Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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mszcheysser: Thanks for the request! :D Yes, I can do that. :) Yep, I can do a black background. Do you want a contrasting bar like in that example? If so, what color?

I can include your mayor, which is an extra, but I need a pic of her, whether in-game or drawn by yourself or someone else. You can just give me the link for the image. Note that with in-game images, I dunno how good they're gonna look since it's not super great quality. I'll try to make it work though. :)
Reposted comments from last page, in case you guys didn't see it --

Big Forum User: Question: Do you have any colors you want me to use? If no specifics, a color palette? Need that to work with, or else I may just have to wing it and hope you like the colors I pick. XD Also... see the note below.

gnoixaim: I added this on the main post, but I'll put it here as well. I can squeeze you in between requests, as long as you've paid me in full and I have all the info I need. In your case, I need the link for the image you want me to add into your banner.

NinjanaMin: You're off the wait list!! :D Also... see the note below.


Friendly Reminder!

To both NinjanaMin and Big Forum User: Please get your payment to me ASAP. As you guys aren't on the top of the request list, it's no uber rush, but sooner the better. :) I will NOT work on your pieces until I get payment from you guys.
mszcheysser: Thanks for the request! :D Yes, I can do that. :) Yep, I can do a black background. Do you want a contrasting bar like in that example? If so, what color?

I can include your mayor, which is an extra, but I need a pic of her, whether in-game or drawn by yourself or someone else. You can just give me the link for the image. Note that with in-game images, I dunno how good they're gonna look since it's not super great quality. I'll try to make it work though. :)

Sure! I would like a contrasting bar. It could be green or yellow. I'm trying to stick to the theme of Loki :D

Thank you, Thank you! <3333

I'm at work right now but I'll send you a screen shot of my mayor ASAP! XOXOXO
Town: Racoon
Mayor: Sebas
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: Border:736464 Text:72727D
Background: N/A
Font:Trebuchet MS
Villagers: Pewee Hamphrey Bam Rudy Pietro Whitney Stitches Fang
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Marshal Diana
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: nothing, but thanks again! :) I'M SENDING PAYMENT NOW!! 160 tbt bells
mszcheysser: Thanks for the info! :) I'll update your request with it. Cool, cool. You can post the screenshot link in a new post or simply edit your post when you get a chance. The choice is yours.

mtam3211: Sent you the mockup for your banner! :D Please check it out when you get a chance!

rudythecat: Thanks for the request! I'll add you to the wait list for now. Will mention when you're off the list, but since ya already paid me, you are all set for now. :)


Hey hey! Here's an example of character :)

- - - Post Merge - - -


My hair is red and I wear it either with the hairbow wig or the crown :)
mszcheysser: Nice! I'll see what I can do with those. I'll add them to your request for now. :)

wotdafuq: Just sent ya the mockup. Please check it out when ya get a chance! :D
Another one done!! :D Thanks wotdafuq and hope you enjoy it!! I'll add it to the first post in a lil bit.

mtam3211: Still waiting to hear your thoughts on the mockup I sent ya! :)

mszcheysser: You're now off the wait list!! :D Please send me the payment ASAP.

Big Forum User: I tried to PM you the reminder to pay for your request, but your inbox is full. :( PLEASE pay it ASAP!!!

AND~ still need an answer to this question: Do you have any colors you want me to use? If no specifics, a color palette? Need that to work with, or else I may just have to wing it and hope you like the colors I pick. XD
I sent it! :D Thank you!

I sent you 300 bells but I accidentally pressed it three times. I'm sorry! Can you please send me back my 600? :'(
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No prob! I was about to PM you about that! :p Was planning on refunding you that anyway. Which reminds me, ya sent 300, which ya only had 1 extra, so is the extra a gift? Never like keeping extra unless it's a gift. :) I feel bad otherwise.
Sorry, lol. The button looked like it froze so I kept pressing it. I need more patience. Haha!

& the extra is a gift! You're drawing my character and I feel so honored! Thank you! :')
No worries. :) It happened to another person before, so you're not the only one.

Wait... I'm confused. XD I thought when you said that you wanted your mayor's pic in the banner, that I'd either be putting the in-game pics that you posted or a pic that someone else drew of her. Not me drawing it. XD

Well, guess I'll make it a challenge then. I do draw, just not much these days. Maybe it'll motivate me to draw my own mayor, since both images I have of her (my siggy below and in one of the example banners were done by other people). :D Definitely NOT something I wanna do on a consistent basis for these siggy requests... or else I'd be charging a LOT more. Well, that, and I don't have the time to/don't have a desire to.
Oh! I'm sorry. I was confused. XD I'm so embarassed, hahaha!

Oh, that's fine! I'm fine with whatever, just as long as she's on my banner. :D Thank you and sorry for confusing you. LOL. *hides*
No worries. :D Like I said, I'll give it a shot with drawing her. Worse case, I'll just put the in-game sprite in your banner.
Wondrous: Just sent ya the mockup for your banner. Check it out when ya have a chance.

mtam3211: Still waiting to hear back from you regarding the mockup I sent ya.

NinjanaMin & Big Forum User: Still waiting for payment from you guys. :/
I'd love to request a banner/signature!

Username: DeviousCrossing
Town: Hyrule
Mayor: Devious
Border: Dashed
Template Shape: Circle
Colors: Red and Black (It has to be creepy,You know :p )
Font: Like I said,Creepyness :p
Villagers: Kabuki,Big Top,Lyman,Apollo,Kitt,Peggy,Kyle,Bree,Cyrano
Include names under sprites?: Sure :3
Include dreamies?: Cyrano,Dizzy,Ribbot,Apollo,Alfonso,Lyman,Agent S,Carmen,Bree,Whitney
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: Can you put a present under the already obtained Dream Villagers,A Gold Nugget under the Staying Forever Villagers and a Silver Nugget under the Needed Dream Villagers? :3 Thanks in advance! :)
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Haha, nice. Will definitely be my darkest request I've done. :) Yep, I can do all those things. Will definitely be interesting how to incorporate the background into the banner. :p I'll add ya to the wait list for now. Will let ya know when you're off the list, on the thread and through PM (probably day after you're off the wait list and ya haven't paid me yet).

There's two people on the current requests list that I'm waiting for payment from and if I don't get it in the near future, I'll skip them and move on to the next person who's paid me.. which in that case, ya may get off the list sooner, rather than later. Will keep you updated, so check this thread every so often for updates.


EDIT: I added this to the 1st post already, but I'm posting it here as well for emphasis:

Update on 9/18/13: I am STILL waiting for payment from NinjanaMin and Big Forum User. You guys are up next since I'm pretty much done with both mtam3211 & Wondrous' banners; just waiting to get their final approval of the mockups I sent them.

If you guys don't pay me by Sunday, I WILL SKIP OVER YOU GUYS AND MOVE ON TO THE NEXT PERSON IN LINE. It's not fair to the person behind you or those on the wait list since it's two spots that could go to other people.

If that happens, you'll continue to be skipped over until I get the payment. I'm sorry if it's harsh and it had to come to this, but I've been quite patient and been trying to contact both you guys over the last few days. :( I feel really bad for making the others wait simply because you two haven't paid me yet, so I can't work on any more requests.

As a result, I'll be taking a break from working on new requests until Sunday. You can still post your requests if you're interested. :) I will still add you to the wait list for now and answer any questions you may have.

To those currently on the wait list and on the request list, I'm VERY, VERY SORRY for the delay! T.T

Oh, and to mtam3211 & Wondrous: I will still post your banners once you guys get back to me about the mockups.
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Yeah, believe me, I was tempted to just skip over them and just start on working on yours, since you're next. But, I figured that they could just be busy in real life, so thought I could give them a few more days. I'm hoping that's the case and they'll be on by the weekend, otherwise... sigh. :(
To mtam3211 & Wondrous: Still haven't heard from either of your guys regarding the mockups I sent ya. I can re-send them if needed. I may do that anyway later today if I still hear nothing from either of you guys.
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