Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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PT, I'd like you to change something. Can you replace Sylvia with Gabi, please?

Sure and lucky for you, I'm doing banner updates right now, so just sent the 10 TBT bells and I'll get on it right away. :) Don't be alarmed if I don't update the front page with your name since at the rate I'm going, I'll be finished with all the updates shortly.
Sure and lucky for you, I'm doing banner updates right now, so just sent the 10 TBT bells and I'll get on it right away. :) Don't be alarmed if I don't update the front page with your name since at the rate I'm going, I'll be finished with all the updates shortly.

alrighty, sending them now.
Username: Neli
Town: Nero
Mayor: Neli
Border: Regular (light pink)
Template Shape: Rectangle? Can it be a large one since I'm using a pixel background, though?
Colors: Shades of pink for any text
Background: #32 Pixel Background
Font Preferences: Anything that looks beautiful
Villagers: Merengue, Chrissy, Papi, Groucho, Robin, Henry, Tank, Cherry, Frank
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: No
Include names under sprites?: No
Anything else: Thank you so much. I'll tip you so the total will be 200 TBT. ♥
Username: Neli
Town: Nero
Mayor: Neli
Border: Regular (light pink)
Template Shape: Rectangle? Can it be a large one since I'm using a pixel background, though?
Colors: Shades of pink for any text
Background: #32 Pixel Background
Font Preferences: Anything that looks beautiful
Villagers: Merengue, Chrissy, Papi, Groucho, Robin, Henry, Tank, Cherry, Frank
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: No
Include names under sprites?: No
Anything else: Thank you so much. I'll tip you so the total will be 200 TBT. ♥

What do you mean a large one? Like you want a frame like I did with acnlfan121's banner or you want the background itself be expanded? I'll send you both versions anyway, so you can see them first-hand. :3

Or is it something different altogether? Please clarify. :)

Also, sounds good. :) Please send me payment as soon as possible.
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Sent payment~
Also I want dem pixelly bows like in Minth's signature. :3 Only one, and that one is in the top right hand corner.
Yeehehhehe so excited ^-^

- - - Post Merge - - -

I need to upgrade my siggie saying that Stinky is moving out... Meh! ;D YOLO
Another one done~! :3 Thanks melsi and hope you enjoy it!! :D I'll add it to the front shortly!

Requests are still full, but there should be some empty slots by tonight/tomorrow.

Also, Neli: You're now off the wait list!! :D And... I still need payment from you.
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Another one done! :D Thanks serenderpity and hope you enjoy it!! I'll be adding it to the front page shortly!!
Username: lizthemayor
Town: Hyrule
Mayor: Liz
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Round rectangle
Colors: #8663D2|#84CCC9
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: [x]
Villagers: Bam, Deirdre, Fauna, Lopez, Erik, Stitches, Skye, Frita, Maelle, Shari
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Beau, Bruce, Diana, Fuchsia, Zell
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Could you include this drawing of my mayor(without the text)?
-- I couldn't figure out how to make it transparent so if it's too much trouble, leave it out --
and put these:
one for keeping and the other for up for trade

(Keeping: Deirdre, Bam, Fauna, Lopez, Erik ~ Up for trade: Stitches, Skye, Frita, Maelle, Shari)

Let me know how much it's gonna be! :)
lizthemayor: Total is 170 TBT bells. Sprites for villager key is extra as it takes longer for me to update versus colored text and including your mayor pic (10 each, 20 total). Figured I'd break it down, so ya know what you're paying for. If the pic was transparent from the start, it would of made my life easier, but it shouldn't be too hard to include it. :) Worse case, I'll refund you the 10 bells for it. Please pay me as soon as possible as I WILL NOT work on your piece until I do. :)

Also to Neli: STILL need payment from you. I WILL NOT work on your piece until I do. :p I can send a PM reminder later today if needed.


General note: Requests are full again, so any new requests will be on the wait list for now.
I need another update xD

Tiffany moved in (UGH I was so mad, I hate having ten villagers xD) (red rose next to her, btw)
But Rocket is moving the 7th so you can go ahead and take her off as well :3
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D: Hope you don't have trouble getting rid of her, which I assume you want the red rose on her? Haha, no prob. Just send me the 10 TBT bells and I'll get to it at some point today. :3

EDIT: Got the bells. :)
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Username: Dizzle
Town: Chizzton
Mayor: Dizzle
Border: Dotted border, small scalloped
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) Text & Border - #A74ED4 Background colours - #F09CF7
Background: 2C (dots this colour please! #A74ED4)
Font Preferences:
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Current Villagers: Biskit, PomPom, O'Hare, Bertha, Truffles, Gwen, Bud, Apollo, Frank,
Include names under sprites?: Yes.
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Yes, Dream Villagers: Maple, Peanut, Deirdre, Bob, Stitches, Flurry.
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Add a pink bow (like on the bottom link on your signature for your threads but lighter in colour?), maybe pixel cherry blossom if you have any! Also include my 3DS friend code and a picture of my native fruit (Cherry) but no text :)

How much will that come to? :blush:
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