Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Yay!! Nice!! :D Aww really? I like Tammy. Think she's cute and one of the better uchi. :3 I don't have an uchi dreamie either... XD You can see my full list on my profile. I was thinking about replacing Tammy with Phoebe at some point, but I dunno. Will let ya know when it's done.

The uchi's are nice, but most of them creep me out a bit.. xP Lol.

BTW congrats on getting Beau!!!!!!!! :D I'm so happy for you
gnoixaim: I HATE HAZEL!! >.< That unibrow throws me off BIG TIME. Maybe I could get over it if she were in my town long enough, but I dunno. Katt scared the **** out of me when I first saw her, but she grew on me. Mira's cool though.

Kammeh: Haha. Yeah, don't blame ya on that one. Same here. I had Katt in my town for a while and while she wasn't cute, she was such a sweetheart and grew on me. :3 Thanks!! I seriously would have screamed and jumped for joy when I found out I actually got him, but I didn't wanna freak anyone out. XD



If you're on the PM list, you still have a few hours to post your request (until 2PM), otherwise you have to wait until tomorrow to post.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Forgot to add, but to stinaxsays: I'm working on your banner now and I'm confused with the colors since you want a background color, but in the background section, you wanted it transparent. Please clarify, thanks. :3
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stinaxsays: Just sent you your mockup, so take a look at it when ya get a chance. :)


Also, less than an hour for those on the PM list to post their requests. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest to post it. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kammeh: Just sent you your updated banner. :)
Another one finished! Thanks stinaxsays and hope you enjoy it!! :D Will post it on the front page in a lil while.

And~ I'm no longer accepting requests on the PM list (though it was rather dead forEVER anyway...), so if you are still interested, you'll have to post it tomorrow.
My signature shop is OFFICIALLY OPEN AGAIN!!!!!

Will send the request to take out the closed part shortly and update the banner on the front page.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, to PlasticPinkPiggy and melsi: You guys are no longer on stand-by!!

melsi: Please pay me as soon as you can. :) If I remember correctly, 160 TBT bells total, and that includes the addition of the villager pic.
Yay! Okay:
Username: serenderpity
Town: Rosewood
Mayor: Kassie
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Round rectangle
Colors: Any type of pink c: Perferably something that matches color of my avatar~
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: This for Mayor/Town name and Silkscreen works fine for villager names :)
Villagers: Julian, Genji, Zucker, Marina, Merengue, Diana, Egbert, Lionel, Colton, and Hopper
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Yes: Marshal, Beau, Lily
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Just make it cute and girly and I'll love it. xD

Let me know when to pay, and if you need any more details. :3 I fail at explaining what I want. xD
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Pay me as soon as you can. :) Will NOT work on your request until I do. Will update the front post in the morning since I'm on my phone and about to go to bed. XD Hmm, don't think I need any other info, but is there anything specially girly ya want or ya just want me to surprise ya?
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Pay me as soon as you can. :) Will NOT work on your request until I do. Will update the front post in the morning since I'm on my phone and about to go to bed. XD Hmm, don't think I need any other info, but is there anything specially girly ya want or ya just want me to surprise ya?

Payment sent. :) And yep, surprise me! c:
Username: Wolfie
Town: Eternal
Mayor: Wolfie
Scalloped edge: Small
Template shape: Rounded rectangle
Friend code: 3437-4433-8871
Background: pixel scenes 3: 30
Villagers: Muffy,Kyle,Julian,Skye,Whitney,Fauna,Rosie,Chief,Goldie,Willow
Font prefernce: all cursive like..
COLORS: Anything that matches the background I picked I guess Blues and purples?

Thats about it tell me if I missed anything. (If You're still taking requests) and could I maybe Add a second one for my second town?

Payment sent aswell!
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serenderpity: Sounds good. :3

Wolfie: Saw you PM and I'll reply to you shortly with more detail. Short scoop, yeah you can request a 2nd town, but it's a separate banner. Got payment for your first one and it's the correct amount. Would only be more if you wanted something additional added.
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Can you change my sig? Put Gaston on the Current Villagers,remove Moose and put blue for Hazel because she's moving.
Edit:Red,I mean.
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Username: EverlastingJulia
Town: Hawaii
Mayor: Julia
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle c:
Colors: (text, border, background colors) The text: #9F85F2. Border: #9F85F2 Background colors: #F0A5E5 and #141414
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") 4A Leopard Prints 1.
Font Preferences: Could I have the joined up text, like in Minths Siggy? I like it c:
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) All villager names except Stinky. Stinky moved out, I need to update that.
Include names under sprites?: Yes!
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names |Merengue, Rosie, Ankha, Bella, Phoebe, Freya, Erik, Tangy, Goldie|
Include names under sprites?: Yes please!
Anything else: If you could put some ribbons around, purple and pink colors, that'd be great c: Also, can you do stuff like this at the bottom: Green = Keeping. Pink = Looking For. Red = Trading/Voiding.
How much is that all gonna cost? c:
3DSfan134: Okie dokes. Send me 10 TBT for the update at your earliest convenience. Current requests are a priority, but I can squeeze in banner updates in between, so keep that in mind. And as always, need payment before I start working on it. Thanks! :D

EverlastingJulia: Total will be 160 TBT bells. :) Please pay me as soon as you can. For the bows, do you have any specific bows in mind? I've used bows on the following banners:

- Minth
- rosiekitty405
- zombiepants

If not those, I can always find others if you have nothing specific you want.


Also, requests are full once again! :) I should have some space open up later tonight, into tomorrow, so if you are on the waitlist, you may not have to wait too long to get off it.
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3DSfan134: Okie dokes. Send me 10 TBT for the update at your earliest convenience. Current requests are a priority, but I can squeeze in banner updates in between, so keep that in mind. And as always, need payment before I start working on it. Thanks! :D

EverlastingJulia: Total will be 160 TBT bells. :) Please pay me as soon as you can. For the bows, do you have any specific bows in mind? I've used bows on the following banners:

- Minth
- rosiekitty405
- zombiepants

If not those, I can always find others if you have nothing specific you want.


Also, requests are full once again! :) I should have some space open up later tonight, into tomorrow, so if you are on the waitlist, you may not have to wait too long to get off it.
Ok. I'll send them now!
Also, to PlasticPinkPiggy and melsi: You guys are no longer on stand-by!!

melsi: Please pay me as soon as you can. :) If I remember correctly, 160 TBT bells total, and that includes the addition of the villager pic.

I'm still fairly new to how these forums work. Sorry to bug you...but to transfer the I just go to currency, click bells, put in your name where mine is, enter amount, and send? Just want to make sure I don't do something wrong. >.<; Thank you!
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PlasticPinkPiggy: Just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when ya get a chance.

melsi: Answered this over PM. :D Glad to help and I got payment.


Will work on all the banner updates now before I start on melsi's banner~ :3
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