Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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DeviousCrossing: I PMed your updated banner, so whenever you get a chance, please look at it. :)


General Update:

Hey all! :) Since there's a good amount of people on the PM list, I'm going to shorten the priority time frame to 24 hours. Despite that, I'm going to spread it out (so it in total, it's still 48 hours, just not in one chunk). I won't say exactly when I'll have those open, but it'll be at some point the week I re-open.

In this way, I hope to get through some of these requests and have room for everyone else once I truly re-open. If you're already on the list, make sure you have some space in your inbox to receive my message. :) If there are any questions and concerns you may have, please let me know.
Gonna add some new background options tomorrow (if I get home early enough to)/Monday. :) I was also thinking about adding new shape options, as I know I can make them, but I'm just uncertain since I may have trouble keeping it in the forum's signature limits. If anyone has any suggestions, I've love to hear them. :D
Hello. I pmed you a question. I just want to make sure you get it :).
I'd be grateful if you could do my asking.

Rosiekitty OUT!!!

I added some new backgrounds to the front page for some more options! :D There's another background option I wanna add, but I'm figuring out the schematics for it at the moment.

I'm still taking names for the PM list and as a heads up to those already on it, expect a PM from me within the next couple days. If you'd like to be added to that list, just let know and I'll be more than happy to add you. :)

Once I'm done with all the background stuff, I'm gonna tweak a few things. Nothing major, but that'll be done at some point this week.


Hello. I pmed you a question. I just want to make sure you get it :).
I'd be grateful if you could do my asking.

Rosiekitty OUT!!!

Got it and will reply to your PM shortly. :)
FayeKittie: Just sent you your banner mockup! :D Please check it out when you get a chance. Tried a few new-ish things with yours so hope you like it.
Taking names for the PM list until the end of the week. :)

Whoo! Finally finished the schematics for the final background option I'll be adding and it's a big one -- Pixel scenery!! :D I posted part 1 on the front page and the rest is on my blog to save space. I know there's a HUGE amount of background choices now, but hopefully it'll be fine.

I am still taking names for the PM list, if anyone is still interested, until the end of the week (so they can make the 2nd priority window). Otherwise, you'll have to wait until I re-open. :)

One final thing, I might request to close this thread at some point, so I can open a new one. Nothing will change, other than I'll have the ability to change the thread title on my own, instead of having to request a mod to change it. As of now, I don't see the need to open a new thread for now, but I will keep you all posted. :D
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Hee, hee. :3 Thanks! <3 I was super happy when I found them since I think they could work out well for banners. I was surprised with how many I found.. o_O;; Wonder how long it took people to make those in the first place....? Got no patience for pixel art, so definitely give props to those who do it, especially if it's done very well. :D
bump-ish...? XD

As a reminder, I'm still taking names for the PM list until the end of the week, so people can make the 2nd 24-hour priority window. :)

Just tweaked a few lil things:
- No longer an additional cost to have gradients more than 3 colors (no one's really requesting these anyway, so no point in putting that charge in)
- Added stuff I'm looking for, if you wanna bribe me to draw your mayor for your banner. Please keep in mind that even if you have something I'm looking for, I can still choose to not draw your mayor.
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First 24-hour priority window is open!! || Taking names for PM list until Saturday!!


I just sent out a PM to everyone on the PM list (as of this post), so those on it will have 24 hours to post their request. Once that window closes, I will NOT accept anymore requests from that list until the next window. I will post the same update on the front page in a lil bit.

Anyone else who wants to be on the PM list from now until Saturday will be included in the next window, including anyone else who missed out on the first one and haven't told me that they no longer wanted a banner from me.


Ooh add me for pm list please

Will do! Added you! :D And it's your lucky day since I just sent out the PM to everyone on the PM list for the first 24-hour priority window. :) If you miss out on the 1st one, the 2nd one will be at some point next week.
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Username: kerryelizabeth
Town: Albion
Mayor: Kerry
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) CF8ED6, FA0CEA, FFFFFF, names under sprites 000000
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: Text, Sprites
Villagers: Ankha, Lucky, Whitney, Wolfgang, Fang, Bam, Fuchsia, Lopez, Stitches, Marina
Include names under sprites?: Yes please
Include dreamies?: N/A
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Anything else: Can I please have some really pretty pink/purple/pale blue flowers (whichever looks best) in the top left corner. I have no preference on what flower, I trust your judgement ^_^ :3 I would also like my FC please, and my town fruit plus picture, which is oranges :)
kerryelizabeth: Whoo, first one!! Thanks a bunch! Got your payment and I'll get started on this a lil later today. Should be able to get this done by tonight, so you can expect a PM from me then. :D
Username: ReiraEvenstar
Town: Rein
Mayor: Reira
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: black, #5E81F2, transparent background.
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: Default Fonts
Villagers: Bob, Deirdre, Frobert, Kitty, Lily, Maple*, Marshal, Pekoe*, Puddles, Wart Jr
Include names under sprites?: yes
Include dreamies?: yes, above are my dreamies
Include names under sprites?: n/a
Anything else: I actually want it to look exactly like your first sig, belonging to gnoixaim, with some minor differences. I want the friend code and dream code listed just the same, the name and mayor listed the same, the sprites the same. Instead of "Villagers of Rein", I'd like "Dreamies of Rein". Next to the names of the dreamies I have, I'd like a star or symbol (*) and then under the line of sprites, a key (* = Got) or similar.

Also: I'd love if you drew my mayor with Maple (my favorite).....I'm willing to offer TBT bells, just name your price and I'll see if I actually have it :) Let me know!

Sending payment for sig, let me know if it's the right price.
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ReiraEvenstar: Thanks! Just got your payment. The addition of the mayor pic is 10 TBT bells.

Now, since you want me to draw it, that's a separate charge altogether. Hm... well last time someone offered TBT bells, they gave me 300 and that was of just their mayor. I'd want a lil more for inclusion of a villager, but not sure how much more. *shrugs*

Could I also see some reference pics of your mayor? From there, I can what I can do. :D Also, would you be okay with me finishing your banner first, then adding your mayor to it later on? I won't charge for that update. Thought it might be a lil more productive so I'm not making people wait for a banner while I'm working on your mayor, if that makes sense.
HTML Code:
Template Shape:rounded rectangle
Colors:don't know exact colors but medium to light shades of pink; pink themed. (text, border, background colors)
Background: N/A(if transparent, put "N/A")
Font Preferences:some kind of cursive
Villagers: Merengue, Leonardo, Pate, Hans,Broffina,Vladimir, (with names under them)
(names and include if you want the names included with the sprites)
Include names under sprites?: yes!
Include dreamies?: Yes!(If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Fauna, Maple, Molly, Gala, Marina
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Friend Code: 4957-3563-9449
If you can add girly stuff like flowers and a border around the letters of the town
Whatever you think is best :D
P.S. How many bells will this be?
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Username: mismexx
Town: Blossom
Mayor: Stacy
Border: any pink flower
Template Shape: rounded rectangular
Colors: anything that matches with the background
Background: 50
Font Preferences: your choices ^^
Villagers: Bluebear, Stitches, Mira, Julian, Sprinkle, Phoebe, Sly, Camofrog, Kitty, Spork
Include names under sprites?: yes
Include dreamies?: Apple, Marshal, Maple, Merengue, Fauna
Include names under sprites?: yes
Anything else: can you also add my FC in it
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