Yay!! Nice!!Aww really? I like Tammy. Think she's cute and one of the better uchi. :3 I don't have an uchi dreamie either... XD You can see my full list on my profile. I was thinking about replacing Tammy with Phoebe at some point, but I dunno. Will let ya know when it's done.
Pay me as soon as you can.Will NOT work on your request until I do. Will update the front post in the morning since I'm on my phone and about to go to bed. XD Hmm, don't think I need any other info, but is there anything specially girly ya want or ya just want me to surprise ya?
Ok. I'll send them now!3DSfan134: Okie dokes. Send me 10 TBT for the update at your earliest convenience. Current requests are a priority, but I can squeeze in banner updates in between, so keep that in mind. And as always, need payment before I start working on it. Thanks!
EverlastingJulia: Total will be 160 TBT bells.Please pay me as soon as you can. For the bows, do you have any specific bows in mind? I've used bows on the following banners:
- Minth
- rosiekitty405
- zombiepants
If not those, I can always find others if you have nothing specific you want.
Also, requests are full once again!I should have some space open up later tonight, into tomorrow, so if you are on the waitlist, you may not have to wait too long to get off it.
Also, to PlasticPinkPiggy and melsi: You guys are no longer on stand-by!!
melsi: Please pay me as soon as you can.If I remember correctly, 160 TBT bells total, and that includes the addition of the villager pic.