Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Another banner done!! Thanks Twilight Sparkle and I hope you enjoy it!! Will add it to the front page shortly. :)

Will do some banner updates tonight probably and at least collect the sprites for DeviousCrossing's banner update and FayeKittie's gift request (gifts are the other exception... XD Didn't think there was a need to mention it though... :p)

Also, to both Sourpuss & NinjanaMin: Still waiting to hear back you guys about your mockups. No rush, but the sooner ya can get back to me, the better. :)
Yep. I'll add ya and mention that ya already paid. :) Done with updating stuff for now, since I just finished rosiekitty's banner update, but will probably do some later tonight. :D
Another banner done!! Thanks NinjanaMin and hope you enjoy it!! :D Will add it to the front page shortly.

Sourpuss: Still waiting to hear back from you about your mockup. :) I can always resend it if needed.
Please could I have a signature?

I'd like villager sprites using the information that is currently in my signature C:

How much would that add up to?

Thank you so much, I'd like anything that goes with my current colour scheme, a total surprise :3
Please could I have a signature?

I'd like villager sprites using the information that is currently in my signature C:

How much would that add up to?

Thank you so much, I'd like anything that goes with my current colour scheme, a total surprise :3

Requests are currently closed, but I'd be more than happy to add you to the PM list and let ya know when I re-open, if you don't mind waiting 'til then. :D People on that list will get to post their requests a lil earlier than my official November 2nd re-open date. But, I can tell you that based from what ya want, it'll be 150 TBT bells. Let me know.
Awesome! I'll add you to the list. :) You can re-post your request then to make it official at that point.
Twilight Sparkle: Just sent you your updated banner. :) Like I mentioned in the PM, don't be alarmed if it doesn't show the updates right away. Photobucket is really odd like that.
Thought I added Sourpuss' banner... Guess not. XD

Anywho, finished my final request! Thanks Sourpuss and hope you enjoy it. :) I'll add it to the front shortly.

All that's left are any banner updates & gift requests, both of which I don't need to rush on. Though, I'm finished with DeviousCrossing's banner. Just need to double check to make sure I didn't mess up anything before I send it over. :3

I'm still accepting people for the PM list and as of now, it's still a 48 hour window. :)
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