Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Town: Hollow
Mayor: Kammeh
Border: Dotted, but if I could get the border the same as those roses in your sample signature (but black instead of pink) then I'd like that instead ^^
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: Text: Just black C: Background: #00FFE1 (light blue/aqua) Border: Black again!
Background: 1C - Square snow (if transparent, put "N/A")
Font Preferences: AR DELANEY (If possible) If not, some type of cursive writing. You pick :D
Villagers: Butch, Diva, Rocket, Klaus, Deli, Beardo, Erik, Roald, Cyrano, Caroline
Include names under sprites?: Yes please!
Include dreamies?: Caroline, Bones, Portia, Wolfgang, Joey, Bunnie, Purrl, Agent S, Beau
Include names under sprites?: Yep!
Anything else: Could you put a large image of Caroline next to my signature please? I'd like her to be on the left c:
Also, could you put a small rose next to each of the sprites, in these colors?:

Butch = Pink
Diva = Red
Rocket = Red
Klaus = Red
Deli = Red
Beardo = Red
Erik = Red
Roald = Pink
Cyrano = Red
Caroline = Golden

And then under the sprites put:
Red = Unwanted in my town, more than willing to trade
Pink = Like, but will possibly trade if given a good offer
Golden = Staying forever, no matter what
(As you can see, I hate most of my villagers. Lol)

Thanks so much! How many bells in total will that be?
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Aceilikecookies: Thanks! Please send me payment at your earliest convenience. :) It's 160 TBT bells total.

mismexx: Got payment, so I'll update that. And yep, I can add your FC.

Kammeh It's 170 TBT bells total, so please pay it at your earliest convenience. :)
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Sent them! :)

Awesome! Will update in a lil bit! :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

Update 2~!:

Wow, got 5 requests already. XD Well, almost done with kerryelizabeth's banner, so that'll be one mockup out of the way. For anyone else currently on the PM list who puts in a request tonight, into tomorrow, before I close the priority window, won't be on the wait list. This'll be the ONLY time I'll disregard the wait list. The wait list will go back into effect once I re-open.

And as always~ I'm accepting names for the PM list until Saturday. :)

ReiraEvenstar: Thanks! Just got your payment. The addition of the mayor pic is 10 TBT bells.

Now, since you want me to draw it, that's a separate charge altogether. Hm... well last time someone offered TBT bells, they gave me 300 and that was of just their mayor. I'd want a lil more for inclusion of a villager, but not sure how much more. *shrugs*

Could I also see some reference pics of your mayor? From there, I can what I can do. :D Also, would you be okay with me finishing your banner first, then adding your mayor to it later on? I won't charge for that update. Thought it might be a lil more productive so I'm not making people wait for a banner while I'm working on your mayor, if that makes sense.

How about 600 (+10) TBT bells? And I will see about getting some pics sent to you :) And yes, you can do my banner and add mayor pic later so others can get done! By the way, small change...I got Kitty tonight, so she can be marked off as "got" ;)
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Username:[/B] acnlfan121
Town: Awesome
Mayor: Zoie
Border: Scallop small
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) all text: #43E5EE
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Pixel Scenes 15
Font Preferences: Same as Minth
Villagers: Marina, Cheri, Pierce, Coach, Annalise, Deli, Katt, Poppy
Include names under sprites?: Yes use font suggested
Include dreamies?: Merengue, Stitches, Julian, Zucker, Francine, Chrissy, Cheri, Goldie, Pietro, Marina
Include names under sprites?: Yes use font suggested
Anything else: I do want Mayor Art but I don't know how to upload.I also want Bows and ribbons.
I want Friend code: 2337-3819-1611 and Dream Address:5900:2383-2349
I have to offer:
Up to 100 tbt bells
1 million in game bells
Treasure Chest
Will give you up to 20 hybrids.
It is possible to take all.
kerryelizabeth: I just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance. :D


How about 600 (+10) TBT bells? And I will see about getting some pics sent to you :) And yes, you can do my banner and add mayor pic later so others can get done! By the way, small change...I got Kitty tonight, so she can be marked off as "got" ;)

That works with me. :) Cool. Sooner I have the pics & bells, the sooner I can start your drawing. Nice. I'll make that change. Perfect timing too, since I'm about to start your banner shortly.

Username:[/B] acnlfan121
Town: Awesome
Mayor: Zoie
Border: Scallop small
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) all text: #43E5EE
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Pixel Scenes 15
Font Preferences: Same as Minth
Villagers: Marina, Cheri, Pierce, Coach, Annalise, Deli, Katt, Poppy
Include names under sprites?: Yes use font suggested
Include dreamies?: Merengue, Stitches, Julian, Zucker, Francine, Chrissy, Cheri, Goldie, Pietro, Marina
Include names under sprites?: Yes use font suggested
Anything else: I do want Mayor Art but I don't know how to upload.I also want Bows and ribbons.
I want Friend code: 2337-3819-1611 and Dream Address:5900:2383-2349
I have to offer:
Up to 100 tbt bells
1 million in game bells
Treasure Chest
Will give you up to 20 hybrids.
It is possible to take all.

For the mayor pics, you can either use the following code to post them:

Or you can simply post the links of the images, if you uploaded them to another site (Flickr, Photobucket, tumblr, etc.) I know you can use the upload attachment in the advanced mode, but it's been a while since I've used it.

Is there a particular location you'd like them or the kind of bows and ribbons you want? I've used ribbons and bows on the following banners thus far:
- Minth
- rosiekitty405
- zombiepants

Total with everything will be 270 TBT bells, so please send that over at your earliest convenience. I'll accept that offer for all of it for the drawing. :) I'll send you a PM in a lil while of when we can meet up.
Can I be added on the PM list? :)

Sure! Added you! :D


Finished my first banner on the PM list. Thanks kerryelizabeth and I hope you enjoy your banner! :D I'll be adding it to the front page shortly! :)

Also, I will not be accepting any more mayor drawing requests for the time being until I finish ReiraEvenstar & acnlfan121's pics, no matter how good the offer is. I don't wanna get swamped, especially since I'm not a fast artist.
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So do you want anything i am "bribing you with"
also color for border is:#09E364 https

* bells sent
Final banner of the night done! :D Thanks ReiraEvenstar and hope you enjoy it!! Will be adding it to the front page shortly.

And~ still accepting names for the PM list until Saturday! :D

If you're on the PM list, you still have 4 hours and 31 minutes to put in a request for this priority window, otherwise you have to wait for the next window, which is next week.

Also, if you are no longer interested in a banner from me, PLEASE let me know via PM, so I can take you off the list so you won't get that message again when the 2nd window opens.


General Update:

Will be working on Aceilikecookies' & mismexx's banners today, as mszcheysser's banner update. If I get lucky, I'll do another one, but I'm not counting on getting more than 2 banners done today.
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I got your message about the thread so I'm gonna post for the thing? So this is my post. I'm still interested in a signature c:
I got your message about the thread so I'm gonna post for the thing? So this is my post. I'm still interested in a signature c:

Cool. :) Let me know the info you want for the banner using the template on the front page. If you need any help, let me know and I'll do my best to help ya.
Thanks! I don't have a any specific request that is specific enough for a form, but I'd like something black and white themed.
Could you use the info in my signature, but add maple to my current villagers as I'm getting her today. My dreamies list will stay exactly as it is c: I'd like the Sprites to be the main bit with small labels labelling the characters.
Thank you, I thought it would be best to post now xD
Thanks! I don't have a any specific request that is specific enough for a form, but I'd like something black and white themed.
Could you use the info in my signature, but add maple to my current villagers as I'm getting her today. My dreamies list will stay exactly as it is c: I'd like the Sprites to be the main bit with small labels labelling the characters.
Thank you, I thought it would be best to post now xD

I do prefer people to use the request template (helps to keep stuff organized for me), as long as I have the basic info, I'm going to assume I have free rein for it and will probably go with the default settings, unless you state otherwise.

Which reminds me... do you want your town/mayor name on there? Have yet to have a request where that info isn't on there, but if you don't want it, that's fine. Also, please send me payment at your earliest convenience. Thanks. :)
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