Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Got it!! Don't mind if I don't update that on the front page since I'm working on updates right now. :) I'll update the list as a whole when I get through... most of them.
All of the updates have been completed, other than gnoixaim's which I'll do at some point tomorrow. :3

To ReiraEvenstar, Aceilikecookies, Queen Greene, Kammeh, DeviousCrossing, and DaCoSim: If any of your banners aren't showing your updates within a couple hours after of me uploading it, please let me know.
All of the updates have been completed, other than gnoixaim's which I'll do at some point tomorrow. :3

To ReiraEvenstar, Aceilikecookies, Queen Greene, Kammeh, DeviousCrossing, and DaCoSim: If any of your banners aren't showing your updates within a couple hours after of me uploading it, please let me know.

OH YEAH, SUREEE. I'm last..... hahaha, just kidding <3
The second 24-hour priority window is open!!! :D If you are on the PM list, you may post a request between now and tomorrow at 10:45AM Eastern Time. I will post this on the front page as well.

And to Doremi: Your inbox is full. :(
Username: Stinaxsays
Town: Nubb
Mayor: Aurora
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: #ff5400- borders ; #a7bf42- text; You can use whatever colors look good. I trust your judgement :)
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: Text, Sprites
Villagers: Marshal, Julian, Beau, Whitney, Rod, Flora, Maple, Elmer, O'Hare, Rosie
Include names under sprites?:No
Include dreamies?: Marshal, Julian, Beau, Diana, Fauna, Lopez, Kabuki, Mira, Ruby, Kid Cat
Include names under sprites?: Yes!
Anything else: Can you please add this image to the banner to the side or something. Can I also get maybe something on the other side to balance her some orchids or something that would fit.

and also add my FC and my native fruit peach with pixel.

Thank you! :)
Thanks for the request! :D Please send me payment as soon as you can. Once I get it, I can start working on it. Total, in case you need it is 170 TBT bells.
Got it! :3 Will start on it as soon as I can. Should be able to finish it tonight.

To ReiraEvenstar: Made some good progress on your pic, but having trouble with Maple's pose (not used to drawing animals), but I'll figure it out. :3
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Got it! :3 Will start on it as soon as I can. Should be able to finish it tonight.

To ReiraEvenstar: Made some good progress on your pic, but having trouble with Maple's pose (not used to drawing animals), but I'll figure it out. :3

Awesome! Take your time :)

Also, night bump for anyone on the PM list who wants to post a request. :D In SUCH a good mood from JUST getting Beau!! Seriously made my night!! It's also good to be invisible and use my usual purple font again. :3

Also, night bump for anyone on the PM list who wants to post a request. :D In SUCH a good mood from JUST getting Beau!! Seriously made my night!! It's also good to be invisible and use my usual purple font again. :3
Congrats! :D
Thanks!! :D Totally was worth stalking that thread and losing Rocco (he's gonna be on my mind for a bit... T.T). But, now after all that, can focus on other things now, like your banner and those drawings... XD

Awh it's always sad to lose one that you've been with for awhile T.T But it's so nice to get a dreamie!! I just got one in the campsite the other day it totally made my night. hehe. :D
Awh it's always sad to lose one that you've been with for awhile T.T But it's so nice to get a dreamie!! I just got one in the campsite the other day it totally made my night. hehe. :D

I know, especially since he was one of my originals and I would totally keep him if I were able to have more than 10 villagers. Oh well... T.T

Lucky you!! :3 I never get that lucky with the campsite. XD Also, I'll definitely have your banner done at some point tomorrow.



Because I haven't heard from anyone, besides stinaxsays, I will extend the deadline until 2PM. (Original deadline: 10:45AM) Does help I'm in a VERY good mood~ :3
Aye pengutango! I need a quick banner udate, heh ^^;
Erik moved out(YESSSS! Got 5mil and the gorgeous set for him c:<) and could you take Portia off my dreamie list and put Zell instead? (I realized I didn't have any smug dreamies. I don't have any uchi ones either, but I hate all of the uchi villagers xD)
Aye pengutango! I need a quick banner udate, heh ^^;
Erik moved out(YESSSS! Got 5mil and the gorgeous set for him c:<) and could you take Portia off my dreamie list and put Zell instead? (I realized I didn't have any smug dreamies. I don't have any uchi ones either, but I hate all of the uchi villagers xD)

Yay!! Nice!! :D Aww really? I like Tammy. Think she's cute and one of the better uchi. :3 I don't have an uchi dreamie either... XD You can see my full list on my profile. I was thinking about replacing Tammy with Phoebe at some point, but I dunno. Will let ya know when it's done.
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