'll see later on today.

FoxWolf64: You're now off the wait list!!! :D Whoo! Now everyone's off it!!
GUESS WHO GOT MERENGUE? THIS GIRL! I want you to update my banner, but I'm debating if I want to keep Pekoe or giver her away OR keep BOTH PEKOE AND MERENGUE. WHY MUST VILLAGERS BE SO CUTE /sighs

And man... you are one busy girl. Making all these banners, lol. :)
NICE!!! I know she can be HARD TO GET because she's MADDDDD popular, so PROPS!! Hope to get that kind of luck with Marina... T.T Had no idea she was so popular when I first met her in someone's town and... I love cute octopi~ :3

I say keep 'em both for now. :D Do you have any other dreamies ya wanna get since ya do have 1 slot open, unless I'm mistaken?
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